Too old for radio?

You have to skip down through the Britney ‘news’ before you hit this disturbing article which describes how not just the record companies have gone insane in the music business.

Bruce: Magic Refused Radio Play

Bruce Springsteen should be very happy. He has the No. 1 album, a possible Grammy for Best Album of the Year for “Magic,” an album full of singles and a sold-out concert tour.

Alas, there’s a hitch: Radio will not play “Magic.” In fact, sources tell me that Clear Channel has sent an edict to its classic rock stations not to play tracks from “Magic.” But it’s OK to play old Springsteen tracks such as “Dancing in the Dark,” “Born to Run” and “Born in the USA.”

Just no new songs by Springsteen, even though it’s likely many radio listeners already own the album and would like to hear it mixed in with the junk offered on radio.

Why? One theory, says a longtime rock insider, “is that the audience knows those songs. Of course, they’ll never know these songs if no one plays them.”

Clear Channel seems to have sent a clear message to other radio outlets that at age 58, Springsteen simply is too old to be played on rock stations. This completely absurd notion is one of many ways Clear Channel has done more to destroy the music business than downloading over the last 10 years. It’s certainly what’s helped create satellite radio, where Springsteen is a staple and even has his own channel on Sirius.

It’s not just Springsteen. There is no sign at major radio stations of new albums by John Fogerty or Annie Lennox, either. The same stations that should be playing Santana’s new singles with Chad Kroeger or Tina Turner are avoiding them, too.

  1. Jim says:

    People still buy CD’s?

    Sirius has a Springsteen channel now. Plays nothing but. Also I have heard him on the other Sirius channels. Terrestrial radio the NAB and dinosaurs all have something on common,

  2. Li says:

    #29 My point exactly. ‘Conservative’ has come to mean slavish devotion to the crypto-fascists, and ‘Liberal’ has come to mean everything else. Moore might be a big fat lefty, who is frankly far too sure of himself for his own good, but that does not make massive overspending and torture ‘conservative’ positions, merely by dichotomy. Frankly, most of the people who’s leadership I find lacking are neither liberal or conservative by the old rules, but rather they are people who are simply nuts; people who lack any understanding of strategy, fiscal responsibility or even basic human decency. If the GOP wants to tie themselves to the apocalyptos and police-state fetishists, that’s just fine I guess, but they should get used to failure at the polls, because that is simply not what America stands for. In other words, a bunch of nuts shouldn’t be too surprised if they end up roasted.

  3. Steve Savage says:

    Obviously Clear Channel is offended that Springsteen supported John Kerry in the last presidential election, making the election so close that they had to modify electronic voting machines to give Bush the win.
    Ain’t gonna happen this time….Springsteen is an un-person (to quote Orwell) in the eyes of the Conservative wackos.


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