The must be one of the greatest pranks ever! Click on pic to see a larger version.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Why would somebody cover a Jag in Post-Its? Nothing better to do? Pranking the owner?

  2. undissembled says:

    …Applied with superglue.

  3. Ben Waymark says:

    #1 How do you now its a jag?

  4. Bryan Price says:

    #3, because of the hood ornament?

  5. ECA says:

    I can see the guy now…
    Driver: But Officer, I could see AFTER they all blew off…
    Officer: thats why Im giving you a Littering violation also, and advertising without a permit.

  6. rich says:

    how about floam?

  7. Stars & Bars says:

    More images of the post-it note jag.


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