▪ Apple iPhone hazardous says Greenpeace.
▪ Hitachi promises 4TB desktop, 1TB laptop hard disks.
▪ Porn guys thrown in the slammer.
▪ Microsoft unified comm software announced yet again!
▪ Holiday research shows that this year everyone wants a computer, but what else?
▪ Steve Ballmer is Bill Gates’ wife? What is that all about?
▪ Hub for all cybercrime is in Russia. The company is named!
▪ Intel still in trouble.
▪ New OLED chemicals make it longer lasting.
▪ AMD to sell HDTV tuner chips.

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Tech5 Podcast

  1. GregA says:

    NEC released a new thin client that boasts full multimedia functionality as well as a voip port for an analog telephone to hook into your voip key system. It is about $400, or about the cost of a nice voip feature phone.

    I see NEC also has a fully virtualized server to host up to 22 workstations as well.

    The return of the mini is imminent !

  2. Ahoy says:

    Drink tequila, but drink it responsibly… i love it! John, the jokes keep getting better and better.

  3. OhFrak! says:

    Wish we could see your fish tank, as well as listen to it.

  4. QB says:

    I don’t hate advertising per se. I hate advertising from people who don’t believe in the product. Good on you John for not shilling.

  5. Gonster says:

    What’s that bubbling in the background? Does tequila upset John’s stomach?

    Where does he put the microphone?



  6. Greg Allen says:

    Here’s the computer I want this Christmas–

    A want a computer that is instant on, crash proof, no upgrades or installs and cheap.

    Of course, I always want that computer. When will someone make it?

  7. GregA says:


    read my post. At the consumer level, you wont have it this year, but I bet they are all over the place next christmas.

  8. I love the idea of shilling alcohol. That said I actually got samples of the entire line and told the sales guy that I wouldn’t do the ad if the stuff wasn’t outstanding. I have standards and would hate someone saying I was dishonest about a plug. It turned out to be great stuff.

    The fact is that they are ripping out a lot of blue agave and tequila is going to rise in price because of it. This may be a good time to stock up on the better stuff.

  9. btw, “añejo” is pronounced “ahn-YAY-ho”. I love a good shill too, and there’s nothing better than añejo 100% blue agave tequila, but you gotta pronounce the name of the products correctly.

    Maybe a name change to “Teq 5” is in the cards?

  10. QB says:

    I will be trying it next time I’m in a bar. Also, the world really needs a good web site for wine reviews where people can post reviews, vote up and down, and blog about their favourite wines.

  11. Fluffy says:


    Tequila paying the bills here?

    JCD 10/15 – Tequila report – IGNORE IT, PRESERVE YOUR SOUL, and AVOID ALCOHOL!!!

    Apple iPhone hazardous says Greenpeace.
    There are evil chemicals in all electronic products… YES. STOP USING all things
    Electronic, or (PLEASE!!!) endeavor to create a Global Re-use forum for ALL PRODUCTS!!!

    Hitachi promises 4TB drive for desktop by 2011 (my personal plug for Hitachi drives is expect FAILURE of Seagate, Maxtor, or WD drives.
    1TB laptop hard disks are a NEW TECHNOLOGY, and recommendations are to let the format mature for at least 12 more months.

    Porn – 2 guys thrown in the slammer for porno spam email. Good… will matter very little, but… well, ‘LAWYERS’… I’m done for now.

    Microsoft unified comm software announced yet again! (how long have we waited for this?!) — ‘Exchange ‘X’… what? Okay, then…? ? !’

    Holiday research shows that this year everyone wants a computer, but what else? ‘Computers are for the remaining Dummies that won’t accept the simple fact that society occasionally goes through a tidal-change of responsibilities and priorities’ — and we should find people who are adaptable to change or revert to a lower structure of civilization?!?!?@$!?$!%1^? -sjb, mpls, mn…..

    Steve Ballmer is Bill Gates’ wife? What is that all about? No Comment – Microsoft started failing far more when Mr. Gates determined their fate…

    Hub for all cybercrime is in Russia. They didn’t write it, but they’ll gain from publishing it — promised and failure of Russian economy..


    Intel still in trouble.

    New OLED chemicals make it longer lasting.

    AMD to sell HDTV tuner chips.


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