I knew those bastards were out to get me!

BBC NEWS | Americas | Anger at Giuliani 9/11 fundraiser

This next election is so orchestrated it’s ridiculous. Rudy is not part of the overall scheme and has to be taken out one way or the other. This is the beginning of the smears. This whole incident is downright crazy. There are a million ways this could be played and it was played by everyone lockstep as a negative thing. Amazing universal compliance. Where was the “Rudy Pays Tribute to 9-11 Victims with $9.11 dinner” or some such thing. Suddenly anything regarding 9-11 is exploitation. Since when? This is a non-story that could have been slanted any number of ways. I’ve always been convinced that Rudy was never meant to head the ticket and have been waiting for something like this. There is more yet to come.

Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani has been criticised over a fundraising party at which participants are being urged to donate $9.11.

The International Association of Fire Fighters accuses him of exploiting the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks.

Mr Giuliani rose to national prominence as New Yorks mayor on 9/11.

The Giuliani campaign says it did not plan the event, which is due to take place on Wednesday evening in California at the home of a supporter.

Nevertheless, the firefighters association said the stated theme of the fundraiser – “$9.11 for Rudy” was in poor taste.

  1. hmeyers says:


    I’m about as interested in hearing Giuliani talk about 9/11 as I was listening to John Kerry talk about Vietnam.

    I hope Giuliani loses his primary.

    If he doesn’t and if this country is forced to listen to non-stop tedium about 9/11 during the campaign, I would certainly love the opportunity to throw a pie in his face, seriously!

    The fact that someone didn’t throw a pie in John Kerry’s face for not shutting the F up about Vietnam in the 2004 election is sad.

    The only thing worse than the b.s. talk during elections is if one of the candidates drones on and on and on about yesterday’s news.

    I can’t believe Giuliani talks on and on about 9/11.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Mark T,

    I find the double standard pretty cut and dry. When Slick Willie used the Oklahoma City Disaster to tar and feather every Republican in order to get re-elected, the Mass Media was in lock step and did a lot of mud slinging themselves.

    Uughh, say what ??? I surely don’t recall “Slick Willie” using the tragedy of Oklahoma City for political purposes. I do remember some of the more extreme conservatives using Ruby Ridge and Waco to condemn Democrats though and further the NRA and their universal acceptance of assault weapons.

    But then the Republicans are so much better than are Democrats at inventing bullshit.

  3. Mark T. says:

    Mr. Fusion, sounds like you have selective memory. You don’t remember virtually all of talk radio being labeled as hate mongers? They practically blamed Rush Limbaugh personally with creating Timothy McVeigh. Total BS.

    After Oklahoma City, anyone that disapproved of big government was made into some militant hayseed that with too many guns and access to large quantities of fertilizer. It was all crap.

    It was one sided and meant to marginalize all conservatives. The media ate it up and Bill Clinton handily won re-election.

  4. Dvorak is all wrong on this one. This is only an issue for Rudy because he milks 9/11 for all it is worth. Fielding J. Hurst

  5. MikeN says:

    After OkC, Bill Clinton talked about the purveyors of hate and division that make it seem violence is acceptable.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>When Slick Willie used the Oklahoma City Disaster to tar and
    >>feather every Republican in order to get re-elected, the Mass
    >>Media was in lock step

    Gee. I missed both the tarring/ feathering AND the lock-stepping of the “Mass Media”. Got any links to refresh our memory??

    >>The fact that someone didn’t throw a pie in John Kerry’s face for
    >>not shutting the F up about Vietnam in the 2004 election is sad.

    He probably would have let it drop, except for slimeballs like the SwiftBoat Liars and other who kept calling his military service into question. And he DID have a valid point: Dumbya is a chickenhawk warmonger, and he’s not. If we had started working on a solution (rather than a coverup) to Iraq 4 years ago, we’d be out of there by now, and tens of thousands of currently dead people would still be alive.

    >>You don’t remember virtually all of talk radio being labeled as
    >>hate mongers?

    And this is wrong because…..???

    >>They practically blamed Rush Limbaugh personally with
    >>creating Timothy McVeigh.

    Ummmm, I guess I missed this one too. Although anyone who’s as big an asshole as that chickenhawk windbag Anal Cyst Limbaugh, I wouldn’t put anything past him. That dickwad is like the AntiChrist of what America stands (or should stand) for.

  7. MikeN says:

    Kerry would have let it drop! I;m not sure if he ran a single campaign ever without mentioning it. He’s the only person I can think of who actually would deserve Wes Clark’s “He’s a lieutenant and I’m a general.”

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Kerry would have let it drop! I;m not sure if he ran a single
    >>campaign ever without mentioning it.

    He ran plenty, in MA. It’s only when the Swift Boat Liars and dickless pieces of shit like Anal Cyst Limbaugh and Annie “Adams Apple” Coulter started breaking his balls that he called the chickenhawks accountable.

    Nothing like having a bunch of ball-less draft dodgers as your “Commanders-in-Chief”, eh Mikey?

  9. MikeN says:

    No he ran on his war record in Massachusetts too. That’s why they had so many additional contradictions they could talk about in 2004, like whether or not he threw away his medals. Some of the Swift Boaters had actually defended him in prior campaigns. Indeed, they would have had little to complain about regarding his war record if Kerry hadn’t sat down with Doug Brinkley and brought out a book detailing his ‘exploits’. Plus that 2004 Dem Convention looked like a USO tour.

  10. Mark T. says:

    Mr. Mustard. Links aren’t too hard to find if you bother to look, but you will likely dismiss them out-of-pocket because they won’t be from the left wing mass media. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, though. How about this one from National Review:


    And if you don’t remember this when it happened then you must have been either deaf & blind or too young to care. And the mass media savaged all conservatives, not just talk radio.

    And, as for calling everyone hate mongers, have you ever stopped and read what you type? There is a whole lot of anger and hate there.

    Mr. Fusion, this thread started out with how the media trumps up even minor perceived missteps by conservatives like Rudy or George W. to levels well beyond all reason. That does not seem to happen with Democrats like Hillary.

    The topic is not about the legal picadillos of people like Limbaugh or Coulter or whoever. That is their problem to deal with and they have to answer for any laws they may break. You will not find me defending any criminal activity by anyone.

    The topic has to do with the media’s trumped up outrage over a $9.11 fundraiser for a legitimate presidential candidate that has done nothing wrong but offend someone’s oversensitive psyche. This is about trying to upset and de-rail Rudy’s presidential run over nothing. The bias is over-the-top and out of perspective. This has become the common modus operandi of the Mass Media for a few decades now and it stinks.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mr. Mustard. Links aren’t too hard to find if you bother to look, but
    >>you will likely dismiss them out-of-pocket because they won’t be
    >>from the left wing mass media.

    I don’t see anything in that article from the right-wing Drive-By Media that refutes my contention. Not at all.

    >>There is a whole lot of anger and hate there.

    No anger, no hate. Just pity. May God have mercy on your souls.

  12. Mike L says:

    Rudy is no one. What has he done for new york besides piss off strippers ? Isn’t he the same guy who woke up one day and said “baby i don’t love you anymore” and got another women to move into his house with his x wife and kids? Isn’t that the same global leader?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, Mark T

    Mr. Fusion, this thread started out with how the media trumps up even minor perceived missteps by conservatives like Rudy or George W. to levels well beyond all reason. That does not seem to happen with Democrats like Hillary.

    As pointed out already, Giulliani has built his whole post Mayor life around 9/11. Most Americans are not amused by this and quite a few are offended. This specific topic is about Giulliani attending a fund raiser that again stresses that 9/11 connection. This is not a minor “perceived” misstep. It is a one dimensional campaign that is alienating many people over a national tragedy. I’ll ask again, what did Giulliani do after 9/11 that warrants such praise?.

    Perhaps the Democrat candidates are just that much more in tune with America. Although, Hillary can’t even go to the washroom without the Republicans criticizing how much toilet paper she uses.


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