Yes, Skype blames the users for all rebooting at once and EA says the PS3 isn’t as good as the Xbox with some games. The reason? It’s too new!!

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  1. BubbaRay says:

    OK, let’s hear the story about Madden and the early days of EA.

  2. Mark Derail says:

    These posts are a terrific place to ask John C Dvorak comments for his next Tech 5.

    What about the editor of Pc Mag stepping down & slamming Vista?,1895,2171472,00.asp

    Why wasn’t John given his post !!!

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    That’s it: Vista – the world’s first self-slamming OS!

  4. I don;t get offered such posts and I’m not in NYC anyway. Luckily the job went to a friend of mine.

  5. JoaoPT says:

    Vista slamming is just another deja vu all over again. People can’t remember XP? That “fischer-price” OS?
    In one year time, Vista will be the norm. And all the slammig will be growing pains… 😉

  6. TIHZ_HO says:

    Skype going down because everyone rebooted their PCs at once?

    If so, then would that give credence to if all the people in China jumped up and down at once America would fly off into space?

    Ready on the count of three, Yi, er, san! Bye Bye America!

    Gee, the mind boggles, what would happen if everyone in the world flushed their toilet all at the same time?

    And…lastly, if what happened with Skype is true, it only goes to show how insignificant the role Macs play in the computing world. 😉



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