FORT WALTON BEACH (AP) – A father wants investigators to pursue fraud and larceny charges against a Panhandle strip club after his son ran up a $53,000 bill in a single night while celebrating his college graduation.

Joe Salter, 52, of Mary Esther, told investigators Club 10 employees took advantage of his 24-year-old son, Tommy. The younger Salter was at the club Aug. 18 to celebrate his graduation from Georgia Tech.

According to a report from the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office, Salter told employees he could only spend $600. But Club 10 owner Tim Beal said Salter bought at least 19 bottles of champagne – priced from $150 to $2,000.

This is either massive fraud on the part of the strip club or the kid is a complete idiot.

  1. BlogKast says:

    You play then you pay!

  2. Eaze says:

    At least dollars are worth nothing nowadays. only £25,000!

  3. NappyHeadedHo says:

    I’ll bet he doesn’t get to use the car for awhile.

  4. Mark Derail says:

    Where the hell was DAD during that time, missing out on the fun? The DAD is the idiot.

    I totally believe the club, champagne bottles are that expensive in bars/restaurants.

    That’s not including the champagne room with the PER girl charge PER hour.

    600$? ffffffft that’s pocket change

    If the kid had signing rights, it’s legal and fair & square. He should have watched Porky’s Revenge.

  5. cooper says:

    There’s no sex in the champagne room.

  6. K B says:

    No worse than spending $27,000 on wedding flowers:

    In any event, he must have been a ramblin’ wreck trying to explain this.

  7. Axtell says:

    Father and son are complete idiots…how exactly can a club take advantage of a 24 year old? I must assume he’s complete in his faculties, or at least average, as he just received a college degree.

    Make ’em pay!

  8. BubbaRay says:

    Morani. Biggest mistake he and dad made was not inviting us to the party.

  9. Cary says:

    I don’t know how they calculated this. If you use the most expensive bottle at $2,000 and multiply that by 19 bottles, that’s only $38,000. So where did the other $15,000 charge come from?

  10. The Dad has a good point though…. in fact, you know what, I spay way more money on my car than I was hoping too…. I think I’ll sue the guy I bought it off of. In fact, I’ve spent way more on my rent and groceries than I wanted to as well, so maybe its time to sue the landlady and the grocers…. I’ve definitely spent wayyyyyy to much money on my teenager’s electronic goods, so that is another one to sue…..

    …. but then surely the boy can sue his dad for giving him the credit card in the first place…. I mean, imagine the shame and mental anguished the boy must have felt when he realised that he spent that much money?

  11. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #9 – tip!

  12. Howard Davis says:

    Both: Fraud and Idiot.

  13. tallwookie says:

    so… whose defrauding whom?

  14. ijsbrand says:

    It seems to me they’re sueing the wrong party here.

    What tech lets a student graduate who can’t do basic maths?

  15. Les says:

    You give your kid a credit card with a $50,000 limit? Not a good idea. Much better if the champane quits coming when you hit a $5000 limit.

  16. Les says:

    Lets hope he got laid for that kind of money.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I can’t think of a way that I could spend even $50 in a strip club, let alone that obscene amount.

    Strippers are boring.

  18. meetsy says:

    Umm, the strip club are idiots. First, even if the girls all LICKED the kid from head to toe, and he drank the bar empty..there is no what that kind of bill should be racked up. With most bar TABS you never know what the amount is. In sleezier places they run the card and sign “signature on file” and send through the tab (or have the customer sign the open bar slip BEFORE they start drinking). Neither is technically LEGAL in the credit card/merchant agreement, but who checks? NO ONE. And, if the bar is using a secondary credit card processing…..(and with money laundering bars….this is often through a shell corporation) then there is no accountability. I’ve known skanky bar whores who’ve added a small mark to a 100 dollar tip, to make it a 400 or 700 dollar tip….and it goes through like MAGIC.
    I think Daddy has a case here….

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – What you said.

    When I drove a cab, I hated picking up strippers when the clubs closed.

    One night this stripper gets in the cab, drunk as they often are, her eyes failing to hide the abuse her daddy subjected her to for so many years, and she told me where she was going (which was home to her drunken redneck boyfriend and screaming kid, who I would later learn was one of my wife’s students). I knew the fare would be about $15.

    She says (as I turn on the meter), “you should take me home for free”


    “Cause I got nice tits” Which wasn’t exactly false, and in the rear view mirror I could see her opening her blouse to demonstrate.

    “I’m not sure I could do that, mam,” (I always called them ‘Mam’, “I have to make a living here…”

    “But I really have nice, big tits.”

    “Well, I do get kind of lonely in the cab… Say, what kind of arrangement could we make for a blow job?”

    “I’ll suck your cock for $30”

    “Okay… Hop on up here in suck me off then, but I want you do do it in exchange for this ride.”

    “Oh I couldn’t do that. I need to make my money.”

    “Well, now you know how I feel in my place of business. So perhaps you can shut your mouth and pay the fare…”

    These girls don’t seem to understand that the frustrated alcoholics in the clubs may be easy marks, whose desperation let’s them be taken advantage of… But in the outside world, we aren’t all suckers who will depart from our cash just because some trailer trash turned whore gives us a phony bat of the lashes.

    Strippers are not just nice girls working their way through medical school. They are damaged people, who are probably never going to climb out of their gutter. They are doomed to a bitter life, which will likely be shorter than mine. I have sympathy for their plight… but no desire to be a victim of their seedy game.

    Nothing a stripper can do is worth $53K. Nothing a stripper can do is worth anything to me.

  20. mark says:

    OFTLO- that was a good story, but DAMN! ONLY 30 BUCKS???!!!! That would have covered the tip easy. badump-bump.

    Oh well, she probably wouldve prattled on about her husband and kid the whole time anyway. Always a downer.

  21. hhopper says:

    You should never talk with your mouth full.



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