1. Chris Gregg says:

    This is great! I grew up on a lake, and we had a yellow lab that loved to swim after frisbees thrown into the water. The dog would leap off the end of the dock, retrieve the frisbee, and head back to shore for another round, ad nauseum. Eventually, whoever was throwing the frisbee would get tired, but the dog could play forever. So, the dog figured out that if she took the frisbee to the edge of the dock herself, she could drop it in the water, which would set her off and then she could jump into the water, get it, swim back to shore, and start over again. She’d play this little game with herself for hours.

  2. Cinaedh says:

    Thanks, Hop. For some reason it makes me feel good to see an animal enjoying itself like that.

  3. Greymoon says:

    This is all George Bush’s fault.

  4. ECA says:

    O, to have a family of Otters….

  5. laserone says:

    I saw this on cuteoverload.com and I about died laughing! I coudln’t stop laughing! I love it, this is great. 🙂

  6. tallwookie says:

    yeah that dog looks like it was having a blast!

  7. estacado says:

    It’s like watching Nascar.

  8. K00LP00L says:

    Strange how we love jumping into the water…

    I had a buddy who once complained to his girlfriend about thinking her animals had any emotions, or feelings.

    She says to him, “What?! Didn’t you ever have a pet when you were growing up?” — “Nope” he said…

    I like that so many h00mans think we are superior, and we’re the only sentient, feeling creatures alive.

    On a related note, Minnesota posted its first low-temperature record in 3 years, on Saturday (20070915). In the same time, Minnesota has posted 11 new high-temperature records. Global warming, just a myth…

  9. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #9 – Man-caused GW is a myth. Also, trends are natural, if we continually posted record highs and record lows, we’d be swinging into a chaotic situation a lot worse then global warming.

    On topic: My wife sent me this last week. We have 3 dobermans and I get “that look” lot. Animals certainly have emotions – they also have very distinct personalities. One of ours might do the slide thing, one would just wade into the pool and the other would have a thing to do with any of it.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Bah Humbug !!! A true professional would be taking notes for the report.

  11. iGlobalWarmer (YOY) says:

    #11 – Good point. They’re supposed to be “working” dogs, but I don’t see much work ethic – they tend to just screw around instead. Even if that dog did prepare a report, it probably just ate it afterward.

  12. plusaf says:

    as for MMGW [the alleged, man-made flavor, see.

    the “nascar water dog” comment reminded me of a relative’s papillon who loved to retrieve tennis balls. she’d go on for as long as you lasted.

    one day i decided to test her. i discovered that i could kick a small ball across the room into the dog-toy basket, but i could only get the ball in about once in ten tries.

    i “sank the ball” ELEVEN TIMES before SHE gave up and took the ball into another room and didn’t fetch it back to me!!!

    nuclear-powered dog…


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