An ice cream cone is allegedly hidden somewhere in this picture. Can you find it?

Who Sucks – July 12, 2007:

2. Octopus Ice Cream. Want to tantalize your taste buds with a tentacle? If so, Octopus Ice Cream is the solution. The Japanese have been able to come up with an amazing variety of uses for octopus, ranging from delicacy to porno movie prop. Little wonder then that octopus has found its way into ice cream.

47. Natural Salt Ice Cream. How sweet – salty ice cream. A real salt-of-the-earth taste for some, but others feel there’s little fine about this brine.

64. Tomato Ice Cream. Rotten tomatoes descrine (describes) this ice cream’s taste. Imbibing this WMD (weapon of mouth destruction) is like letting a spoonful of freezing ketchup melt in your mouth.

  1. JoaoPT says:

    There was a portuguese immigrant in Venezuela that had a small ice cream shop there and started to make all those funny flavor ice-cream.
    Now his son has returned to Portugal and opened an ice cream shop too and doubled his father’s menu of odd ice creams.
    A curiosity… when I find the link I’ll post it…

  2. BobH says:

    It’s not just foreign countries where you find strange food. Check this out…

    The writer’s review is truly funny.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Some of those flavors look like they might warrant a lick or two.

    I guess the original “circumcised cock” photo was deemed to NSFW, and was removed from DU. Heh.

  4. Arpie says:

    I’m partial to black pepper and/ or cardamom on chocolate ice cream.

    Coldstone carried wasabi ice cream for a bit, it was actually quite good in combination with other flavors.

    I’ve also had white chocolate and red peppercorns ice cream, it was excellent.

    Hagen-Daas is currently offering Brazilian Acai berry ice cream, available at supermarkets in the US, I highly recommend it.

    There’s a chain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mil Frutas, that carries many exotic flavors, especially exotic fruits like jackfruit, cupuaçu, jabuticaba, etc. Guava and cheese ice cream are excellent there.

  5. Misanthropic Scott says:

    An ice cream cone is allegedly hidden somewhere in this picture. Can you find it?

    Actually, no. It looks more like a weirdly shaped cup to me. I think the cones are on Madonna’s breasts.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Avoid ice cream that smells like fresh cut green beans and has a bitter & salty taste, wait; isn’t that beer ice cream?

  7. Tanqueray says:

    mmmmmmm Salty Icecream, melts your tongue, not your hand.

  8. Miguel Correia says:

    Nice pic… Ice cream held by an ice melter.


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