Interview with Jones

I love this guy because he’s one of the great alarmists of our time. His latest belief is that the ruling elites (operated via the never-say-die Bilderberg Group) is not only out to take over the world but wants to out-and-out exterminate 80-percent of the world’s population. Uh, ok…and the reason for wanting to do this is? Power! Cripes. You often get the feeling that all this arm-waving is actually part of some sort of conspiracy to cover up something else and Jones and his followers provide a smokescreen with this bull. What is the point of exterminating 80-percent of the world’s population? To eliminate freeway congestion on the 405? Jones has developed a lot of style in his film-making, but he has not hit the home run yet.

Trailer for latest screed

  1. mark says:

    26. Your on the wrong blog for this, most people here think either this is all total BS, or the democrats are going to save us in 08, so not to worry.

  2. Gasbag says:

    My nuts come in two flavours left or right

  3. Phillep says:

    26 – If the fedgov controlled the press, the press would be pumping the Iraq War instead of doing all they can to help the Moslems.

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #33 – As long as you talk about the press as if it were a monolithic group with a common agenda, you’ll not be taken seriously.

    On an unrelated note, as long as you can’t spell Muslims, you’ll not be taken seriously.

  5. James Armstrong says:

    Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. — Euripides (480 – 406 BC)

  6. James Armstrong says:

    PS: I find that UFO on the crackpot logo offensive.

  7. JD says:


    The gov’t does not own the press. The corporations own the press. The gov’t facilitates corporate power. These are power centers. Sometimes they are in line with one another. Understand that the corporations need things from the gov’t (i.e FCC rules, regulations, etc.) and the gov’t needs things from the corporations (i.e. contributions).

    Helen Thomas was not called on for I think a year after she asked the boy king a serious question.

    As for Muslims, you need to get out more….see the world…

  8. flyingelvis says:

    i find that copper foil hats work best.

  9. Stars & Bars says:

    #37 JD

    Please consider the following quotes.

    “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws”, Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

    “The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it’s profits or so dependent on it’s favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.”, Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

    “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”, James A. Garfield, President of the United States

    Now, who is it that owns the major media outlets?

    #15 bobbo

    Could anyone list 3-4 things this bozo has right?

    What is the value of the U.S. dollar on the world market? Compared to the dollar in 2000, it’s worth 43 cents. That makes the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 2000 dollars at 6200. Jones has been saying this would happen for years. My investments are in Gold, China & India; have been for years. Dvorák has stated himself, on this site, that in 2015 the U.S. will be in the middle of a recession/depression. It was in a piece discussing Bill Gates’ retirement. Dvorák also discussed the issue with H.S. Dent when he had a program on Tech TV.

    Just for fun, could anyone list 3-4 things you’ve gotten right?

  10. John Paradox says:

    16as we run out of cheap oil, our ability to produce the food stocks that are required to feed the world will be greatly reduced

    Soylent Green is OIL?

    17I’m going cannibal, and elites are on the menu.

    Too fatty

  11. Steve says:

    Alex Jones is right on but he doesn’t take it the final step. The Jews are in firm control of the United States of America just as was predicted by the thinking men who founded our country. What’s Iraq all about? Genocide of Israel’s neighbors with an oil payoff to the greedy bastards who will sell out their nation for barrels of money.

    Do some homework people. The Jews are a paper tiger. Their ballon will deflate without us to pump it up.

    It’s the Jews, stupid.

  12. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    The hidden shaoowy elites need to shut the F up and do what I tell them.

  13. Stars & Bars says:

    If you are a fan of Stan Lee, you’ll enjoy this video. Yes it relates to this post.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, JP,

    And if they ain’t fatty, they’re too stringy.

    Babies are best, tender, one good size one will feed a family of four for dinner, bite size, …

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #41 – That was a shark-jumping post to be sure… Are there still that many asshats left who believe in this William Turner ZOG conspiracy bullshit?

  16. JD says:


    I am not sure what you point is. Banks are power centers too. And they use gov’t too. The Savings and Loan scandal…The gov’t bails them out using our tax dollars. Many banks are incorporated. So I don;t see where you using these quotes are saying anything new or different.

  17. catbeller says:

    I’m detecting a LOT of right wing nonsense coming from both Leo and Dvorak lately.

    Rush Limbaugh is NOT a source of knowledge or comedy, gentlemen. Moore has nailed all his boards in solidly on current issues, and it’s pretty lame to trot out the rightist slams against him as some sort of mad purveyor of crackpot conspiracy theories. Bin Ladens DID leave the country when we we all grounded. The Saudis ARE unmolested because they are connected to the Bushes. Bush was a liar about the WMD’s. Bush did skip out on his ANG service. And there’s nothing unusual or unknowable about any of these facts, because we all read about them as they were all in the news, abroad and domestically. Moore just put it together in a easy-to-read package that no news outfit will touch. Limbaugh, OTOH, has been exposed as a hypocrite and a fraud and all around asshole/liar for over a decade and a half. To not believe this requires a person to be a listener of Rush — which Dvorak admits.

    Much more of this “balance” of Moore and Limbaugh and we be gone. Moore != Limbaugh, they are not the same and neither are the truthfulness of their positions.

  18. Jezcoe says:

    #48 To be fair this post is not about Limbaugh. It is Alex Jones. Jones is a different sort of nut than Limbaugh or Moore. He believes that the “elite” have for thousands of years have tried to implement a One World Government to kill 80% of us. Not only does this New World Order want to kill us they are also paganistic pederasts that are so smart that they plan stuff centuries in advance.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #48 – Rush Limbaugh is NOT a source of knowledge or comedy, gentlemen.

    As a massive gas bag, he might be a source for alternative energy.

  20. tallwookie says:

    getting rid of 80% of the people on this planet would solve quite a number of problems:
    -Global Warming

    It would casue some problems, mainly in the fast food & landscaping sectors…

  21. ECA says:

    As a dead body in a lake, he would be wonderful Fish food.

    51 ONLY if we include all the lawyer/politicians/government leaders/corporate leaders and decied THAT we can live together as a HAPPY group.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, well a good idea, too polluting.

  23. tikiloungelizard says:

    The problem with people like Jones is that by making grandiose “tin foil hat” conclusions about things, they manage to discredit the fact that some of what they say is true. There is a psy-ops principle based on this, I forget what it’s called. Anyway, it always amazes me that people who are smart enough to realize that the government does a lot of things poorly can also believe that they are incredibly good at pulling off giant conspiracies and then covering them up.

  24. ok then, says:

    They haven’t done a very good job of “covering them up” now, have they? The sad thing about it is that some people would rather criticize alex jones instead of acting on what he uncovers. You’ll be sorry when you realize you live in a dictatorship.

  25. Jeebies says:

    It’s hilarious to see all the out of hand dismissals of this guy’s information.I actually took the time to watch his films and research the information myself.The overwhelming majority of it was dead on and worse in some instances.It must me nice to be a lobotomized yuppie who believes the government fairy tale about 911.Nothing about that day’s events make one bit of sense.And a modern steel building collapsing in near free-fall speed from mere debris hitting it like WTC 7 did???C’mon, for god’s sake wake up.It’s ok to admit we were all wrong and had our patriotism used to blind us from what really happened that day.Go google Terrorstorm, or End Game, and then research things for yourself.There are elites, we were at the very LEAST lied to about 911, and there is a growing police state in the USA.Go ahead and quote Popular Mechanics, or any of the other yellow journalism hit-pieces, riddled with errors.I’m noticing fewer and fewer people as naive and gullible as a few years ago.People are waking up much to the chagrin of many of you.It would be much more comforting to believe some goat herders could pull off atrocities from caves and we could stop them by bombing their land to kingdom-come.I’d feel better if I could believe muslim extremists were the real biggest threat.The truth is sobering and much more horrible….

  26. someone says:

    I think it’s obvious elites run things… but is that really something new? I mean my history teacher in high school was teaching us all that… but where is the proof of a plan to kill 80% of the world? Don’t you think they are profiting highly on 6 billion people? Why kill their profits?

  27. maestro says:

    if people dont belive what alex says and dont get behind the nwo fight this country is done. you and your chidren will have no future the man backs up all he says so if you dont fight against it i hope you enjoy your stay at the fema death camps.


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