That headline is as goofy as any other you’ll read about this headline grabbing sociopath. And then there’s O.J. [rimshot]

Check out the OJ fan who can’t keep his mouth shut next to the lawyer. We need to invent a new phrase for what this trial is going to be like. ‘Media circus’ will seem too tame.

  1. MikeR says:

    Nah – cooked up by CNN. Ratings haven’t been the same since the last OJ trial

  2. Joe says:

    Especially since it’s MSNBC.

  3. John says:

    What a wacko post!
    Another example of BDS.

    Bush Derangement Syndrome

  4. GregL says:

    That fan is Anthony Barbieri playing his character of Jake Byrd . Check his wikipedia page, he has done the same type of thing at the Michael Jackson trial and the Paris Hilton trial. It’s unbelievable that he got so close to the microphone this time though.

  5. cheese says:

    …you do know the “O.J” fan is from the Jimmy Kimmel show, right?

    Just checking. Carry on, then.

  6. Tanqueray says:

    How bout this phrase “A Storm of media hordes straight from Satans bowels”. Still too tame?

  7. James Hill says:

    This is the best conspiracy theory of all time.

  8. Bono says:

    I love that guy.

    I call him “News Corky”

  9. Matthew says:

    This story sucks so bad they even need a clown behind the lawyer (OJ 07) to make it even mildly interesting.

  10. GregA says:

    From what I have read of the story so far, I bet this never makes it to trial, and OJ pleads guilty for 2-6 weeks in the slammer for criminal trespassing.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I hate what is happening to OJ… Will this persecution never end?

    Look. OJ was very very good at running with a ball. People like that need to be given special treatment. We should expect people who excel at a game to have to follow the laws of us common people.

  12. Phillep says:

    Wait a few weeks and the Kossacks will be claiming exactly that. I thought the Troofers were joking when they first came out.

    Heh. Such optimism regarding the public’s intellegence. I’m ashamed.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    The “Kossacks” ???

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The “Troofers”???

  15. hhopper says:

    The real story here is Jake Byrd. He’s a riot! I loved it when he screamed “NO! NO!NO!NO!” at the news conference when Paris was sent back to jail. He was equally funny at the Michael Jackson trial.

  16. Phillep says:

    Kossack (various spellings) The Daily Kos suckups

    Troofers (also various spellings) Conspiracy freaks who “want to know the truth about 9-11”.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – Ahhhhhh! I have learned new iWords 🙂

    (or are they e-Words?)

  18. Greg L says:

    So the people who read Daily Kos are also big OJ fans? Maybe I just don’t see the connection.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Methinx my right honorable colleague Phillep may be alluding to the “OJ is innocent” crowd, the members of which hail from waaaay left of center…


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