Deny, deny, deny!

The former Saudi ambassador to the United States said Saudi officials suggested they could have helped prevent the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the former Saudi ambassador and now Saudi national security adviser, told Al-Arabiya, “If U.S. security authorities had engaged their Saudi counterparts in a serious and credible manner, in my opinion, we would have avoided what happened”.

Bandar served as the Saudi ambassador to the United States for 22 years and has close ties to the Bush family.

Those close ties did us a great deal of good. I guess. Somehow.

  1. Mark Derail says:

    That means, Saudi acknowledge Islamic terrorists did 9/11.
    Just more proof 9/11 was not a staged event.

    // Subject still comes up at parties, that 9/11 was staged
    // I have fun blowing holes in their staging lies

  2. igor says:

    im not sure it means anything
    as good as every country alerted usa about possible attack, even russia did…

  3. Cursor_ says:

    Of course 9/11 was preventable.

    IF we had treated the arab world like WE would want to be treated and did not USE them like we have so many non-inductrial nations, they would not have gone and attacked us.

    But like the Japanese where we used gunboat diplomacy on them before WWII and the Banana Republics of the caribbean, central and south america and pacific islanders and phillipines; we screwed them for enough time that they got pissed.

    I can’t sign off on their methods, nut I can’t blame them to mistrust and anger. We screwed them for over 60 years and they got mad. And in their culture eye for and eye is a BIG deal.

    So once again we brought on ourselves for or arrogance, greed and lack of compassion. You can only screw people so long before they come after you.


  4. Tippis says:

    …it’s also amusing to see this coming from the Saudis, considering the immense flow of capital that took place (and by most accounts still take place) from random parts of the Saudi royal family to various fundamentalist/extremist organisation, and most certainly to good ‘ole a-Q.

    Maybe if the CIA, back when Bush Sr. was in charge of it, hadn’t carved the “mustn’t upset the Saudi” policy into stone – where it sits to this day – they might have listened to what everyone was telling them about what was going.

  5. MikeB says:

    And because they said it, it must be true…..right?

  6. James Hill says:

    #3 – Name and address, please? You need to die if that is truly your point of view. There’s no room in this world for individuals who try to justify acts that lead to the deaths of innocent people.

  7. Steve Savage says:

    Prince Bandar’s Wife helped fund the 9/11 attack, do they honestly think we are so naive?
    Anyway the 9/11 attacks were allowed to happen. It was necessary to have a “pearl harbor” style attack to give the neoconservatives the power to implement draconian laws they wanted on the books since the early 90’s.
    Israel warned Bush of the 9/11 attackers in August 2001 via their network of spies operating all over the USA. You may have seen some of them, they were given fake jobs in malls across america selling puzzle toys and “Zoomcopters”. They all suddenly disappeared after 9/11.

  8. bobbo says:

    Well kiddies – – -the reason Hilliary was attacked last week is because she is ahead in the race. Idiots will take this true fact and substitute the cause of choice.

    The reason GOUSA is attacked is because we are ahead in the race. Idiots will take this true fact and substitute the cause of choice.

  9. Could Have says:

    It could have been averted if 13.7 billion years it went pffff instead of BANG!

    Its already been all written. Don’t you read Nostradamus?

  10. Is that so ?
    How is it that Al Qaeda attacks occur in Saudi Arabia all the time
    Charity begins ( or should not begin in this case) at home

  11. Axtell says:

    It could have been prevented if we didn’t feel the need to rub our noses in every single foreign government, to overthrow any government who dares oppose us and install puppet governments to suit us.

    Saudi Arabia is where a majority of the 9/11 attackers came from – and their government dares to tell us how we could have prevented 9/11?

  12. doug says:

    #3. “IF we had treated the arab world like WE would want to be treated and did not USE them like we have so many non-inductrial nations, they would not have gone and attacked us.”

    Oh, what a load of crap. hundreds of billions of dollars have flown into the Arab states as millions of barrels of oil have flown out. ever since 73 (at least) the Saudis have been using US to prop up their crackpot Islamic government.

    note that the 9/11 attackers weren’t from some poor country, helpless to stop Western exploitation – they were spoiled middle-class brats from one of the richest countries on Earth, who don’t like the fact that retrograde Islamic fundamentalism simply cannot survive in a globalized, westernized world.

  13. Gary Marks says:

    #6 James Hill says “Name and address, please? You need to die if that is truly your point of view. There’s no room in this world for individuals who try to justify acts that lead to the deaths of innocent people.”

    James, you’ve just pronounced the death sentence on our president, the vice-president, the bulk of the administration, plus the majority of the Congress from 2002. The next knock on your door may be the Secret Service. I’d offer to be a character witness, but I don’t think I’m in very good standing myself 😉

  14. Glenn E says:

    #12.- Thanks for the reminder about the year (73?). But I think it was actually us going off the Gold Standard, back in 1971, that’s been the cause of most of our (and the world’s) troubles. They say that the value of currency has been floating, ever since then. But I’ve recently come to realize that the world’s currencies have secretly been based on OIL, ever since. Everything seems to revolve around what it costs a barrel. Not what the dollar is worth, in some other countries. Why the hell should most of us care about that, when we don’t travel abroad? But the price of Crude, effects us in every aspect of our lives. Oil is the world currency, whether we like it or not. And the Arabs and Wall Street control those numbers.

  15. MikeN says:

    Well an inside job can of course be avoided right?

  16. Thomas says:

    Are you seriously claiming that Roosevelt knew exactly when Pearl Harbor would happen? Wake up. That horse is beaten, dead and pissed on for many a year now. 9/11 happened purely because we let bureaucracy get in the way of the intelligence agencies doing their job. People in the FBI “knew” about the attack but that same bureaucratic machine prevented action from being taken. We have been told of attacks against the US for years; both before 9/11 and after. Saying that “someone is planning an attack against us” is not actionable information.

    One reason (there were many) for getting off the gold standard is that gold is an arbitrary choice based on scarcity. If someone devises the ability to create gold (which is currently possible although expensive) the currency would crash. Similarly, if someone can devise an effective, cheap energy replacement for oil, then oil’s value would drop precipitously.

  17. cheese says:

    I’m guessing the Saudi ambassador knew al-Q was up to something when all the checks they wrote to bin Ladin finally cleared the bank. 😉

  18. Ron Larson says:

    So therefore it was the Saudis who told all the Jews not to go to work in the WTC on 09/11/01?

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    To all Troofers

    Please get a life.

    9/11 happened. Tactically, the terrorists did a good job of keeping their plan a secret. 19 of them flew some planes into the WTC and Pentagon. 2800 people dies as a result.

    Yes, there were rumblings but in the general volume of intelligence they were too lean to be considered much more than noise. There was nothing specific enough to build on.

    No, the Saudi Government, nor does any of its members or family members, explicitly support Al Qaeda. There may have been some financial support given accidentally but I am quite sure it was not intentionally for terrorist operations.

    Yes, 9/11 could have been prevented. That would have involved the rewriting of the past 60 years of history though, something way beyond this or any other administration’s power.

    No, the Bush Administration is not the cause of 9/11. It would have happened regardless of who was in the White House.

    Yes, the Administration could have paid a little more attention to the intelligence rumblings. That does not mean there would have been enough intelligence to divert the hijackers or prevent the attacks. All the intelligence released to date only show there were isolated incidents that didn’t become connected until after the attacks.


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