Dead Monk

Burma: Thousands dead in massacre of the monks dumped in the jungle – Thousands of protesters are dead and the bodies of hundreds of executed monks have been dumped in the jungle, a former intelligence officer for Burma’s ruling junta has revealed.
The most senior official to defect so far, Hla Win, said: “Many more people have been killed in recent days than you’ve heard about. The bodies can be counted in several thousand.”

Reports from exiles along the frontier confirmed that hundreds of monks had simply “disappeared” as 20,000 troops swarmed around Rangoon yesterday to prevent further demonstrations by religious groups and civilians.
Word reaching dissidents hiding out on the border suggested that as well as executions, some 2,000 monks are being held in the notorious Insein Prison or in university rooms which have been turned into cells.

As a side note on this situation, earlier this year the BBC did a story about how the Military build itself a new city called Naypyidaw, where the military has build itself a fortress-like complex. Mi guess is these guys are there to stay.

  1. Rob says:

    I’m confused. According to recent news reports, Myanmar has “abundant” oil and natural gas resources. So why haven’t we invaded yet?

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>So why haven’t we invaded yet?

    Dumbya is looking for “Burma” on the map, and he can’t find it.

  3. Free Bumar! says:

    Free Burma!
    International Bloggers’ Day for Burma on the 4th of October

    International bloggers are preparing an action to support the peaceful revolution in Burma. We want to set a sign for freedom and show our sympathy for these people who are fighting their cruel regime without weapons. These Bloggers are planning to refrain from posting to their blogs on October 4 and just put up one Banner then, underlined with the words „Free Burma!“.

  4. Green says:


    Free Iraq,

    ’til then STFU and TY.

  5. kent says:

    I read that they overspent on building the new capitol and are behind in paying for construction. It seems like the location of the new capitol would leave them vulnerable to being isolated. It’s in the middle of the jungle and can only be reached by train, or so I read.

  6. Osmodious says:

    Ummm….what was that about ‘spreading Democracy’??? How about protecting it where it exists, or supporting it where it is trying to exist?

    Naw…don’t wanna do that, it’s so much easier to just SAY something than actually to DO something.

  7. Ben Waymark says:

    If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it a millions times: Don’t confuse the Daily Mail with a reliable source of news. It looks like a real newspaper, but its not. Its the National Enquirer (except designed more the scardie-pants fascists market)…. they will say anything for a good headline.

  8. Half Moon says:

    This is why we need Sean Penn for U.S. president.

  9. bill says:

    #4, #5 FREE THE USA!

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – Surely you aren’t saying that because the Daily mail reported it, that it isn’t true?

  11. Ben Waymark says:

    11. OhForTheLoveOf: I am saying if its only the Daily Mail that is reporting it, then it probably isn’t true….

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


    “I’m confused. According to recent news reports, Myanmar has “abundant” oil and natural gas resources. So why haven’t we invaded yet?”

    For starters, the Chinese goverment took dibs on the resources first.

    Secondly, white people love to see dead asians.

  13. rasco says:

    #13 You’re half correct Angel, we love to see dead male-asians. We wants the womens.

  14. MikeN says:

    Kudos for using “Burma” instead of the dictators’ ‘Myanmar’.

  15. Potentiary Plenty says:

    I know, let’s all write a letter of complaint to the Embassy of Burma in the United States:

    Address it to:

    His Excellency U Linn Myaing
    Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary
    2300 S Street, NW 20008

    How many people do I have to kill to get a really cool title like that one?

  16. NappyHeadedHo says:

    #16 – His Excellency and Extraordinary? I’m only guessing but I think Plenipotentiary means this dude has an extra-large asshole footprint. This guy is pretty fucking full of himself, huh? I fart in his general direction.

  17. Joshua says:

    Actually Burma is the old colonial name. Myanmar is the real name, but because the junta came up with it, it’s hated.

    There are some resources, but not much in the gas and oil department. The Chinese have pretty much colonised the northern parts of the country and have over a million ethnic chinese working on all the projects they underwrite for the junta.

    This story above seems like 2 seperate stories I read earlier today, combined into one. The dissidents hve made the claim, and reporters for papers that are allowed to be in country have confirmed that several hundred monks are apparently missing and that several thousand others have been moved to the north.

    They built the new capital based on astrology….the junta is apparently very, very superstitious…..the site was picked by the stars and moved because the astrologers told them they needed to do it because of some not so good signs.

    This group has been in power since not long after the country was given Independence by the UK in the late 40’s. The original leader was the father of the women whole the junta has had under house arrest for most of the last 20 years. Her father was assasinated after about a year and one of the original 30 generals have ruled since. This last direct military rule has been going on for 45 years. Ang Sung won a huge victory in open elections in 1990, but the Generals refused to recognise the election and put her back under house arrest.

  18. tallwookie says:

    #13 – yup 🙂 no complaints here.

    wish our govt had the balls to do this to those fuckin useless illegals (yes, mexicans, this is directed at you)


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