Kimberley Jones, UK Teen Model of the Year

BBC News – July 11, 2007:

Girls under 16 should be banned from the catwalks at London Fashion Week, according to an inquiry ordered by the British fashion industry.

The Model Health Inquiry is advising the organisers of London Fashion Week.

Panel chairwoman Baroness Kingsmill said it was “profoundly inappropriate” that young girls should be portrayed as adult women.

  1. Robbie says:

    I take it you don’t agree? The title isn’t exactly clear as females regardless of age can be referred to as girls.

  2. bobbo says:

    Didn’t they outlaw underweight models earlier this year?

    Gee Whiz—protecting the physical and mental health of women and young girls. Next they’ll be calling for chaperone’s for those midnight meals at the castle.

    Nanny state!!

  3. Graeme Allon says:

    I think only a particular subset of people would think that this is a bad thing!

  4. prophet says:

    #3 – Graeme Allon – I’m with you on this one. Seems there are too many people that want to see underage girls strutting around on the catwalk.

  5. atari42 says:

    #3 and #4 have a point

    I can’t help thinking that those protesting at this move are less concerned with the childrens health than with their own predilections.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the protestors are also in favour of allowing them to starve themselves…after all really thin girls look even younger don’t they?

  6. Stu UK says:

    Ah yee thick America’s.

    1) This is not the action of any government body

    2) We do not oppose govt. intervention unlike many Americas, note our free health care and education, you should consider watching “Sicko”. Even with a lot of govt. Intervention (around 38% of GDP) , we punch significantly above our weight, the 5th biggest economy in world with only our 60million people(0.9% of World Pop) compared with 1st USA with 5% of WP.

    3) Do a Google search for “Teen Models”, note how many under 18 photos they border on paedophilic and as much as you love your free market solutions, there are none to this, law makers must intervene.

  7. MikeN says:

    So child labor is OK, if it’s the exploitation of young women for sexual purposes?

  8. Akyan says:

    I have to say, banning under 16s seems completely resonable to me.

  9. tikiloungelizard says:

    That girl in the photo (Kimberley Jones) is not very attractive. I can’t understand why they made her “U.K. teen model of the year”. I’ll bet without makeup she’s even less so.

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    But they’re safe!

    The only 40+yo men there are gay and go after the 16-yo twinks.

  11. joshua says:

    This isn’t the goverment acting on this…’s the British Modeling society or whatever they call themselves. It’s like last year when the Spanish fashion federation banned size zero models, and I think the Italian federation did the same and some British fashion houses did it on their own. It’s an industry that has promoted anorexia for decades finally starting to clean itself up.

    I’m all for it, and they need to get rid of the kiddie porn little girl beauty contests that they have here in the U.S… that kid Jon Bonoit was involved in.

  12. BubbaRay says:

    #11, Joshua, Did you mean JonBenét Ramsey?

    is a Rep. Assemblyman from CA.

  13. Dauragon88 says:

    Seems like a good idea to me. This only sucks for the teen models, cause now they have to take a break for a few years. 16 seems like a good age to cut it off at anyway. I mean unless all of the 13-15 year old girls in the UK are early bloomers, they can’t possibly be on par with the older models in the first place.

  14. meme says:

    I think Kimberley Jones is stunning. shes a well educated young girl , who would not insult any one as tikiloungelizard has done. Hoe good looking is Lizard? lets see their photograph.

  15. meme says:

    In the UK we are waiting for a reply off Tikloungelizerd. And a pic please.Kimberley Jones was not in London fashion week. Has hever done cat walk………… So come on Tikloungelizard. who are ypu to judge a nice girl on the internet????????????? can not wait to see your pic!

  16. Jim Thio says:

    Beautiful girls don’t mind being a porn star. Yet the ugly cried that it’s women’s exploitation. Why?


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