• Leopard release date firm and named.
• Unlocked iPhones to be available in France legally.
• HD Moore has unbricked the iPhone for those who had their phones bricked. He is now my hero.
• Google has new plan to stop copyright violations for YouTube.
• Acer locks down the retail channel. Let’s see how long it takes to drop the ball.
• My take on how the exact same story can be interpreted as negative or positive.
Click to listen:
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why don’t you have a link to your sponsor?
Aw, come on. You may be the prodigious prognosticator of all things tech, but you’re clearly not the prodigious prognosticator of all things “teq”.
Añejo. ahn-YAY-hoh. The ñ is a special letter, and it has a special pronunciation.
“The most important five minutes of your day,” but apparently not important enough to warrant a decent JPG. sheesh.
It sounds like someone is using a bong in the background?!
The unlocked iPhone costs 999€ at Orange in France, which is RIDICULOUS. 999€ is $1420 for an unlocked iPhone in France. Totally nuts.
6 …$1420 for an unlocked iPhone in France. Totally nuts.
And the people who want an “exclusive” item will love the fact that it isn’t something everyone can buy…
Look at how many people claim disgust at the thought of owning an iPod, just because “everyone has one”.
Wait until you see how much the unlocked ones are sold for on E-bay. 🙂
I’m just looking forward to the $99 Google Phone runing on free open 700mhz spectrum so that we can stop hearing about those crappy overpriced Apple products all over the place.
Just as an idle – and non-partisan comment, Pedro. Have you ever considered how absurd your hangup over all things Mac appears – when your perpetual whine confronts the iPod phenomenon.
I mean we are talking about a marketplace success that really hasn’t a damned thing to do with computer-specific, OS, etc.. It’s a device that downloads from a website.
Absolutely confounds your fear of Mac-users. And your even larger fear of Mac switchers.
Featuring the voice of Maurice LaMarche, probably as The Brain, from “Pinky and the Brain.” Cool.
Brain: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Pinky?”
Pinky: “I think so, Brain, but where can we find rubber shorts at this hour?”
I’m boiling soup. No soup for you!
#4 – That’s not a bong, John eats some spicy beans and straps on an abdominal microphone before recording everyday.