Major U.S. telephone carriers refuse to answer questions from the Democratic-led Congress about their possible participation in President George W. Bush’s warrantless domestic spying program.

Officials from AT&T, Verizon Communications and Qwest Communications International told the House Energy and Commerce Committee they could not discuss specifics about their companies’ roles in any such effort.

The phone companies said it would be illegal for them to discuss the kind of program lawmakers were asking about without permission from the Bush administration.

Well, there you go. If George says so – that’s it.

Bush has demanded retroactive immunity from liability for telecommunication firms that participated in warrantless surveillance as part of any new bill to revise the laws governing the tracking of suspected enemy targets.

Plus tracking, snooping, spying, lying, stealing, killing and anything else the fracking White House thugs feel like doing.

  1. KB says:

    I just pinched myself and it hurt. Damn.

  2. bobbo says:


    Do it now so that Hilliary will be gun shy.

  3. >>The twin towers were falling

    Uhhh, no.

    Many of these attempts by Little King Georgie to shred the constitution occurred BEFORE 9/11.

    You remember, when he was ignoring the intelligence suggesting that al Qaeda was up to no good?

    Although he’d like to portray all of this civil-liberties-trashing as an attempt to “fight terrorism”, they’re all just part of his megalomaniacal fantasy that he’s king of America.


  4. bobbo says:

    3–Walleye==so you admit there was a criminal conspiracy to violate the constitution and statutory laws in place and you think this illegal and immoral behavior should be supported by folks not even involved in the initial goings on why?

    PS–Bush still claims there were no violations, just like the torture deal. Now go put on your jackboots, march to the library, and look up “under law” and “support the US Constitution” means.

  5. GregA says:

    I think that picture sort of portrays Bush in a positive virile light. Perhaps something that depicts him a little bit more impotent would be more appropriate.

  6. >>I think that picture sort of portrays Bush in a positive virile light.

    If that erection lasts longer than 4 hours, I would advise him to call his doctor.

  7. god says:

    Nah. He’s just got his little cocktail weenie stuck into the breechblock.

  8. Cinaedh says:

    How is it possible the country famous around the world for a government of checks and balances has absolutely no checks on the President’s power and no balance whatsoever between the three branches of government?

    What’s the point of all the laws, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and all that other good stuff if everyone is just going to ignore them?

    On the positive side, all the lawyers are going to be out of business soon because what’s the point of lawyers if there are no longer any enforceable laws?

  9. Greg Allen says:


    When the government orders them to spy, they claim they have no choice but to comply.

    But went he government orders them to testify about it, they claim they don’t have to obey.


  10. Improbus says:

    Let those executives spend a little time in prison for Contempt of Congress. That might change their minds. Congress might want to try harsh interrogation techniques as well. Because, we all know, thats not torture.

  11. ethanol says:

    Improbus (#11),
    I can’t think of anything better…

  12. gquaglia says:

    I love that picture! Would make an awesome Christmas card to send Chavez, Castro, Jung Ill, Putin and the Iranian President.

  13. >>What’s the point of … the Constitution

    It’s just a “goddamned piece of paper”. Don’t you listen to your “president”?

  14. MikeN says:

    BY what authority is Congress asking all these questions? They are holding too many hearings. Why did they bring in Mark McGwire and ask him about steroids?

  15. Li says:

    Congress is going to have to start using it’s inherent contempt authority soon, or risk loosing all power. At the moment, it appears the president has the power to simply say no on behalf of any private or public person or group and, with that word, counter congress’ investigative and oversight authority, which are two of their three primary powers. And, frankly, if they can’t even investigate how their laws are being enacted and their effects, then their lawmaking authority is kind of moot too; the president can just ignore the law at will if there is no way to tell.

    MikeN, it seems that much of your confusion stems from a complete lack of understanding of constitutional authority. I suggest you start your reading with Article I, it answers the authority question quite well.

  16. bill says:

    Sorry, but all of those things are exactly what we will need as a President. I wouldn’t want anything else. Face it we’re going into a world of conflict with the EAST. NOTHING HAS CHANGED FOR THE LAST 10.000 YEARS. When you are hunkered down in your shelter or hiding from the people walking through your neighborhood at night pulling people out of their houses who will you want on your side? Hillary? Congress? The Speaker of the House? The San Francisco sstupidvisors? See you in Hellifornia.

  17. Phillep says:

    This is very troubling, considering that Hillary will probably win the next election.

    Bush is using wiretaps for something arguably related to national defense, whether you agree with what he is trying or not, but Hillary has a fondness for using wire taps for political power.

    Eva Peron, without Eva’s charm and rabid class based hatred.

  18. Rabble Rouser says:

    Is that gun turret supposed to be King George’s penis? From what I heard from Condi, it’s no more than two inches long, when erect.
    Why is it that guys with teeny wieners, always have to show how macho they are?

  19. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #18 – I’m no supporter of Hillary but, WTF are you talking about?

  20. Hillary says:

    #17 –

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – I wanted to ask the same question… How many of DU’s readers of also on the Montana Freemen’s Mailing list? It’s like loonbat central in here some days.

  22. HisMostHumblyExhaultedSupremeGlobalWarmingMajesty says:

    This came up a few weeks ago. I thought everybody knew this was all scripted. The Shadow Government has already picked Hillary as the next President. Bush of course, knows this since he’s on the selection committee. What the administration is doing now is just getting the framework in place so she can hit the ground running.

    #22 – Whatcha talkin’ ’bout?

  23. mark says:

    22. Theres a mailing list?????

  24. mark says:

    22. “We have one who can see!’……….still lovin that movie, ya know?

  25. MikeN says:

    #20, it’s in the new book by Don Van Natta. Hillary was listening to cell phone recordings taken out of the air. I think their example was from another Gennifer Flowers type with allegations.

  26. Brandon Bachman says:

    To those who are concerned about our rights as americans, I wish to have this as a bumper sticker sometime soon:

    “The United States Constitution and The Bill of Rights should belong to McDonalds. As napkins.”

    Ain’t it the truth?

    Yeah, I lost faith in this nation as soon as Bush was re-elected.

  27. Li says:

    Bush tapped 94,000 phones from Verizon alone on national security grounds. Since Verizon is only a domestic carrier, that means they were -all- domestic calls. Do you really believe we have 94,000 ‘terrists’ in the country, and that they all use Verizon? Don’t be dense.

  28. iL says:

    #28, 94,000 phone taps?!? That could only be done if the FBI have actually set up shop in Verizon’s telephone switching offices!


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