1. DavidtheDuke says:

    I thought for a second I was dreaming

  2. hhopper says:

    Really cute girl.
    Really strange video.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:


    Weird video.
    Nice babe.

  4. bill says:


  5. AdmFubar says:

    WOW!! siamese twins connected at the chest!
    sooooooooo if you get enough tension on them… do they make a sound when you pluck them??? (no snide remarkes about the word pluck either!!!)

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    wait the boobs go out.. and go all around her room and then back to her chest? Looping breastiseseses?

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – FRAGaLOT

    Hula boobs.

  8. Les says:


  9. Vinny says:

    “Hello pussy!” Huge laugh.

  10. hhopper says:

    Fusion – We think alike. (Sometimes.)

  11. TIHZ_HO says:

    Jägermeister – Möbius Boobs

    Boobs that never quit



  12. OmarTheAlien says:

    I’m confused, again. And just when I was nearly recovered from my Ubuntu encounter.

  13. pjakobs says:

    I could swear she’s got them crossed over!


  14. Mac Guy says:

    Are these more of Ted Stevens’ series of tubes?

  15. Dauragon88 says:


  16. Wally the Engineer says:

    That was one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen….

    No, really.

    it was.

  17. prophet says:

    #16 – Wally the Engineer – If thats the strangest thing you have ever seen, then you haven’t been on the internet that long?


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