Singapore Airlines doesn’t want you to join this club

Singapore Airlines bans A380 rumpy-pumpy – Singapore Airlines has asked cash-flush customers to refrain from making the beast with two backs while enjoying its A380 private suites between Singapore and Sydney, Reuters reports.
The airline’s shiny new aircraft boasts 12 such suites with double beds, but the company has slapped a ban on couples joining the mile-high club during the seven-hour jaunt. It said: “All we ask of customers, wherever they are on our aircraft, is to observe standards that don’t cause offense to other customers and crew.”

Talk about in-flight entertainment!!!!
I guess the next upgrade for the A380 will be to install cold showers.

  1. bill says:

    I can’t wait for ‘United Airlines’ commercials!!!

  2. BubbaRay says:

    Guess that’ll keep the pilots and stews out of the lavatory, eh? Didn’t stop ’em on the DC-4, my uncle told a few tales about that airplane and PepsiCo inflight parties.

  3. hhopper says:

    That would still be a cool airplane to own. Could you fly that one BubbaRay?

  4. Steve S says:

    So if they catch you … will they cane you? If so, some people might intentionally get caught just for the the extra stimulation!

  5. James Hill says:

    #2 – I’m sure if you invite a stewardess to join you there will be no problems (except with the wife, maybe).

  6. BubbaRay says:

    #3, Hop, absolutely — just need a few hours in type and a type rating. I’d rather have a DC-3, maybe the finest airplane ever built. There are still many flying even after 65 years. A good friend does DC-3 conversions, turning old ones into corporate turboprop palaces.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    #7, There are still numerous advantages to turboprops, not the least of which are cabin area and volume, useful load, fuel economy and airport accessibility . It still mainly depends on the missions to be flown. I haven’t seen any Lears or Sabreliners with hot tubs. What the heck, I can’t afford either type anyway…

    Over the years the DC-3 has shown by experience that it can have a virtually unlimited service life with a standard level of care and simple preventive maintenance practices.

    Have a look:

  8. Steve Savage says:

    Maybe Italy will buy some A380’s, then the mile high club will increase by the millions.

  9. Steve Savage says:

    There are some concept prop planes out there. They’ve been playing with UDF unducted fans which are quieter and more fuel efficient, but none have made it into production. You can make a turboprop a very fast plane, but I’m unsure if you can make one as efficient as a high-bypass turbofan.


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