This is just bizarre…

Crazed NZ fanboy mows down churchgoer – The Register: A 58-year-old woman is in an Auckland hospital with “life threatening” injuries after being hit by car as she left the city’s Methodist Mission Church in NZ.
The driver of the vehicle reportedly “deliberately drove” at the church after jumping several red lights at speed, narrowly missing several pedestrians. Witnesses report seeing the car approaching from a distance of half a kilometre on the wrong side of the road before accelerating towards its target.

The driver was “injured but conscious”, and as police attempted to extricate him from his motor, he “clutched his laptop computer and screamed the name of Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs”. A fireman later told 3 News “he believed the man had a mental illness”.

Maybe he realised that Macs are overpriced and just couldn’t live with himself… ;)

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    I told everyone YEARS ago that job’s was going to use his products for mind control.

    This was just a test. 😀

  2. GregA says:

    If this is the case, I would stay inside this evening as APPL investors realize they invested on hyperbole. With “analysts” predicting they sold a million+ iPhones and the reality of selling less than 160k the stock is taking a beating today. Add that in with the slow uptake of apples other products, and diminishing market share in the iPod business, and the APPL is gonna get beat up some more after the earnings report.

    Hey one dude, did you sell the stock when I told you too? To bad, its probably too late now, the profit takers are gonna start in tomorrow.

  3. GregA says:

    Wow that market… Since I posted just a couple of minutes ago, the APPL stock entered free fall. Down 6.06% now.

  4. Todd says:

    I’m no stock market analyst, but I believe that stock you are referring to is AAPL.

  5. GregA says:


    You are right. BTW it is now down 5.2%

  6. rick salsman says:

    No one is going to confirm that he had mental illness? That he was an apple fanboy and, therefore, is mentally ill?

    /me braces for it…and is similarly mentally ill.

  7. chuck says:

    A crazy guy yells “Steve Jobs” and we all assume he’s a mac fan-boy?
    Maybe it was Steve Ballmer.

  8. James Hill says:

    Maybe he realized a few fewer Windows users on the planet would be a good thing.

  9. I wonder if this would be a hate crime, oh hold on it can not be, they (methodists) are not a part of the democrates defined minorities.

  10. Michael says:

    Wow… what a great story for the Windows fanboys to drool over.

    As for the iPhone “failure”, please… What a joke. The first 48 hours of activation is not going to give an accurate number of how many iPhones were actually sold. We’ll find out tomorrow when Apple releases it’s official numbers. Even if it were 140,000 in two days, that’s not bad considering that Apple only wanted to sell, what, one million of these things in the first year. (I could be wrong, but even if it were 100,000,000 iPhones in the first year, 140,00 isn’t a bad two-day start.)

  11. moss says:

    Obviously, none of you are stock market analysts. As bad as many of those are, you’re laughable.

    Daytraders making decisions on 30 hours worth of iPhone sales? It is to laugh.

  12. Mike says:

    @ GregA

    You are so far off the mark. The 160K was only from the first 48 hours of sales (actually less than 48 since the iPhone didn’t go on sale until 6pm). This is no reflection of the true sales and especially skewed since AT&T had many activation problems that prevented customers from activating in the first 48 hours. But you are such an astute Stock Analyst you knew that already right?

    Also, Apple’s laptop market share is pushing 14%. They sold almost 1 million of those “over-priced” macs in the last quarter. They just tied Gateway to be the 3rd largest computer manufacturer. Is this the “slow market uptake you refer to?”.

    Your comments are ill-informed.

  13. not me says:

    Actually 146,000 iphones were activated in the first 30 hours. This ended the quarter. We will not see any real numbers until the next quarters report. The iphone, back to school sales, leopard and maybe new ipod should send AAPL stock well over $175 by October.

  14. GregA says:


    So people are going to buy a stock with a 70 PE ratio? I think not.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #18 – not me

    “The iphone, back to school sales, leopard and maybe new ipod should send AAPL stock well over $175 by October.”

    Well, it would if not for the fact that it’ll be split 2-for-1 before then…

  16. Mike says:

    At close today the volume was 64 million shares and the PE was 42.68.

    So tell me Greg do you ever make an argument with any relevant and factual information?

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:


    From the DU “Well, duh!” file:

    A fireman later told 3 News “he believed the man had a mental illness”.

    When interviewed later, the same fireman also told this reporter that “he believed that the Pope was Catholic.”

  18. JimR says:

    he “clutched his laptop computer and screamed the name of Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs”.
    The laptop was a Dell running Vista. After learning that Vista SP1 fixes wouldn’t be ready until 2009, he cracked, visualized Steve Jobs as a god that could free him from Microsoft woes and sped towards the nearest church to worship him. The plan was to pray for a Mac Pro laptop… but that stupid biatch got in the way.

    AAPL is up 1.12% in after hours trading. GregA, your “freefall” didn’t last long.

    Why don’t you show your stock savvy and predict what’s going to happen tomorrow? I’ll post my guess after yours. 🙂

  19. JimR says:

    Pedro, I challenge you as well. I’m interested in how well you can predict what Apple will report in iPhone sales or whether the stock will rise or fall in the near future. It’s easy to simply watch the price and say what’s happening now. Give us some numbers.

    BTW, you need practice with that too. AT&T didn’t use the word disappointing anywhere. They are quite happy in fact and beat the market estimates for profit.

    Apple Q3 report will be out tomorrow after close.

  20. Anonymous Coward says:

    The guy went nuts because he just got his first Mac and realized how great it was. What drove him crazy was realizing how much of his life he had wasted fucking with Windoze.

  21. Rich says:

    An Apple user with a mental illness? No way! 😉

  22. peterv says:

    >seeing the car approaching from a distance of half a kilometre on the wrong side of the road
    But didn’t think to get out of the way?
    Looks like attempted suicide to me.

  23. iGlobalWarmer says:

    Who cares what the cause is? As long as Apple and Jobs take a hit all is good.

  24. rick salsman says:

    It’s no wonder Dvorak uses the Apple-button so much…look at this thread…a news item about a loon who randomly picks Steve’s name to holler as he spins off on his little melt-down and all this pops up…I’m saddened to be part of it.

    Here’s an idea. Use the computer you like and let’s start leaving each other alone about it…

  25. Nth of the 49th says:

    Silly people, that was JC after his latest stint where he chose an Apple over a PC.

  26. Peter iNova says:

    Yeah. Us Apple fanboys are anti (fill in the blank) all right. Mostly, we hate the Swiss. @#$%&*! nutralists!

  27. moss says:

    Just for the antifanboys who think they know their daytrading: “shares value rose 9.6 percent to $150.70 after Apple’s quarterly report.”

  28. Podesta says:

    There should be a lot of mea culpas on this thread, but there aren’t. Perhaps the usual suspects are hiding under their beds, crying because they could not buy stock before Apple hit its all-time high yesterday.

    SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) – As Apple Inc. shares climbed to new all-time highs on Thursday, assessments of the outlook for the company’s iPhone ran the gamut from declaring it an outright hit to concerns about how anticipation over the device could impact Apple for the rest of the year.

    And some of the that concern hints at Apple being a prisoner of its own success in drumming up hype for its eagerly awaited new products.

    AAPL146.00, +8.74, +6.4% ) shares touched a record high of $148.50 before retreating slightly to close with gain of $8.74, or 6.4%, at $146.
    . . .The action came after the maker of consumer electronic devices and PCs reported results for its third fiscal quarter late Wednesday. The results were boosted by strong sales of the company’s Macintosh computers and iPod digital media players.

    The Apple haters have been pawned.


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