I find it very suspicious that the video ends so abruptly, especially with all the lights in the sky towards the end.

  1. undissembled says:

    Those don’t look like banshees.

  2. J says:

    Hey Gasparrini

    Render time is expensive. So don’t criticize the length of the video. Besides there was more footage to create like the second angle shot.

  3. Cursor_ says:

    And who really cares?

    CGI is getting so bloody boring.


  4. Adrian says:

    If its a fake, it was spectacularly done.
    The camera searching for a focal point near the end was a nice touch.

  5. D'khead from the Fahqad nebula says:

    We’re coming for you, tasty humans! Bwaaahaaaahaaahaaa!

  6. rudedog says:

    I believe it’s fake as someone on another site, pointed out that the 3 palm tree’s in the center are all exact copies.

    they do such a great job to miss something so simple. How much time would it have taken to add or remove a palm from the trees LOL.

  7. Neumann says:

    IF it’s a fake, of COURSE it’s a fake. Look at every other UFO video and realize how far above this one is in terms of clarity and STABILITY and so on… most of these videos have to zoom so far in that the shaking is unbelievable and you can’t even make out the OU, just a wierd blue people try to assosciate a shape to. If these things were SO close to the ground there would be people everywhere and you know all the media outlets would cover it.

    If it’s not for HALO, it’s for something.

  8. hhopper says:

    Here’s a debunking video on the above video:

  9. brucemlloyd says:

    Of course it’s an illusion. I bought two of those damn things from Ikea. They’re Spürkbrum ceiling lights.

  10. Craig says:

    “very suspicious” eh? Nice detective work. So you’ve come to the conclusion that those indeed are not space ships from another world? Good work.

  11. Mark T. says:

    8. hhopper

    I love those photo and video debunkers. Good find!

    Still, it was done a lot better than the doctored “Britney driving with baby in lap” photo where the right hand door was missing from her car.

    What next? Monster pigs? Oh, sorry. Never mind.

  12. tallwookie says:

    doesnt look real – does reminds me of halo2 – or at least the gfx engine – physics and environment look the same.

  13. OmarTheAlien says:

    The Millinium Falcon Flies Again, and the reason the trees look alike is that they’re twins, and twins do that.

  14. JoaoPT says:

    No sign of being a Viral for Halo…


    If it’s a Hoax (that probably is since the”craft” seem too much sci-fi game to me…) it’s a very well made one.
    The backdrop seems a lot like real footage (although it can also be CGI). And the crafts placement and synchronism with the camera movements and focus imply a great deal of post production. Although not unheard of, it’s IMHO a bit out of a basement weekend CGI artist.

  15. qsabe says:

    $150 will get you Bryce 6.1 and you can have as many palm trees in any shape you want. Another few bucks and you can get Hexagon 2 and make all the space ships you want. That is if you can get past the creation of scantily clad big busted pixies. It’s the information age folks, and you can have all the information you care to create.

  16. MikeR says:

    Of course it’s fake, everyone knows the “Invasion Will Not Be Televised”

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #10 – Credulous Craig

    ““very suspicious” eh? Nice detective work. So you’ve come to the conclusion that those indeed are not space ships from another world? Good work.”

    There’s a class in Remedial Sarcasm down at the Community College, I’m sure there’s still time to sign up…

    It doesn’t exactly take Carl Fucking Sagan to come to that particular conclusion, friend. Not if you have the faintest glimmer of a grasp of what probability is.

    Let’s see, “those indeed are not space ships from another world”…
    Well, for starters, since the number of “space ships from another world” that have been found in, oh, let’s just say 25 million years of looking (for the math-challenged: 25 years average spent per UFO seeker X 1,000,000 seekers, an exremely low estimate), the number of “space ships from another world” is ZERO. That right there would make it exTREMEly likely that this one is ALSO not a “space ship from another world,” were those absurdly long odds multiplied by a near-certainty of it being a hoax, which is exTREMEly likely, given the proven phonied-up trees.

    So not one has ever been detected in at least 25 million years of looking, and this “evidence” has been deliberately doctored for the purpose of deception.

    That means the probability that it is NOT a “space ship from another world” is so close to a fact that only a child or a mental defective would think otherwise. You are more likely to be elected President tomorrow than this being a “space ship from another world.” COULD be true, yep. Any REAL chance? Not in Hell.

    Don’t project your innumeracy and gullibility on others, it’s not nice. 🙂

  18. JoaoPT says:

    Bad hair day Lauren?

  19. Rob Leather says:

    hhopper, excellent work. But more over, what are the chances of loosing focus on tow objects in clear via (as they travel away in the distance) versus KEEPING focus as it passes directly over head?

  20. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, happy like clam, thank you, Joao. Simply not in a “think I’ll suffer fools gladly today” state of mind… 🙂

    At times I find myself shaking my head in astonishment over people who lack the most rudimentary ability to use ordinary common sense to estimate relative probabilities, which is to say, to simply distinguish between ‘virtually certain’ and ‘virtually impossible.’ How they manage to survive to adulthood is a source of wonder.

  21. JoaoPT says:

    #9 might be right… those really look like elaborate ceiling lamps…

    Darn… this video really made me up itching to fire up C4D and make a fake of my own…

  22. hhopper says:

    Lauren – 90% of the people on the planet LIKE to believe in stuff that doesn’t exist. Many base their entire lives on it. WooHoo!

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    …and THAT, Hop, is yet another validation of Sturgeon’s Law.


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