How many more or less everyday things do the young ‘uns not understand how to use? Guess this explains (based on lawsuits) why instructions on things like umbrellas (which really shouldn’t need instructions anyway) require things like ‘don’t eat.’

Dining halls issue reusable thermoses

In an attempt to cut back on the use of disposable containers, Stanford Dining is distributing reusable thermoses this week to all students with meal plans.

“Our objective is to have students use the thermoses instead of non-reusable cups,” said Karen Andrews, associate director of Stanford Dining, in a press release. “That will help us reduce our purchases of disposables, and thereby decrease our waste.”

Each 20 ounce thermos comes with its own carrying case and bears the slogan, “Be cool, stay hot, live green.” The thermoses can preserve the temperature of both hot and cold liquids.

According to Gaines, some students are having trouble with properly using the thermoses, leading to messy spills.

“Maybe we should attach directions or something,” Gaines said. “You’re not supposed to drink directly from the thermos; you’re supposed to pour liquid from the thermos into something else, like the cap, which is shaped like a small cup.”

  1. undissembled says:

    People with common sense are a dieing breed.

  2. Palomar Jack says:

    And these morons are our future leaders?

    We’re doomed.

  3. Improbus says:

    Idiocracy was a documentary.

  4. moss says:

    People with Stone Age brains shouldn’t even have driver’s licenses. Or children.

  5. Wayne Dixon says:

    Those having issues properly never had a thermos as a child, or it could be that they are extremely smart, just have no common sense.

  6. Ryan Vande Water says:

    Ummm….. OK. BUT, is there any problem with drinking directly from the thermos? When I have a thermos, I don’t drink from the cap, because I don’t like the last few drops of liquid running back out when I put the cap back on.

    One less thing to wash, one less thing to unscrew when you want to get a drink.

    Doing things in a non-standard way while being pragmatic doesn’t always make you an “idiot.”

  7. undissembled says:

    Doing things in a non-standard way while being pragmatic doesn’t always make you an “idiot.”

    It does when drinking from the pour spout on the thermos is “too much of a challenge”.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    People with common sense are a dieing breed.

    And these morons are our future leaders?

    People with Stone Age brains shouldn’t even have driver’s licenses. Or children.

    There are those that can handle a basket ball like Michael Jordan and there are those that can’t. Why can’t they?

    There are those who can hit a drive like Tiger Woods and there are those who can’t. Why can’t they?

    Then there are those who can program and there are those who can’t. Why can’t they?

    Then there are those who understand that not everyone can mentally see and process information the same. Gee, have I noticed a trend?

  9. Palomar Jack says:

    #5 > Those having issues properly never had a thermos as a child, or it could be that they are extremely smart, just have no common sense.

    Hmm… let me think about that (.5 seconds), nope, they’re just stupid.

    #6 > …Doing things in a non-standard way while being pragmatic doesn’t always make you an “idiot.”…

    I’m afraid that deciding how to use a thermos, whether drinking from it directly, which is stupid if it has hot contents. Or, using the lid and either wiping the remnants out of it or using another cup, fall within the realm of “thinking outside the box”, nope, it just doesn’t.


  10. Ryan Vande Water says:

    I’m afraid that deciding how to use a thermos, whether drinking from it directly, which is stupid if it has hot contents. Or, using the lid and either wiping the remnants out of it or using another cup, fall within the realm of “thinking outside the box”, nope, it just doesn’t.

    Maybe there’s some gene that prevents us from achieving proper thermos form, but still allows us to form proper sentences from coherent thoughts.

    As you’ve aptly demonstrated, there are numerous ways to be “stupid.”

  11. Palomar Jack says:

    #10, okay.

    — I’m afraid that deciding how to use a thermos, whether drinking from it directly, which is stupid if it has hot contents, or, using the lid or another receptacle doesn’t fall within the realm of “thinking outside the box”, nope, it just doesn’t.–

    Do you feel better? I also have another question. You do know what I meant, right? Very good. And I also apologize upon my knees for splitting my attention between something vastly more important and a reply to a weblog.

    A thousand apologies, I will endeaver never to let it happen again.


  12. gquaglia says:

    I’m still trying to figure out why you shouldn’t eat an umbrella.

  13. Gary Marks says:

    I’ll defer judgment on anyone except those who die of thirst because they can’t extract the liquid from the thermos. The apt phrase to describe such people is, “too stupid to live.” For all others, hope springs eternal.

  14. Ryan Vande Water says:

    #11. A worthy endeavor. Good Luck.

  15. DaveW says:

    #12 “I’m still trying to figure out why you shouldn’t eat an umbrella.”

    See the posting about Folsom Street in San Francisco. That might give you a clue.

    (Advance apologies for any coffee spewed keyboards.)

  16. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #15 – and there’s another argument against CFLs. That crowd also likes “using” lightbulbs. With CFLs they not only have to worry about broken glass and peritonitis, but mercury too.

  17. hhopper says:

    gquaglia – It’s dangerous to eat an umbrella because it might open and stick in your throat.

  18. BubbaRay says:

    An all time favorite song—

    Oh I’m picking out a thermos for you, not an ordinary thermos will do….

    #17, hhopper, I always thought the danger was at the other end. 😯

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    This demistifies Stanford.

  20. Palomar Jack says:

    #14, yu jus dont giv up, du yu? Get ovr yorself. Of cors, sum uv us hav betr things to du than mak shur evree trase and tittl iz purfekt for yu, in a ‘blog, uv al plases.

    What happened, Water? Did something I post bring up some uncomfortable memories, like drinking hot contents directly from a Thermos? From your post at #6, it appears you didn’t learn. All because you didn’t want to soil your Thermos cap, then, rinse it out at a sink or drinking fountain, or, wipe it out with a tissue. Maybe you should consider dropping out of whatever useless course you’re enrolled in and go for something useful like, let’s see, Physics 101 or something else that includes at least a passing mention of Thermodynamics. And if you somehow graduated, go back and check out those courses I just mentioned.

    How’s that for “Doing things in a non-standard way while being pragmatic”? Your quote.

    Or maybe, you’re one of those people that would scald their mouth rather than “waste” a few ounces of water, or, use something from a “dead tree“, in the name of environmentalism.

    Here’s the clue to that; “One less thing to wash, one less thing to unscrew when you want to get a drink.” Again, your quote. Or, are you just plain lazy? If that’s the case, when your skivvies become a little too ripe, you just turn them inside out and call it good for another day or two, right?


    Next time; try using your head for something other than a place to hang backward baseball caps or piercings. Like maybe, oh, I don’t know, fostering some of that common sense mentioned by undissembled in #1.

    Are you happy with my grammar and spelling now, Johnson?

    I’ve got one last suggestion: Go away. Because I’m done with your face.


  21. 888 says:

    Palomar Jack, why bother replying to idiots… arguing with fools is a foolishness in itself.
    Don’t say anything, don’t teach’em anything, just stay aside and watch morons doing idiotic stuff and thinking they are smart/cool/green etc etc.
    Thats what (usually) I do, and suggest you try it 😉

  22. Ryan Vande Water says:

    Hey, PJ. No, that’s the whole point. I never scalded myself, or anything else, while drinking directly from the thermos. Explain to me again (Maybe you could use Thermodynamics! Make sure to include proper ratios of surface area to volume, and an acceptable range of heat transfer coefficients for the thermos and its cap.) the magic properties of this thermos lid that instantly cool the contents to a drinkable temperature.
    While you’re at it, please also explain why the contents of said thermos are required to be kept at scalding temperatures. Couldn’t one also have cold drinks in a thermos? Wait. That, too, is most likely inexplicably idiotic. Who would put cold drinks in a thermos? And if one did, it would be beyond idiotic to drink them directly from the thermos. One must use the provided cup! Aye comrade, pay attention!

    I just felt that the irony of you being demonstrably ignorant/stupid/careless/idiotic with your post, while marring others with a similar epithet, was a little too much to pass up. Sorry, my moist robot programming prevents it.

  23. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    This crap wouldn’t happen at M.I.T.

  24. Rena says:

    …Or any other university where the students were accepted purely on their intelligence and not $ or who you know. (By the way, all the Physics and Chemistry or ‘Thermodynamics’ you requested…could be answered by any freshmen who has done their Phys 101 and Chem 101 requirement).


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