Adding a slice of lime to a favorite summer drink is nice to cool off with, but it could leave your skin burning, say dermatologists at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

The condition, called phytophotodermatitis, happens when a certain plant compound comes in contact with the skin, making that one area light sensitive. During the summer, lime juice is the common cause for this condition, which is why some doctors call it ‘margarita dermatitis.’

“The reaction usually looks like a sunburn, or a poison ivy rash, with redness and sometimes swelling and blistering,” says Dr. Rajani Katta, associate professor of dermatology at BCM. “It can be itchy and painful, and leave behind skin discoloration.”

So, try to be tidy while having a cool summer drink.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    “Margarita Dermatatis” sounds like a Greek woman’s name.

  2. god says:

    Half the folks here only go outdoors after dark!

  3. Frank IBC says:

    Yeah, lots of folks here that get a sunburn from 5 minutes under a full moon.

  4. Improbus says:

    Folks with this condition get no sympathy from me … I work for a living.

  5. hhopper says:

    No wonder Jimmy Buffet always looks red.

  6. KVolk says:

    Just another reason to drink beer.

  7. KVolk says:

    yes they do pedro and it automatically creates nonbeer by doing that…..heathens.

  8. Improbus says:

    Real men drink Guinness.

  9. right-wing nut job says:

    “It can be itchy and painful, and leave behind skin discoloration.”

    There is a caution here to be observed here. Adults who handle these items and then touch their children can leave enough residue on the childrens’ skin to cause the skin irritation and the dark patches.

    Such “dark patches” can take on the apperance of bruses on the childrens’ skin. Which can lead to allegations of child abuse.

    I know, I know. But when your step kid’s return to their mother’s home (after visiting your home and participating in your pool party) and show up the next day at school with “unexplained” bruses it can put a damper or the good memories of your pool party. Especially when the police and social services agencies begin interviewing your friends who were at the party.

    the nut

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    If lime juice gives you that, then use lemon juice, duh.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:


    Who drinks and goes strolling under the sun? All the booze lovers I know prefer to just relax and drink and drink and drink and drink…

  12. Susie Marks says:

    I put lime in almost everything I drink. It does cool me off. does this also mean I am risking myself to Margarita Dermatitis?


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