Psychologists to CIA: We condemn torture – The American Psychological Association, the world’s largest professional organization of psychologists, is poised to issue a formal condemnation of a raft of notorious interrogation tactics employed by U.S. authorities against detainees during the so-called war on terror, from simulated drowning to sensory deprivation. The move is expected during the APA’s annual convention in San Francisco this weekend.

What took them so long to do this? This isn’t something that just recently developed.

The APA’s anti-torture resolution follows a string of revelations in recent months of the key role played by psychologists in the development of brutal interrogation regimes for the CIA and the military. And it comes just weeks after news that the White House may be calling on psychologists once again: On July 20, President Bush signed an executive order restarting a coercive CIA interrogation program at the agency’s “black sites.” Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell has indicated that psychological techniques will be part of the revamped program, but that the interrogations would be subject to careful medical oversight. That oversight is likely to be performed by psychologists.

  1. grog says:

    i think tom cruise speaks for every conservative on this one

  2. Rob R says:

    Will this include condemnation of the 6 years of torture we’ve endured from Bush-Cheney-Gonzalez?

  3. Misanthropic Scott says:

    What took them so long to do this? This isn’t something that just recently developed.

    First they each had to go to therapy for a while to ensure that this wasn’t just based on their own subconscious feelings about their mothers. Don’t you understand the process?

    Sorry, actually, yeah. This is sort of a big fat DUH!!!

  4. GigG says:

    So now the APA are experts in national security issues. Hell, they’re barely experts in Psychological issues.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    It’s simple. If they’ll make sure that the people they’re torturing are bona fide terrorists, then I could care less what happens to them. Same goes for assassination. Misuse and abuse of those processes, i.e. doing it to the wrong people, is why it should be in disfavor. Apart from that, it’s only more bleeding-heart “We can’t hurt people! It’s wrong! We need to sit down with them and discuss our differences! Calling them “terrorists” is just bigoted stereotyping! They’re just like you and me! They wouldn’t be doing these things if we hadn’t oppressed them! Other cliché expression of liberal guilt as required!”

    Piss on that Stuart Smalley shit. 🙂

  6. grog says:

    #4 there it is — BINGO!!!
    conservatives will doubt the credentials of ANYONE who tries to tell them that torture is bad!!!!!

    i just won a $5 bet off a republican buddy of mine who said this list wouldn’t be so predictable hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha!

    love it man, thanks!

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    What fucking “conservative” are you babbling about?

    Anyway, don’t thank me… I ‘m not the one named after a cartoon caveman.

  8. Lady Be Good says:

    Exactly how is the American Psychological Association contributing to the defense of the United States?

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    If they can persuade us to stop being mean to people, the whole world will love us. It’s simple.

  10. grog says:

    lauren, did you not notice my post was marked as being in response to #4?

    but since you spoke up and slighted me, lauren, allow me to point out that islamic terrorists don’t care about you, and i bet they could care less about where you live — quit taking it so personal, terrorism is strictly business

    folks like obl are just using their own people’s impoverished desperation to grab hold of totalitarian power in their own region by directing blame at us, and you and your ilk’s paranoid ranting and our nation’s propensity to blindly bomb and torture anyone that looks at us cross-eyed feeds directly into their plans

    don’t you see (to use your favorite name) you fuckwit, that by torturing and bombing innocent civilians you are giving islamic terrorists exactly what they want — an excuse for the average habeeb to hate america

    and that’s the truth, ruth.

  11. grog says:

    and before everyone starts calling me a racist, i know Habeeb, is more traditionally spelled Habib and means “Loved One” i just wanted pick a common Arabic name, and not say “average Joe”

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, OK. I mean, except that I said nothing about them caring about me or where I live –

    ( – and they sure like a mo-fo ain’t gonna touch Houston with a dungfork. Too many members of the Saudi royal fambly are here at all times. They do something here and they know that the Sauds’ll come after ’em, and unlike us, they’ll not only hunt ’em down, but make ’em wish they’d never been born… – )

    – and likewise, I said explicitly that torturing, etc, would be OK IF we were certain it was only the bad ‘uns, but since we don’t, it ain’t…

    and that’s a fac’, Jack

  13. grog says:

    #12 no need to be coy roy, i read you now

  14. tallwookie says:

    wow! torture = bad. its all makes sense now!

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ya but they had to twist some arms to get them all behind the idea.

  16. MikeN says:

    Isn’t this the same group that years ago said pedophilia was ok?

  17. god says:

    In fact, the APA has been pro-active in providing rationales for the Bush-CIA torture squad.

    Oh ye of little memory. Thought I read it here.

  18. god says:

    #16 – that was the RNC secret memo to Rove.

  19. Gary Marks says:

    If the American Psychological Association is speaking out against torture, I can only assume they’ve found another way to collect delinquent bills from their patients.


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