Analyst: Yahoo worth more if broken up | CNET — Yahoo worth more dead than alive. (I discuss this a little more in the Tech5 Report below).

Yahoo would be worth far more to shareholders if it broke up its Internet businesses or embarked on a major overhaul, including a departure from Web search, but management is unlikely to do either, according to an analyst note issued on Friday.

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Part of the problem is this sort of thinking

  1. Jim says:

    Yahoo has been situating itself as a general web services company for years, not “just search”. Just as Google has realized and been goobbling up extra services. What’s somewhat odd to me is the apparent axiom that “someone” has to “win”. There’s more than enough business for everyone in almost all the genres of web services, and many smart folks don’t like to dump all their eggs in one service basket anyway. The companies that can’t build a consistent customer base are the ones that fall apart (a fact many internet businesses seem to forget easily in their rush to be bought.)
    With all the garbage returned from most search algorithms these days, nobody is “winning” the search race anyway, the spamsites are.

  2. MikeN says:

    This sounds like the experts who said McDonalds should not focus so much on selling food and use their brand name to sell other products.

  3. Milo says:

    Does Yahoo! have a web site?

  4. hhopper says:

    If McDonalds sold beer, like they were thinking of a few years ago, I might go there once in a while.

  5. Ben Waymark says:

    4. Does Yahoo! have a web site?

    I dunno, I tried typing in:!.com/ and it says server not found… maybe they have already broken it up….

    😀 😀 😀

  6. Big Joe says:

    So currently they could be considered “worth less” ???


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