It’s A Fat World After All

If there’s a sadder commentary on the state of American society, we can’t think of it — we’ve grown so fat we sink the boats of It’s A Small World.

According to Miceage, the boats routinely bottom out under the weight of super-sized riders, bringing the popular ride to a grinding — literally — halt. That’s increased the wear and tear on the fiberglass boats, which have been in use since the ride opened during the 1964 World’s Fair, when Americans, on average, weighed 25 pounds less than we do today.
Employees — Disney calls them “cast members” — have been aware of the issue for some time now and so discretely leave empty seats in boats carrying heavy riders. But backups persist, and in some cases no one realizes there’s a problem until boats stop emerging from the ride.

  1. Dustin Davis says:

    I don’t get it…

  2. Dustin Davis says:

    Oh, sorry. For some reason I couldn’t read the post until after I posted my first comment. All I saw was the headline.

  3. doug says:

    Mickie holds his hands out, palms inward, “Your ass must be at least THIS thin to ride this ride.”

    or maybe just

    “No fatties.”

  4. J says:

    Creepiest ride ever!

  5. MikeN says:

    I think it’s wonderful that the problem of hunger has been replaced with obesity.

  6. mantaray says:

    Yeah, the folks on the old “Small World” are getting more and more disgusting by the day. My wife had the kids there over he summer. It was a rather hot day, thus prompting a decidedly large guy riding in front of her to reach over the side of his “boat” and grab a handful of the ride’s water. He promptly cooled himself by splashing it on his head and face. People are animals.

  7. jim says:

    One of the funniest sights at Disney World is people with enormous rear ends trying to get through turnstiles.

    You can spot the ones who’ve been there a couple of days – they have a strategy. They take a few quick steps to build up momentum, turn sideways as they go through and try to get that rear up and over…

  8. Mark Derail says:

    When I was at Walt Disney FL in 2005, it had closed down for such a reason.

    It also happens with other rides, that were closed, due to these Ginormous Americans.

    These super-obese-Texans rent three-wheeled EV’s and move from one Turkey Leg stall to another Turkey Leg stall.
    Sometimes even for their obese 12yr kid(s).

    I saw one mom/dad/son trio with just two EV’s (DW had run out) and you should have seen that 12yr old, weighing more than me, whining and complaining in between Turkey Leg bites.

    // Totally Disgusting
    // Turkey Leg Nightmares
    // Will NEVER go back to Disney

    * Had a wonderful time chatting with Germans, Italians, Mexicans, French, British, and lastly a Dutch family.

  9. Steve Savage says:

    We had an interesting problem in my town when a new indoor multipurpose stadium was built. Apparently they had purchased seating that was from an asian nation where the people are notably thinner. The seats were so narrow that people couldn’t sit down in them. I had no problems because I’m in the “skinny” minority. They had to rip out thousands and replace them with much wider seating.

  10. doug says:

    #8. I am beginning to wonder if those EVs should be banned except for people with legit disabilities. why should the average lard-asses get to bump and beep their way through pedestrian traffic just because they are too damn lazy to use the legs god gave ’em?

    and that turkey was probably the healthiest thing they ate all day.

    #9. that’s just a damn shame. talk about an indictment.

  11. Bryan Carney says:

    As a 6’5” 250lb american male, I am apalled at the vitriol by some on this board. I am not a “fattie,” as you are callously calling the overweight. However, I sympathize with being unable to fit into tiny seats and being singled out as unusually shaped.

    I guarantee you are hurting someone’s feelings by saying fattie. Not everyone is completely responsible for their obesity.

    #8 You are so smug. You do know that there are plenty of obese Europeans? Please stop perpetuating stereotypes. Have you ever been to Mexico? There are obese people there. Germany? There, too.

  12. OmarTheAlien says:

    Yeah, I’m real big, and it’s been a battle all my life, and here since I’ve passed sixty I’m beginning to lose that fight and put on more weight than I really feel comfortable with. But the people that piss me off are the ones who, through genetic luck, have never had to fight that fight, who can eat and drink all they want, and whatever they want, and never, ever put on any extra weight. Then they want to bad mouth a fat guy, something that could prove hazardous, as just because some of us are fat, don’t mean we can’t put a move on when we have to.
    And no, I’m not gonna spend half my life working on a “Bowflex Body” or some such silliness, as I’ve got other stuff to do with my life. Besides, my favorite cartoon strip is “Shoe”, and they seem to be doing alright. And Hagar (The Horrible) is fat, and hell, he’s a Viking warrior.

  13. doug says:

    #11. “Not everyone is completely responsible for their obesity.”

    #12. “But the people that piss me off are the ones who, through genetic luck, have never had to fight that fight, who can eat and drink all they want, and whatever they want, and never, ever put on any extra weight.”

    Yep, some people are dealt good and bad hands in this department, but I would bet my last dollar that the VAST majority of thin or overweight people are only helped along that road by their genetics, and the prime factor is lifestyle.

    I know people who have basically been rendered nearly immobile by their weight gain. this, of course, makes it more difficult for them to exercise, which prevents any weight loss and accelerates weight gain.

    their experience has been a great motivator for me personally. setting aside the other dangerous health effects of obesity – heart disease and diabetes, forex – I simply will not give up my mobility.


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