Infowars – 10/3/07:

A Veteran from Reno, Nev. has hit headlines after he took matters into his own hands yesterday and tore down a Mexican flag that was being illegally flown above a U.S. flag at a local business.

The man commented “I’m Jim Brossert and I took this flag down in honor of my country with a knife from the United States army. I’m a veteran, I am not going to see this done to my country. if they want to fight us, then they need to be men, and they need to come and fight us, but I want somebody to fight me for this flag. They’re not going to get it back.”

according to federal law it is illegal to fly any flag above the U.S. flag, and if flying more than one they must be on separate poles and be of an equal size.

The Reno police department has told KRNV that Brossert will faces charges for theft if the store owner files a police report of what happened.

  1. bobbo says:

    Whats the score here?

    One idiot mexican-american displays Mexican flag.
    One idiot veteran- american rips down Mexican flag.

    Is it one to one, or zero to zero?

  2. If I was driving down the street and saw that. the only thing I would do differently is piss on the mexican flag! Es la verdad!

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Notice that the spineless reporter does not mention the name of the store or the owner who is complaining. Typical biased action of the press.

    If the owner does press charges, the name of the store will be released and then legal Americans can exercise their legal right to free speech and protest outside the store.

    Free Speech … it works both ways!

  4. Gary Marks says:

    #37 jbenson2, let’s hope that the “legal Americans” who might protest would have more respect for the law than the “legal American” who cut down the flag and stole it from the business owner and then literally dared him to fight for it. Personally, I can’t help but see the potential for a bit of violence if any like-minded people show up for a protest.

  5. Canucklehead says:

    Hey I’m Canadian. If you’re gonna give Texas, etc., back to Mexico, us “British North Americans” want the 13 colonies back. And Washington state too. You can keep Detroit (except maybe Comerica Park).

    Actually, maybe the Mexicans should concentrate on fixing up their own country, and leave America to Americans.

  6. James Hill says:

    Mexicans have wiped their ass for years with their own flag. It’s racists, or something, to not allow us to do the same thing.

    Just applying the pro-beaner logic to the situation.

  7. Rod Z says:

    Yet another jackass conservative who thinks he’s above the law, just like the guy in the White House.

  8. Winston Smith says:

    #39 – “Hey I’m Canadian. If you’re gonna give Texas, etc., back to Mexico, us “British North Americans” want the 13 colonies back. And Washington state too. You can keep Detroit (except maybe Comerica Park).”

    That sounds OK to me, but can we bring Oregon with us? There’s good fishing down there in Oregon and it would certainly make managing the salmon harvest easier.

    But if we have to become curlers, the whole deal is off.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    If all those “illegal Mexicans” are coming here to reclaim Texas, then what the eff are they doing in Indiana?

  10. Ben Waymark says:

    13. Sounds the alarm Actually the theft was during the Mexican American war 1848-1850.

    Thanks for the clarification.

    In the spirit of giving things back, does this mean that the UK can have all of its colonies back? Once we were really important, ruled the world, people hated us, people wanted to be like us…. and now its all gone. Ho-hum.

    As for the flag issue, really it boils down to bad flag design. Britain’s union flag is often flown upside down, but the fact is that people rarely notice. Pundits and anarocks do, people who love those types of details, but really, fly the union flag upside down and now really notices …. its just not that obvious. The American flag is such that it is really obvious if its upside down!

    As for the Canadians wanting various colonies back: Canada was officially part of Britain until 1867, when those colonies were lost, so technical they should be returned to the UK, not Canada…

  11. Eric says:

    Private property rights trump all in this case. I don’t care how they were descrating the American flag, we have the first amendment in this country and that provides for protection of such acts. The old guy is a jerk and should be prosecuted for the only actual crime that took place here.

  12. Cinaedh says:

    I think Mr. Broussard should get a medal and he’d also be an excellent candidate for president.

    What the hell is going on in the US when Americans allow a flat out insult like that Mexican flag to fly over an American flag?

    I’ve seen American flags flying at cottages in Canada but they are never, ever above a Canadian flag. Americans have too much respect for Canada to ever do such a thing.

    For that matter, what the hell is wrong with the Mexican Americans? Don’t they even want to be Americans? If they want to be Mexicans, why don’t they go back to Mexico and be Mexicans?

  13. Canucklehead says:

    44 – Oregonians are more like Canadians than Americans anyway, so they are welcome. But what’s wrong with curling? Don’t you know that curling Rocks!

  14. hhopper says:

    You might as well take Florida too since half of Canada comes down here in the winter. Remember, we’re the dick on the United States.

    As a matter of fact, hey Mexico, suck our Florida!

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, hopper,

    Are you trying to give Angel competition as the DU sick bastard?


  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, Ben

    Actually, it wasn’t until the Statute of Westminster (1933) that Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa officially cut the apron strings with Britain. Until then, the British Privy Council and House of Lords were the ultimate authorities.

    The 1867 Confederation was the uniting of four British American colonies into one. Slowly this evolved into outright independence.

  17. GF says:

    Man, our education system SUCKS and Mexico’s is even worse.
    War of 1812? WTF, I’m sure the Brits are having a good laugh.

    Mexico had a civil war with Spain and took the land from Spain who ruled it for far longer. Texas had a civil war with Mexico and took it from Mexico. Texas became part of the USA and Mexico was dumb enough, like Iran now, to taunt the U.S. and make excursions into Texas. The U.S. declared war and ended up marching down the streets of Mexico City to accept Mexico’s surrender. Mexico gave up Texas and California. They were lucky, the U.S. could have taken more. Mexico was so heart broken about the loss of part of Del Norte they decided to sell the U.S. more land later hence the Gadsdan Purchase. Mexico wanted to sell us Baja California and Sonora, I wish we had bought them, but we only wanted land for the railroad. Now are we straight on WTF happened.

    As far as the Aztecs they weren’t up here. Try Apache or Pima or Comanche.

  18. Ben Waymark says:

    53. Mr. Fusion The 1867 Confederation was the uniting of four British American colonies into one.

    Point taken. Its hard to draw on an exactly line. Canada was never 100% independent from the UK until 1982, but on a practical level it was almost independent long before that. In 1867 Canada became its own Kingdom ruled by the Queen of Canada (Queen Victoria, who also was the Queen of the United Kingdom), so you could argue that any land taken from the kingdom at point was taken from Canada, even if the Kingdom was still dependent on the British parliament and high court. I am sure that, should the US decided ever decide to give lands back taken during the war of 1812, the lawyers will have field day. However, I should be very surprised if this was to happen.

    54. GF Man, our education system SUCKS and Mexico’s is even worse. War of 1812? WTF, I’m sure the Brits are having a good laugh.

    In fairness to your education system, I was never educated in the US …. like I said, I don’t know the history very well, that is just what some people in Mexico told me… my deepest apologies for getting the dates wrong. For what its worth, neither my children nor my wife (all of which are educated in the British education system) didn’t know the US and Mexico ever had a war. Certainly don’t remember covering any US/Mexican history during my Canadian history lessons either.

  19. hwo says:

    The US was opportunistic enough to buy / fight / steal / whatever, land from the French, the Spanish, the American Indians, and Mexicans. And they did it. Monroe Doctrine has been the name of the game ever since. I heard somewhere that the US did not want to conquer the rest of Mexico because they did not want to mix their kind with us, mestizos.

    Well, I’m not happy that being neighbors, we are having such a hard time with the other. Mexico-United States, a symbiotic relationship. History is gone people, let’s build something new, as neighbors.

    You vote for a guy that does not, pathologically, want to conquer the world and we vote for a guy that betters the conditions for all the workers now needing to go north.

    We Mexicans will still be here, same as you… our dear Americans.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #55, Ben,

    We’re getting off subject, but,…

    In 1867 the new colony of Canada was still subservient to the British Crown. There was responsible government (or Home Rule as you will) since even before that though among the various colonies. Britain, however, conducted all foreign relations and had the House of Lords as the supreme judicial authority.

    In 1914, when Britain declared war on Germany and Austria, Canada, Australia, NZ and SA were automatically included. In 1939, each declared war against Germany on their own, Britain on Sept. 01 and Canada a week later on Sept. 07. (NOTE, Ireland was the only British Commonwealth member to not declare war on Germany.)

    During WWI, the “colony’s” military units were automatically assigned into British Armies under British Generals. During WWII, the same troops used their own Generals and fought alongside their British allies.

    The 1982 Constitution was just that, the enactment of a Constitution. There was no change in authority or powers. Canada had enacted all her own laws and foreign relations since 1933 already and since 1948 (I believe) nominated all her Governors General.

    But the date Canada became an independent country is 1933. With all the hype about 1867 it is not surprising most people don’t know that, including most Canadians.

    Back in the ’70s, I spent a fair bit to learn all that history.

  21. GF says:

    Zorro, the fictional character, fought against Spain for Mexican Independance.

  22. Michelle says:

    Well I live here and I can pretty much tell you what happened.
    It all started at McDonalds.. yes, McDonalds! Recently there was a huge immigration sweep and several stores were shut down and a ton of illegal imigrants were arrested, deported etc.
    That’s why the business owner did this. Now, of course, it caught the attention of several local folks and posts began appearing all over craig’s list about the flag. FINALLY, the news crew went down to cover the story and they just happened to catch the vet as he was walking up on the store.
    Now, here’s the interesting part. No, it’s not a federal law in that it’s punishable but there IS Nevada law…
    “NRS 201.290 Penalty
    1. Any person who, in any manner, for exhibition or display, defames, slanders, or speaks evilly or in a contemptuous manner of or otherwise defaces or defiles any flag of the United States, or state flag of this State, or ensign, which are public or private property, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.”
    which our local police dept seems to be ignoring.

    Oh as for the store owner, I don’t agree with his opinion and he should have expected anger but I do believe that he has the freedom of speech (if you take away our freedom, you defile the American flag anyway because without freedom, it is a symbol of nothing) All the vet did was make this store owner a martyr in his community anyway.
    And you don’t need the name of the store… the sign on the door gives it away for all of the locals who missed the tirades on craig’s list. It’s an adult store and it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out which one 🙂


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