Interesting news. Zune phone? Useless chips. Google patent. And more.
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Gee – I always wanted a brown cellphone.
Funny that we’re being moved onto multiple-core processors, but the software hasn’t caught-up yet.
Wasn’t that the claimed advantage of the Be OS? That everything was threaded?
Off topic:
Got to admit I had a great time reading some of the “Fake Steve” blog posts – for the first time – after following the link from the Blackfriars’ Marketing story.
Siooma, indeed! 😉
Gosh, JohnC, what’s wrong with you?
You always sound cranky, but here, you sound outright demotivated and sick. I always thought it was a bad idea to join Curry’s company…
Maybe it’s just their over the top upbeat intro “And here comes John C. Dvorak (hail hail! wonderful world, expect the best and greatest for here he comes, the worlds one and only….) followed by your own voice that makes you sound sick in contrast….
#3 – I still say John should change his opening to “the most important 5 minutes of your life… 🙂
What’s with the damn bubbles sound – Sounds like john is taking a bath.
#4, I guess the most important five minutes of my life happened 3/4 of a year before my birth and I really do hope they didn’t involve Dvorak. In fact, I’m pretty sure.
#7 – You’re pretty sure…. but not completely sure? 😉
Hey John
Trying to follow up on the submarine story. takes me to the Monster Cable guys.
What’s up?
Windows Mobile Sucks when it is not in a Microsoft Product, they should be able to take Crappy to a all new level. It should have a Reset Button next to the “End” Button.
The background bubbling sounds like a fish tank.
You can find an explanation about the background sound here.
Google makes a search appliance. Isn’t that hardware?