UPDATE: China CEO Commits Suicide Over Tainted Toys — He reckoned he had to do it before the government executed him.

Could you imagine Kenneth Lay of Enron doing this?

The head of a Chinese toy manufacturing company at the center of a huge U.S. recall has committed suicide, a state-run newspaper said Monday.

Zhang Shuhong, who co-owned Lee Der Industrial Co. Ltd., killed himself at a warehouse over the weekend, days after China announced it had temporarily banned exports by the company.

Lee Der made 967,000 toys recalled earlier this month by Mattel because they were made with paint found to have excessive amounts of lead. The plastic preschool toys, sold under the Fisher-Price brand in the U.S., included the popular Big Bird, Elmo, Dora and Diego characters.

via DCMF via CNN

  1. johns says:

    We can only hope this becomes the in thing to do among disgraced CEO’s.

  2. grog says:

    HA!!!!! in America you get a huge severance package and plaque for valuable service! extra points for causing cancer!! rush limbaugh will laud you as a misunderstood captain of industry who created jobs and was unfairly tarnished by the liberal media!

  3. Steve says:

    Sounds the Alarm – Now that’s some forward thinking to save ammo.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Bush should have the same dignity and honor.

  5. Anonymous Coward says:

    Balmer should do the same.

  6. Joey says:

    When Elmo is tickled he says “Hehe, Elmo like lead. It tastes yummy”.

  7. TIHZ_HO says:

    For more about Chinese business processes and how something like this happens see my ONE and ONLY post on my blog – it was too long for a comment. and I figured China pops up here often so…

    I’ll post more but work has me nailed at the moment..

    And yes – There is no doubt what so ever, he would have been executed. This way he saves his family the shame and a small bill.

    A little trivia for you. In China when they execute you by firing squad the family is given the bill for the bullet.


  8. Billabong says:

    Dead men tell no tales.The head of their FDA was executed now a suicide.This is a very common way to “solve” an all to common problem.

  9. John Paradox says:

    Regarding Ken Lay: I would think it would be more likely he’d fake his death.



  10. TIHZ_HO says:

    #8 It is quite effective though – imagine if they didn’t!

    BTW Billabong did you know Billabong is made in China? 😉


  11. GigG says:

    It took 24 minutes for someone suggest Bush do it. I would have guessed 10. You guys are slipping.

  12. TIHZ_HO says:

    We are waiting for the firing squad – send me the bill, I’ll pay for the bullets! 😉


  13. James Hill says:

    #11 – It’s a down time in the political cycle. Give the hacks a break.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>It took 24 minutes for someone suggest Bush do it.

    I kind of thought it spoke for itself. If that Chickenhawk had any honor or dignity, he’ cut his beak off and commit hari kari.

    I wan’t that interested in the post though, there are a lot nicer looking Japanese asses (real or fake) than the ones painted on those skirts.

  15. James Hill says:

    #14 – As soon as the Democratic congress does the same for not living up to their campaign pledge to end the war, hack.

    Granted, they can’t end the war, but that’s not what they were saying this time last year.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:

    The chinese goverment “suicide” him.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, James Chickenhawk

    I notice you haven’t enlisted yet. Are you still waiting for the pink frilly camo uniforms?

  18. tikiloungelizard says:

    “The buck stops here” has no meaning in America anymore. It’s always the underling’s fault.

  19. tikiloungelizard says:

    “The buck stops here” has no meaning in America anymore. It’s always somebody else’s fault.

  20. TIHZ_HO says:

    #18, 19

    You know, Bush always fumbles words he thought it was…

    “The fuck starts here”


  21. Robert Leather says:

    I thought Bush had Ken Lay whacked. Then made it look like a heart attack.


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