1. bobbo says:

    Who gets paid to create ads that anyone would only watch once at most?

  2. OvenMaster says:

    “Irritating”? Yes. But “clever”? How?

  3. Cinaedh says:

    I thought Paris Hilton was about to be foisted upon me again.

    Since it wasn’t Ms. Hilton, I wasn’t as irritated as I might otherwise have been.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    You’re right. Very irritating, Paris Hilton or no. Guess I won’t be buying any Wonder Bras in the forseeable future.

  5. RBG says:

    1. You’re forgetting about the needs of guys like #2.


  6. RBG says:

    And that from the passenger side.

    Okay, just forget this one.


  7. tallwookie says:

    #2 – Clever, in that it doesnt even let you see the titties – all you see is some nice legs, then the word “wonderbra” – which would (usually) indicate that she needs some support cuz of the tig fookin bitties…

    that was my impression anyway

  8. hhopper says:

    RBG – It’s a right hand drive car.

  9. Alpha13 says:

    Uhh… I get nothing from that. There is nothing clever at all here, just another commercial about nothing. It’s not worth pondering.

    Hmmm…. and the networks wonder why their numbers are down.


  10. AdmFubar says:

    Wait till you see the ad for the WonderJock……

  11. OvenMaster says:

    #7: I would have paid more attention (and everyone else in the parking lot, too, I would guess) if this girl was walking around pushing a grocery cart wearing only a Wonderbra up top instead of pi$$ing everyone off by honking her horn.

    Oh, wait a minute.

    Honk. Honkers, Great big honkers. Or hooters. Nice big, loud hooters.

    NOW it all makes sense! 😀

  12. KVolk says:

    Gives a new meaning to honk if you got a pair….

  13. bac says:

    May be the great big honkers were honking the horn. The horn did stop when she got out.

  14. RBG says:

    8. And so wouldn’t it just add to the jocularity if, for a short time anyway, someone were to think it might be a… left hand drive? Ehhh? Ehhh?

    2 & 9. And now since I seem to be on a roll here: You see, we hear all this honking. It just doesn’t stop. What could possibly be causing all this noise, you might ask? Is it a mechanical malfunction? It seems that way. But then you see a lady get out of the right-hand drive car and the honking stops. Why would that be? Does the Wonderbra logo give us a clue? Now doesn’t their product have something to do with pushing forward, and accentuating a woman’s certain physical asset??? You know what I’m talking about. Perhaps even too good? (A nod is as good as a wink ;^) Yes, there’s nothing like a great stoppemfromfloppen. But the problem is, as you’ve seen, all that extra support could cause the inadvertent operation of the horn. That’s how good the product works. This unfortunate minor side-effect might, however, help women remember the more sought-after benefit.

    Next week, I explain what actually psychologically motivated the Chicken to cross the road.


  15. joshua says:

    was there actually a purpose for this waste of time?

  16. OvenMaster says:

    #14: RBG, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer and sometimes it takes me a bit of time to realize things, okay?

  17. RBG says:

    OvenMaster… Oh, you’re clever, alright. You neatly managed to make me feel bad.


  18. buckeye says:

    honking gets attention. wonderbra gets attention.

  19. OvenMaster says:

    My work here is done, then.


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