Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful!

The Independent – August 12, 2007:

Those who consoled themselves with the thought that there is more to life than being really goodlooking are in for a shock. For the beautiful people are not just pleasing on the eye: it seems they are also wealthier, more successful and much easier to get on with.

Researchers investigating whether there is a beauty premium to be had in the workplace have found that those they deemed the most attractive make 12 per cent more money than those regarded as less goodlooking.

The main reason for the apparent victory of the lookers is that they are seen as more helpful and co-operative.

  1. Gunnar says:

    I suppose if I had to visit a brothel, I would pay more for the really really ridiculously good looking female employee than the smart one.

  2. bobbo says:

    That can’t be true. I used to give my ugly secretary 5 bucks just to call in sick.

  3. RG says:

    Whos the pornstar in the picture?

  4. undissembled says:

    not a porn star, just a girl some guy with a camera gave $100 to take her top off and stand around outside. This is what girls do in California to try and “make it”.

  5. Luís Camacho says:

    I don’t find this shocking at all, this is how it should be, genetic perfection over the rest. Smart is overrated anyway 😛

  6. Misanthropic Scott says:

    Sorry to be the dissenting opinion here but doesn’t anyone else think she’d look better with a natural hair color, no make-up, and perhaps a natural skin tone as well? She looks like a manikin.

    As for beauty, sometimes, I don’t notice beauty until I find out that there are brains in the package. (Maybe I have too much vasopressin coursing through my veins.)

    What I’d like to know is whether it is possible that people are finding those that are helpful and cooperative and otherwise make them feel good more attractive than those who do not?

    Oh well, I just wanted to hope that the cause and effect was backwards. Given the state of our wonderful brains, I’m probably really onto nothing here.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #5, Luis,

    Smart is overrated anyway

    How would you know?
    ; )

    #6, Scott,

    She looks like a manikin.

    Or they try to make manikins look like her.

    I agree with your other points. How much were the researchers influenced by the assistance. Second, because extroversion generally makes a person more attractive (and helpful) then an introvert, I wonder how much that would influence the research.

    Maybe this research could more honestly suggest that helpful people get paid more.

  8. nightstar says:

    I know I’d be much more helpful to the girl in the picture than any of you gents.

    … not that I’m saying you’re ugly 😉

  9. James Hill says:

    I guess my question is if this is a bad thing. Appearance is part of being successful at many jobs, and it has more to do with preparation than genetics.

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    My question is: why was this not posted under the “Well, duh!” heading?

  11. Will says:

    #8 – I know I’d be much more helpful to the girl in the picture than any of you gents.

    So, you’re an eunuch? So, so…. carry the bags to her room.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    And this is there the stem cell research money is being diverted to..

  13. Kevin says:

    The picture is of the latest version of simulated doll, imported from china. She moves and shakes in every way you would expect. Isn’t she beautiful!! Just $4999 and she will satisfy your every fantesy.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Are the batteries rechargeable?

  15. Blues says:

    Perhaps they just seem to be more attractive, because they have more money.

  16. Mark T. says:

    Don’t forget about tall people. They also make more and get promoted faster than short people. Being short and ugly must really suck in the business world.

    You can become rich and famous by being handsome and short (like Prince or Tom Cruise) or you can be tall and ugly (like Dennis Rodman or Howard Stern). Only occasionally can you be short and ugly (i.e. Danny Devito).

    But you can achieve super-stardom by being both tall and handsome/beautiful (Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, Brooke Shields, & Rebecca Romijn).

    Sorry, Gary Coleman.

  17. Angel H. Wong says:


    It recharges by constantly shaking it back and forth.

  18. KVolk says:

    well I would certainly pay more to have attractive women around me all the time……it’s just good sense…..

  19. hhopper says:

    Angel you horny bastard!

  20. Jägermeister says:

    Does this apply for Rosie O’Donnell as well?

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Angel,
    Shaking back and forth can cause Shaken Baby Syndrome. I would think the best way to shake it would be up and down.

    But hey, what do I know.


    #21, jag,
    There are times when I get just a little apprehensive about following your links. Friends with Benefits bear that out.

    LOL. That was funny.

    Geeze, I don’t wanna know where you and Hopper find these videos.

  22. Petrov says:

    Does that make Bill Gates a “babe”? Ughhh,

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #22 – Mr. Fusion

    😀 You can get one for $25 on eBay… 😉


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