The producers of an off-Broadway show are giving away free tickets to anyone who can demonstrate his or her chastity. Which raises the question: Just how will the theater know?
They’re going to use the same kind of “expert” accepted as legit by any number of reality show producers, clueless redneck sheriffs – and ignorant fools:
The human lie detector, Sebastian Black, describes himself as a mind reader and a psychic hypnotist. “He’s a master of body language and tone of voice,” the producer, Ken Davenport said.
Davenport could not say how many actual virgins were likely to be admitted to the theater for the opening.
“There are a limited number of ‘virgin tickets’ available,” he said. “However, there are not that many virgins in New York City.”
Nothing like showing up to the theater and having a doctor say “Drop your pants”.
Wotta farce. Effective publicity stunt, though.
I guess this is some sort of PR, right?
Hmm I have the exact opposite problem. I’m such a geek I have a tough time proving that I”m not a virgin. Too bad I don’t like the theater.
That’s pretty simple, go there as a 35yo bald Star Wars fan living in your parents’ basement.
I’m a virgin at least thirty times now.
pedro, you read my mind… those heels are straight outta Kinksburg.