• It’s a huge stretch to blame online advertising for death of woman. What a crock. (See posting below for complete story)
• Microsoft buying medical software.
• Leopard hacked to run on the PC.
• 16 billion pixel photo has everyone agog.
• Crime in Second Life, real crime, yes!
• Everyscape allowing you to walk into real buildings of real cities.
• Vint Cerf looking for an agent.
• Hulu coming out soon.
• $100 laptop now $200. Ha.

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Tech5 Podshow

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    The only difference between a Mac and a PC resides in the Motherboard, if you can tweak Leopard to handle an ordinary PC motherboard you can have a blast with the OS. Methinks this is planned by Apple, otherwise they would have stuck with the PowerPC processors.

    Organic Agave nectar *snort* These are desert plants, the only thing that does harmful damage to these plants are the agave worms and those are mashed to make the tequila.

  2. Mike Voice says:

    I like how Unsanity was taking the heat for their system-extension causing all the BSODs following upgrades to Leopard…

    Now John Gruber is pointing the finger of blame at the way Logitech installs its “control center” software on Macs….


  3. Mike Voice says:

    What’s next, macs vulnerable to viri?

    Only when they’re running XP via Boot Camp, Parallels, or VMware. 🙂

  4. MissLaVey says:

    Did John record this on a boat or on a dock? I couldn’t help but get slightly annoyed by the background noise.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:


    You forgot End Users.

  6. B. Dog says:

    In a way, it’s like a $400 laptop, results wise. Donors can buy a package deal, getting one for their own kid to break, and give one to a kid in an emerging nation to break.

  7. Editor says:

    John, i like that you went to the bullet format but it works better if the text to the right of it does not bleed down to a second line.

  8. mark says:

    7. pedro- not only are they nothing new, but they dont even give you basic feedback (such as an error code) to troubleshoot with. Just the Swirling dervish o’ death, or kernel panic, or posibly just a grey screen, and nothing else.

  9. moss says:

    Well, I dropped by to comment on the TV talking heads still hungup over a murder that started with a Craig’s List advert. Plus cell phones and all the usual means of communication. Doesn’t matter. The TV World can’t see beyond Web bashing.

    But, I see the comments section is taken over by the usual crowd whose genitalia are inextricably connected to Mac hangups.

    I don’t expect verifiable technical data; but, you might consider getting a life. “Kernel panic” is so fracking rare. You lot are still living in the world of Windoze 95 – not Tiger or Leopard.

    Upgrading vs archive&install vs erase&install are 3 different means of moving to a newer version in OS X. Dummies who can’t figure out which to use aren’t anything more than foolish. Which holds true for most computer users, I guess.

    Which is why they (you?) click through on phishing trips.


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