Am I the only one who thinks that the guy is being a little too rough? Too many kicks in the head, although the kids don’t seem to complain, but that could be just some clever editing.

  1. undissembled says:

    Wonder what the people driving by were thinking?

  2. Improbus says:

    Oh. My. God.

    I laughed so hard I almost had a stroke! Bravo!

  3. mark says:

    I know kids are resilient, but those back flips look a bit rough.

  4. Axtell says:

    haha great stuff…looks like the kids had a great time too.

  5. Don says:

    He wasn’t kicking them in the head, just pushing them.

    Very funny. I was just waiting for one of them to put a karate chop to his boys though.


  6. Ascii King says:

    Kids are tough. This stuff doesn’t hurt them unless someone teaches them that it should.

  7. ECA says:

    but you start young..

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Too rough? If you hadn’t noticed, there are two attackers against that one defenseless man. It’s apparent he was minding his own business when the attack began. These young hooligans are examples of what’s wrong with today’s youth. When a man cannot kneel in his front yard in peace without the fear of being set on by marauding gangs of preschoolers is the day we send the deed to the farm to the USSR.

  9. undissembled says:

    There can be only two. Highlanders.

  10. GigG says:

    Very funny video, leave it to the editor here to assume that it is child abuse in some way.

    If you watch when he flips them he keeps is hand under them almost all the way down. Add to that the lawn, which looks great by the way, he might as well be throwing them on a feather bed.

  11. Whoopin' says:

    We need more hands-on parenting like this, and less time-outs…

    Being made to sit somewhere is nothing like getting the belt, or a boot to the head.

    Yeah, WHOOP those kids!

  12. Dugger says:

    Preventive beatings – a good staple of child care discipline…

  13. hhopper says:

    Pretty damn good amateur video. Obviously a lot of editing.

  14. ECA says:

    AWWWWWWwwww, CHOP!

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Very funny. Good find! 😀

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Monster’s Lawyer

    I agree. I don’t know what the guy did to piss off the two kids but they still had no right to attack him like that. Today it is one old man. Tomorrow, a bunch of old ladies. With purses and arthritis.

  17. Triphamer says:

    You can tell that he was being careful with the children. Just look closely.

  18. GF says:

    Pretty lousy compositing. I can see problems with it even as pixalated as it is. I can see why blockbuster Hollywood special FX Powns most of you blind people.

  19. James Hill says:

    Too many kicks to the head? That’s not what they remember…

  20. iGlobalWarmer says:

    #17 – Exactly. It’s frightening a couple of toddlers can take beating like that then turn around and take down an an obvious master like that.

  21. joshua says:

    #1…not only that…but I’m surprised no one called the cops. 🙂

    It’s cool….a couple of very happy rug rats at the end.

  22. Paul says:

    It’s only a matter of time before some whack job accuses this guy of child abuse. They’ll take a good father who takes interest in bonding with his kids and turn it against him. Just wait….

  23. KVolk says:

    That was pretty cool…it was rougher to play one on 5 football against the neighborhood kids than this stuff.

  24. Steve says:

    The three of them came up with the idea for this video after smoking all that weed in the last one.

  25. untoldstory says:

    Hey this guy spends time with his kids. Too many dads are sitting on the sofa watching the Simpsons. bravo to karate dad!!

  26. FRAGaLOT says:

    The adult sounds like, and resembles, Dwayne Johnson (aka the Rock).

  27. Chris says:

    Even if he really is abusing them, at least he’s spending time with them.

  28. matrixghost1286 says:

    When I first saw this, I thought it will only be a matter of time until the State steps in and will use this video against the guy in court where some overprotected pro-nanny state judge or jury will take away his kids and put him in jail for 10 years .

    But I must admit, that is funny, in a weird way, especially if you cue up Carl Douglas Kung Fu Fighting. Those kicks were fast as lightning.

  29. Miguel Correia says:

    There’s a second part…

    It’s even funnier! lol


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