A German public television network Sunday sacked a popular talk show host and former news presenter after she had praised the Nazi’s family policies at a news conference for her new book on child-rearing.
While presenting her book “Das Prinzip Arche Noah – warum wir die Familie retten muessen” (Arche Noah principle – why we must save the family), she said family values that were nurtured in the Nazi era were cast away by the turmoil of the late 1960s.
“It was a horrible time with a manic and dangerous leader who led the Germans into ruin as we all know. But there was at the time also something good, and that is the values, that is the children, that is the families, that is a togetherness — it was all abolished, there was nothing left,” Herman said.
I’m never surprised by reactionary ideologues who couch their longing for “the good old days” in terms of “it’s good for the children”.
Cripes, she can still get work as consultant for Kongress or the White House.
She looks pretty good I’d do her. I read the article but some how missed the values list.
Yes, I wish someone could find a review and post the list? Its a setup for so many one-liners what with the baby factories the SS setup==so, I’d like to see her list. With this and Miss Teenage whoever last week, you’d think “for the children” would lose some of its power?? But then, things never change.
This is all TV’s fault. Children watch too much TV and the TV is their teacher/advisor. Parents should turn Nazi TV off, and find Pat Roberts and such!!!!!!
It’s not the TV to be blamed it is this freaking Internet thingy. All the teens are like 24/7 online and read loads of crap. LOL
Just kidding. I am an Internet addict myself.
Let’s face it the PARENTS are the bad guys in the story. Is it my fault that a kid walks in to school with a rifle or a grenade? Nope! Cause I haven’t raised that kid, right?
Oh, sure, how could she even dare to compare those “bad old days” to our super progressive today? Only us, the progressive Western world with its impeccable values, know how to live our lives and bring up future generations.
Amongst all the evil policies and practices of the Nazi regime, they must of done one or two things right. they did take a broken and defeated Germany after WW1 and make it strong (and evil) enough to threaten the whole world.
Be interesting to know her list of values tho.
#3 Let’s all give Miss Teen SC a break. I’d bet here is exactly what happened to the girl.
She was coached over and over about posible questions that could be asked and here answers. When the question came she choked and just started repeating any and phrases she remembered from the coaching.
I’d further bet if you asked her what the question was when she walked off stage she couldn’t have told you.
Lot of pressure there for a kid.
It was a horrible time with a manic and dangerous leader who led the Germans into ruin as we all know. But
The next word is always “but”, isn’t it?
0. “Reactionary ideologues”? Nazis in the White House?
Do I really need to make the effort to come up with something funny yet insightful about Eideard here?
I dont think she should have been sacked, she was only talking about an era she grew up in, what else did she have experience of?
You could disconnect the whole Nazi theme and just suggest she was being Nationalist, but then the British National Party might reconnect that meme.
Want to know what does concern me though?
“It was a horrible time with a manic and dangerous leader who led the into ruin as we all know. But there was at the time also something good, and that is the [Christian] values, that is the children”
Think of the children, put up ‘safety’ cameras
Think of the children, dont let them play violent games against nazis
Think of the children, teach them from an early age to support their nation
Think of the children, teach them to watch out for ‘terrorists’
I’m just not sure anymore if we are heading into Stalinism or Fascism
The next time someone drags out the “do it for the children” argument in a political discussion, be sure to remind them that Hitler agreed with their concerns.
The first one to mention Hitler always wins 😉
Considering that in the USA many are demonizing illegal immigrants in the same way african americans were in the first 3 quarters of the 20th century it’s no surprise at all.
One of the reason the kids are such assholes these days is their expectance that every thing we do is “for the freaking kids”. They haven’t picked up on the fact (yet) that the kid thing is just a buzzword for the mover/shakers with their own agendas, and it ain’t “for the freaking kids”. Other than the clueless kids, the only other goofballs buying into this whole “kids rule” schtick are the airhead couch potatoes who believe everything they hear and see on the nightly news, and who, in fact, quote fictional TV shows as “fact”, thereby shoring up their lame assed arguments about this or that non-issue that is currently being tossed around by the talking head pundits.
Used to be, when a kid hit five, they’d put’em to work in a sweat shop somewheres, and that pretty well kept them out of mischief. But we got past that, and it’s probably a good thing.
So now you’re cheering on the thought police? At some point Germany is going to have to let debates out into the open, rather than try and drive everything underground, which just lets the skinheads flourish as rebels.