VOA News – New Course on Satanism and Exorcism Opens at Pontifical University — If you are in the area.

One of the issues that will be addressed is how to tell the difference between someone who is possessed and someone who simply has psychological problems.

The new course stemmed from alarm in the Vatican with the growing interest in Satanism and its practices. A respected research institute, Eurispes, has catalogued 650 satanic organizations in Italy.

Church officials have estimated that half a million Italians have had contact with satanic sects. Experts say these sects are growing very quickly. They add that young people especially are exposed to the phenomenon through the media, rock music and the Internet.

  1. Miguel Lopes says:

    It could be argued that most of us work for satanic organizations… 😉

  2. Hank says:

    Does Halliburton count as a Satanic organization?



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