Dog adoption turns into a fight for DeGeneres – — Ok, so I’m flipping around the TV and this story keeps cropping up. Apparently Ellen DeGeneres adopts a dog and gives it to her friend. All of a sudden the dog is seized because she broke some rule. Now it’s a federal case. The way I see this the dog went to a good home and so what? It didn’t go to Michael Vick. But rules are rules. So I guess the dog should be killed instead. Everyone is making a huge stink over this. Cripes.

For two days in a row, The Ellen DeGeneres Show has gone to the dogs — a dog named Iggy.

On Tuesday, DeGeneres broke down in tears relating how a dog rescue group seized the Brussels Griffon terrier mix she adopted and had given to her hairstylists family. The rescue group, Mutts & Moms, has a minimum age of 14 for small-dog adoption, and the familys children are 11 and 12.

The question on my mind is what dipshit agency actually went out and seized the dog.

  1. meetsy says:

    #15, Shane,
    no I think the moron award goes to YOU…what are you 12 years old?
    the point is that the dog found a home where he was cared for. The fact that a rescue group has “rules”, and are zealots about enforcing their “rules” does not take into account: that the family bonded with the dog, that the dog bonded with the family. To a dog, that’s all that matters. Food, a pack (of humans), and non-abuse. Seems like a good life.
    I’m sorry, but there are hundreds of thousands of dogs who DO NOT have homes, and have no chance at one. There are dogs that aren’t wanted, and are abused. There are dogs that never have a passing chance in hell of ever having a home with those things. So, why didn’t the rescue move on to the next needy dog? Because their EGOS, their inflated human egos were involved!
    Shane, you need to knock off the knee-jerk stuff, and get some eyes and ears and use your brain.
    And, Shane, how much experience do you have with dogs? What about people?
    Call me a moron again, and you’ll have to send me your address so we can settle this like dogs….

  2. Greymoon says:

    This is just sad.
    Sad that the adoption agency people are so wrapped up in their own interests they care nothing for children.
    Sad that a public figure makes the sadness of children public.
    Sad that a little dog is carted around from home to home like so much luggage.
    Sad that people threaten the adoption agency owner with physical harm.
    Sad, sad, sad

    I think GBW is to blame, look at all this hate.

  3. paperweight says:

    John, you’ve got to stop that reporter thing of voicing an opinion and then asking questions.

    Don’t you think it would be a good idea to get the answers to your questions and they state a well thought out opinion.

    Your not understanding what is going on does not make it illogical. It makes you uninformed.

  4. Lori says:

    I live in southern California and I have been looking for a dog recently–what I have found are A LOT of “rescue groups” who charge A LOT of money. They get their dogs from shelters and then “make them available for adoption” at outrageous amounts. They are either in it totally for the money or just NUTS.

    I think this lady was pissed she did not get a chance for the second “adoption donation fee.”

    So now I am BUYING a pure breed puppy…from a nice lady!

  5. caesar says:

    I highly disapprove of Mutts and Moms, Marina Batkis and Vanessa Chekroun’s actions. They acted on impulse with vengeance on the goodhearted-ness and best interest between a celebrity and deserving children; not with empathy or forethought. In researching the web, PETA, Humane Society, BBB, and SPCA historical information, these owners have not proven themselves respectful or caring. In fact they show spite, more than anything. Reviewing everything to date re. Marina. She still doesn’t show any emotion for the human bond between animal and a well deserving family. A reasonable human would not act on impulse driven by a bogus contract but allowed time for review and reasses the situation. A responsible business owner would have responded by now to the media, attorneys, and press with a RESOLUTION and not hiding and REACTING with negativity. When one appears as a villain one would naturally want to disarm the situation; not in this case. Nothing on the news has touched me in such a way that i would be actually reaching out and being an activist.
    This is Marina’s quote: “Celebrities you know, they, they get preferential treatment. They have lots of money. They go into a restaurant they get a table.”
    Look close at her glasses >. I try not to be judgemental but something doesn’t seem right.

  6. BamaTrojan says:

    This is Mutts & Moms regular way of doing business. A good friend of mine adopted a rescue dog from them Labor Day weekend here in Pasadena. His wife went down to pick up the dog, but instead Mutts & Moms sold her almost $500 in pet care accessories and said that they would deliver the dog the next day. While one of the ladies was delivering the dog, George was at their shop returning over half of the accessories. Of course, while dropping off the dog, they had his wife sign their standard contract. But, get this: George has a little girl that is 7 years old and Mutts & Moms didn’t bat an eye about that fact.

    The next day, while he was at work, Mutts & Moms showed up to ‘inspect’ and instead simply took the dog back from his wife. When he called them to complain and try to get the dog back for his daughter’s sake, Mutts & Moms did not protest the girls’ age – they were pissed that he’d returned all the stuff and decided that he wouldn’t be making a good and safe home for the dog. He’d returned some sort of strap to use as a car-safety belt when the dog rides in the car and they gave him a tongue lashing about parenting and that dogs are every bit as important as children.

    Mutts & Moms are whackos and scam artists.

  7. Glenn E says:

    I think what Ellen D. might be doing here, is trying to prove that gays can be good parents of adopted children. Since they can break down and cry over their lost doggies. Boo frickin Hoo. Ellen has never impressed me with her antics. And now after a year (or so) of her Charlie Chaplin style happy prancing about (in tennis shoes). She’s trying the waterworks ploy, over such a ridiculous issue. So using her Tv show, she’ll end up probably destroying this pet adoption service, because they didn’t cowtow to her whims. Got a dog, didn’t like it, dumped it on a coworker. Adoption agency objected to her “straw purchase” tacit. Took dog back. Probably an over-reaction. But then Ellen follows up with her over-reaction! Proving exactly what? That Ellen isn’t just a dancing fool? Seems this isn’t about the dog’s welfare at all. Just Ellen and her friends. Isn’t Ellen’s act just a little too soon after that Britney Spears fan breakdown on Youtube? It’s not even an original act. But it must be getting close to “sweeps” week. Too bad that what sounds like a decent pet adoption service has to suffer to make Ellen more popular and richer. If I were M&M, I’d sue her ass for public defamation and harm to their business. BTW, notice how 99% of the media stands behind Ellen? They’re so afraid of be called “anti-gay”, if they see thru her act and call it what it is.

  8. Meghan says:

    Wayne Pacelle of The Humane Society of the United States commented on IggyGate yesterday. He says Mutts & Moms threw common sense out the window.

  9. miek dialx says:

    I have another incident to mention. A couple of weeks ago my wife and her son went to Bideawee in hopes of finding a cat to adopt. Our previous cat who was adopted from Bideawee about ten years ago got very ill and the vet suggested we have him put down. He was seventeen years old. My wife came home with a cat named patches. Patches headed for the piano and stayed under it for three days except to come out for some food and water. During this time she.slept and seemed depressed. The assistant Manager Mellissa Manders refused to return our money when my wife returned the cat, then she decided that I must accompany my wife to the animal shelter. I’m disabled and can’t walk unassisted, but I made it and saw how happy Patches was to be back with her friends , both animal and human. Mellisa Manders and an animal behaviorist who works at the shelter claimed the cat was stressed out, I say the cat was depressed because she slept all day and night.

    We paid for the cat with a credit cardand now the card company is disputing the payment. I am going to get our next cat from a breeder, no more shelters for me. I feel as if they are running a scam after having talked with a few shelters. Years ago you went to a shelter and got a dog or a cat and you both lived happily ever after. Now they want visit your home and want to know your pedigree


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