Japan’s farm minister resigned on Monday over illegal dealings at a farmers’ group he headed, delivering a fresh blow to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe just a week after he revamped his cabinet to try to revive his popularity.
A junior minister also quit and the head of a parliamentary ethics panel said he would resign from his post and leave the ruling party, both for fudging financial reports.
Abe’s first cabinet was plagued by scandals and gaffes that forced out several ministers and contributed to a disastrous defeat for the ruling camp in a July 29 upper house election.
“I had thought only one more scandal and he would be out, but maybe … he will keep being unpopular but stay in office,” said Koichi Nakano, a Sophia University political science professor.
Of course, with a parliamentary system, the people of Japan stand a chance of ridding themselves of an incompetent before another national election. We’re stuck with Bush unless – and until – he resigns or is impeached.
“We’re stuck with Bush unless – and until – he resigns or is impeached.”
Nonsense. We’re stuck with Bush for sixteen more months.
I wonder what Dubya’s Presidential Library will contain?
Books: Curious George, Dr. Seuss, Where the Wild Things Are, Dick & Jane, perhaps even some Harry Potter books…
Art: Finger paintings…
Sculpture: Plaster casts of his hands…
Please, no Harry Potter. Too unXhristian.
BDS strikes!
Jeb Bush, you know its in your future. The Bush Regime isn’t done handing America over to chinese communism yet, there’s one Bushie left.
Too bad the China model does not work in the US where criminals often commit suicide. The number of corpses surrounding the White house would be a health hazard.
Gotta love it: The president of Uzbekistan could have a cabinet member who has a son who *was rumored* to have accepted a $50 bribe and someone would find a way to make a poke at Bush out of it.
Be careful in your claims that it’s the Bushes handing over the US to China. This operation’s beginnings started firmly in the Clinton White House and will certainly continue in earnest if Hillary is elected.
Regarding China, it doesn’t matter who or what is in the White House or even in the House or the Senate, for that matter.
International corporations are in an absolute frenzy to sell their useless crap to a fresh market of billions of people and no lousy politician has even a remote chance to stop them or even slow them down.
That’s why it’s OK for China to poison us and our children.
In the other direction, they can produce goods at almost no cost in China, using prisoners or near-slave labor and sell the crap to the rest of the world at insane levels of profit.
It doesn’t matter who’s elected. There ain’t any democracies left any more, Alice, not any where.