We’re keeping this one up a little longer.

This is a different view of the whole raging controversy over, effectively, which entity has the right to control a woman’s body: the federal government or states.

The Right Without Which No Other Right Exists

The fetus only exists because of the woman’s body — not yours, not that of some possibly corrupt and stupid politician in Washington, and not the body of some possibly ignorant and venal politician in a state legislature. As I have watched this debate develop, and as I have considered with astonishment the increasingly byzantine efforts to ” draw lines” about the point of viability, the time at which a full set of rights attaches to the fetus, and all the rest, I have become increasingly convinced that the right of the woman to control her own body when she is pregnant must be absolute up to the point of birth. All the attempts to craft legislation circumscribing that right prior to birth quickly become enmeshed in what are finally subjective claims that can be disputed into eternity, and impossible of proof in one direction or another.

  1. Podesta says:

    Scott, you are obviously not understanding what I’ve said. The viability argument is not my own, but the reasoning that Justice Blackmun engaged in writing his majority opinion in Roe v. Wade. I largely agree with it. But, I do not oppose even late term abortions if they are medically necessary.

  2. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #152 – Podesta,

    I have my own opinions on the subject and do not need an authority figure to turn to. If you suggest that the viability argument is valid, I suggest that you carry it to its logical conclusion.

    I strongly believe that no one should be forced to carry to term. It’s just wrong to imprison a woman in her own body that way.

    So, if the fetus is viable, let’s get it out of her body and you can take care of it and raise it. And, if it wasn’t quite as viable as you thought, you can deal with its health problems as well.

    So, yes, I understood you. Disagreeing with you and trying to force you to think your argument through is not necessarily a misunderstanding.

  3. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Podesta knows how everyone should live. He got the lowdown from Marx. Dissenting opinions are not something you should be allowed to have, since you’re wrong from the git-go. Just let Pod-person’s heroes run things and all our pesky problems will vanish – like our freedom, for starters… 😉

  4. Noname says:

    #151 Mr Blown Fuze,

    What’s the matter? Did your distemper get the better of you. In your arrogant “Supremeness”, you haughtily dismissed a simple question, eloquently posed in my #150 post.

    Did the parent commit murder?

    Please, just answer the question; I really don’t care for your rants and ravings. I’ll leave your angry rants for the poor pathetic people who have to live with a murderous supporting infanticide crepe like you.


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