
If you happen to be watching CNBC

  1. Sinn Fein says:


    Its a little late in the game for that idea, guys. And, while you’re at it, stop Billy Gates and his MicroBucks!

  2. Improbus says:

    It is already to late for Microsoft. I won’t even steal their latest operating system. Considering Google’s build out of infrastructure the only thing that could stop Google is a government anti-trust suit. They may end up breaking Google into pieces. Like they should have done with Microsoft.

  3. tdkyo says:

    We demand video proof!

  4. Eric says:

    It’s not like Google doesn’t have competition in everything they do. From search engines to e-mail to message boards and on and on. They’re not cornering the market on everything they do, they just have a knack for being more successful at it than the next guy.

    Besides, just like every other business in the history of the world, they all eventually close their doors and shut off the lights permanently. What’s the oldest business in the world? Lloyd’s of London maybe? And aren’t even they younger than the United States?

    Nothing is permanent, it’s all transient, we just get caught up in the PR hype and believe it.

    Google’s going down, that’s for sure, the only question is, when?

  5. The Answer says:

    Am i the last person to use They tend to be on point more often for me.

    But where Google wins and others fail is that they offer good programs for FREE, and then just sell ad space. No one really minds an ad somewheres. Look at the ads on this page. I even use 1-800-Free-411 because instead of paying $3 for a number I just listen to a 20 second ad.As long as it’s small, out of the way, and doesn’t hinder the site it’ll always be there, and there will be people who will always buy that ad because apparently these ads work. Essentially they figured out how to make money from the web just by having people look at it. It’s nothing more then seeing an ad in the local newspaper, but it is so brilliant that it made Google so much cash.

  6. mark says:

    #4 and #5. Google is the technicians greatest tool. Before it came along, we were stuck with limp serach engines such as or Ask Jeeves or (God forbid) tech support. When google appeared the results were spot on, and for the most part still is. You have to weed through the ads a little more but it is still the best tool in the arsenal.
    I do have a concern about its “do no evil” policies which will go by the wayside as a result f greed.

  7. Billabong says:

    OH….oh better pull your money out of Google now.Anytime everyone agrees on a business show like this the exact opposite usually happens.Think what one headline like this would do to torpedo the stock.”Google founders indicted for smuggling drugs” Deloreanhad it happen to him.As John says”CRIPES”

  8. Les says:

    Wiki says that lloyds dates back to 1688

  9. god says:

    All 3 agreed Google is good to go to $1,000 a share.

  10. bobbo says:

    I thought about “investing” in Google at their IPO. Really highlighted for me that investing is nothing but legalized gambling.

    Ok–they had/have a good product and it “should” make money in the future==BUT, its a gamble that the newly rich management would not enjoy their fruits rather than remain dedicated to their business? And the drug allegations impact is also real. Its all a crap shoot.

    Just saw I missed out on Gold (again!!!). So, why are capital gains taxed at 15% and gambling wins at the marginal rate?

  11. Gigwave says:

    Canada’s Hudson’s Bay Company started in 1670. Don’t know of any businesses running longer than that.

  12. Improbus says:

    Canada’s Hudson’s Bay Company started in 1670. Don’t know of any businesses running longer than that.

    The Catholic Church.

  13. Tom says:


    About that hair…

  14. James Hill says:

    Stupid question, but I’m curious…

    Have any opinions on the whole News Corp./Wall Street Journal merger? Will it include Marketwatch, and could it impact your column?

    As for the segment, it’s nice to see CNBC get an actual expert on a segment… as opposed to a financial reporter with an opinion.

    Keep your fingers crossed for a Mad Money appearance. I lost the bet that Cramer would have keeled over from a heart attack by now.

  15. David says:

    Dvorak should have his own show on CNBC. It would be way better than half of the fluff on that channel.

  16. >>What’s the oldest business in the world? Lloyd’s of
    >>London maybe?

    Temple builders Kongo Gumi in Japan stayed in business for 1400 years, only closing up shop last year.

  17. SN says:

    4. “What’s the oldest business in the world? “

    Zildjian has been making cymbals since 1618.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:


    Three words: Spray on tan.

  19. mark says:

    “What’s the oldest business in the world? “


  20. DeLeMa says:

    I’d vote advertising as the oldest profession in the world..I mean, look at what evolution still provides all of us..? (I envisioned one of those monkeys with the bright red posterior but, suit yourselves here)


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