Associated Press – July 10, 2007:

Scottish bride Teresa Brown’s dream of a perfect wedding day probably did not include attacking the groom with her stiletto shoe and spending the weekend in a cell.

Police arrested the 33-year-old in the couple’s hotel room in April while her wedding reception continued downstairs, prosecutor Alan Townsend said Tuesday at Aberdeen Sheriff Court. She spent the rest of her wedding weekend in a cell.

The distraught groom, Mark Allerton, 40, staggered to the front desk, clutching a bloody towel to his head, Townsend said.

“He indicated that his wife had struck him over the head with a stiletto heel,” the prosecutor said.

  1. Eggman9713 says:

    News: Wife attacks groom, spends weekend in jail.

    Give me a break. This is the kind of news I would expect on, not my favorite blog.

  2. LBalsam says:

    Maybe when no one comments it is because most of us agree with what has already been said and don’t have anything useful, or clever, to add.

    I am much more interested in real issues like net neutrality than “human interest” stories like this one. I am sure many readers feel the same.

    I read this blog every day and almost never look at Fark.

  3. MacBandit says:

    You know the posters on this blog are way way too sensitive about reader comments. It’s your blog post what you want. Readers will make comments some positive some negative. Most people are more inclined to comment when they disagree so if you don’t get any comments don’t fret it may be that no one disagrees. Also don’t jump down someone’s throat just because they leave a negative comment. Be happy that someone is interested in your site enough that they want to comment on it.

  4. Dauragon88 says:

    Hey SN, to counteract previous comments. I came to work today in a semi bad mood. Hearing about some poor bastard who got konked in the head by his wife instantly cheered me up.

    I highly doubt a post about Microsofts new update to Vista would have had the same effect.

    Heres a little test. Spend a week posting nothing but “real” topics like the War in Iraq, or that recent announcement reguarding the future of cellphone carriers in America, and see how many complaints you get.

    To be perfectly honest, most of the readers I have encountered here (including myself) are total geeks (meant as a term of endearment of course :D), and if there is one thing that geeks know how to do, and do extremely well, it’s complain.

    So no matter what there will allways be comments like “wtf…why did you post this….” I agree with you SN, if you think you know what people want to read, then make your own goddamned blog. Its quite easy, and free. I heard WordPress is pretty neat.

  5. hhopper says:

    My suggestion is don’t complain about what is posted. There’s no way everyone is going to like every post. Just skip to the next one and don’t waste your time complaining. We try and put a huge variety of stuff on here so that there is something for all tastes. However, if complaining is what you like to do, go right ahead.

  6. TJGeezer says:

    Okay, Hop, let me speak for everybody: complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain complain

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    And I thought American Bridezillas were a nightmare.

  8. We need a new department: Psycho Chicks in the News

  9. Mark says:

    Apparently they just weren’t “sole” mates.

  10. BubbaRay says:

    #10, LOL, 🙂

    Heel, boy, heel !!


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