AMD Barcelona all over the news. One customer buys 15,000 chips. Intel building huge fab in China. Thanks for the memories. IBM jumps on Open Office bandwagon. Lotus Notes going to Open Office. Acer can’t market very well. Funny story ensues. New Skype Worm. (M) is your best bet. Your brain type dictates party politics. Walgreens offering free cartridge refill.

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  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hmm.. John, you have the monotone of a robot.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Grr.. This is what happens when English is not my native language I keep omitting words..

    Hmm.. John, you have the monotone voice of a robot.

  3. PcMonster says:

    Wouldn’t you know it? Walgreens won’t refill my Epson cartridges or any Cannon cartridges… That Sucks!

  4. GregA says:

    Hey John, why are you ignoring VMWares new stuff and WYSE’s new laptop computer with 3g and wifi built in? We are on the verge of a monumental shift in the desktop computer business and no one in the bloggo-sphere is paying attention. They all seem to be hypnotized by the latest iThingie this or that, or the color of the bezel on some monitor. I don’t understand the blogg’o’spheres obtuseness on this. The markets get it, look at VMWares stock over the last two days.

  5. Mike says:

    John –

    Here’s the detail about a malicious jpg file.


  6. Badcam says:

    Hey Professor Dvorak?

    What’s happening in the lab? Your beakers are a bubblin’
    How’s about movin’ on to another room when you’re recording? Say the lounge perhaps, for a nice fire effect. Or, outside, so we can hear the bees buzzing and the birds-a-singin’

  7. Badcam says:

    Also. Couold you please fix your site so that after I’ve entered your Kinda a Captcha, that it redirects me back to where I was? (Firefox). I know looking at a blank page can often be better than reading your “” (Hey, I put in a plug for ya, John), but I’m a sucker for punishment, so please auto -irect me back?

  8. Angel, go screw yourself.

    Uh, oh never mind.

    As for the Capcha. It is a plug-in I have no control over. Register and post as a member and you’ll never see it.


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