Imagine being able to spray a coating on your back that worked like a monitor. You wear an iPod Nano-sized device that displays images on it. At least that’s were I think this is headed. Check out some of Philips’ other projects.

  1. Aaron says:

    I want one that says “I’ll call you later.”

  2. Miguel says:

    Spray a coating on your back that works as a monitor, then wear a camera in front of you that displays the results on your back – instant invisibility, if done right 🙂

  3. The Freaky Tiki says:

    If this became a reality, how quickly do you think athletes would sell ad space to corporations?

    How about high school and college kids using it to cheat on tests?

    Only the creativity of the individual will hold back the possibilities.

  4. Balbas says:

    So…. this technology only works with men plugged in to a robotic woman? In the sitting position?

    This won’t really catch on unless one can use any sexual position.

  5. hhopper says:

    This is extremely bizarre and pretty much useless.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Fat people could process a higher amount of data and men with hairy backs could use the back hairs like tiny cables.

  7. SJP says:

    10 secs of video is all this was. Start 26 secs from end and watch for 10.
    I HATE drawn out, boring, pretentious drama…even two minutes worth. If you got a point to make – make it.

  8. Joshua says:

    Why do I feel like I need a shower and a ciggie after this??? 🙂


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