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Alex Habay was in his Ford Taurus, stopped at a traffic light in downtown Meadville, Crawford County, yesterday morning, thinking about nothing, idly listening to a radio commercial while on his way to his summer job at the YMCA. That’s when a 1,500-pound wrecking ball smashed into the rear of his car.

Meadville police said the episode began around 9:45 a.m. about 3,600 feet away, near Allegheny College’s Pelletier Library, where a crane was demolishing part of the building. That’s where the cable holding the 3-foot-diameter wrecking ball snapped, starting its downhill tumble from the college to the town.

As it gained momentum, the wrecking ball rumbled from the campus along North Main Street, pinballing back and forth across the street, hitting nine parked cars and damaging curbs with each impact. By the time it reached Mr. Habay’s car at North Main and Randolph streets, it had gained enough momentum to crush the trunk into the back seat, showering Mr. Habay with glass and pushing his car into the two cars in front of him. The fourth car in line was a Meadville police cruiser.

Wow! Talk about being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  1. Dauragon88 says:

    The look on that officers face is priceless.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Cool 🙂

  3. John Paradox says:

    Quick! Someone find the scene from Raiders of The Lost Ark!


  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Whiplash! Whiplash!!

  5. PRB says:

    Must change from “smashes cars” to “smashes car”

  6. Greymoon says:

    How come that cop isn’t wrestling the ball to the ground, tazering, pepper spraying and slapping the cuffs on? An assault has just been perpetrated. Oh wait, he seems like a rational professional fellow with some common sense. Good for him!

  7. hhopper says:

    #5 – It hit 13 cars altogether. Read the article.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – How come that cop isn’t wrestling the ball to the ground, tazering, pepper spraying and slapping the cuffs on?

    He would be, but the ball isn’t wearing a hat, sitting in a library, and it watered its lawn just yesterday.

  9. Timinator says:


    Very much a four-letter-word when dealing with computers and wrecking balls.

  10. Iamanassholetoo says:

    I wish there was a video of this. beats the hell outta Saturday cartoons.

  11. Greymoon says:

    Yeah, I guess it was just doing its job also, wrecking. Hell maybe it will get a bonus from its corporate employer.

  12. ECA says:

    Thing travels over 1/2 mile,
    Face on cop is a SMILE, as it didnt hit HIS CAR(he was 4th in line).
    Lucky Bastard is the construction company that it didnt Kill anyone, WHICH would have been VERY VERY easy…

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #12 – And because no one was killed or seriously injured in a situation where there could have been a few deaths easily, I think smiling is actually an appropriate reaction.

    #11 – I am amused 🙂 by your strategic use of the word “corporate”. You obviously know your target audience….

  14. andy says:

    anyone giving odds on whether the insurance company will pay for the damage or not?

  15. BubbaRay says:

    #14, thanks, made my day There’s just nothing like a quantum green. 🙂

  16. Les says:

    I guess the operator was having a ball.

    The ball was out of his court.

    He wanted to wreck the day.

    The car was hit by a foul ball.

    I’ll not go on….

  17. Phillep says:

    Oh, man. Ka-blammo. Dead center. “Wakey, wakey!”

    No need for any more coffee that day. (Shorts, OTOH…)

  18. TJGeezer says:

    Bowling for Fords, the latest xtreme sport.

  19. Aaron Figueroa says:

    Is this the same wrecking ball that Homer was hanging on to??

  20. ECA says:


    I SAID FOUR!!!

    FOUR #$% IT FOUR….


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