From Wikipedia:

Contact juggling is a form of object manipulation that focuses on the movement of objects such as balls in permanent contact with the body. Having little in common with “toss” juggling, it most typically involves the rolling of one or more completely transparent balls on the hands and arms to create visual illusions, such as that of a ball fixed in space. It is divided into three main schools of technique:

1. bodyrolling is the manipulation of one or more props (usually spheres) around the hands, arms, and body, usually without the prop(s) ever being thrown into the air.
2. palmspinning is the manipulation of two or more spheres in each hand wherein at least one sphere is always in continual motion. Spheres may be transferred from one hand to another to form graceful and fluid patterns, but rarely are they ever released into the air.
3. isolationism is categorized by manipulation of usually one prop (again, a sphere of some sort or other toy such as firestaff) such that the prop appears to be suspended in time and place while the performer dances around it, usually in the Popping and locking styles.

Contact juggling is also known by other names, including “static juggling”, “sphereplay”, “orb rolling” and “dynamic manipulation”

  1. John Paradox says:

    My favorite example is from Labyrinth, when the Goblin King (played by David Bowie, who did NOT do the juggling) is manipulating the sphere like this.


  2. Jägermeister says:

    He knows how to play with his balls.

  3. DavidtheDuke says:

    Glad you got that outta the way #2

  4. Jägermeister says:


    That or those?

  5. Dan says:

    dance magic dance!

  6. B. Dog says:

    The juggling in Labyrinth was done by Michael Motion.

  7. B. Dog says:

    Spelling Error!

    The juggling in Labyrinth was done by Michael Moschen.

  8. Li says:

    I like these lighthearted stories. They break up the litany of fear we all take from the news everyday.

  9. hhopper says:

    Weekends at Dvorak Uncensored are a little different. We try to put more funny/crazy/weird stuff up.

  10. BertDawg says:

    I’m a little bewildered by the comment at the end of the video.


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