A group in Denmark burned an effigy of Mohammed (instead of a witch) at the traditional midsummer festival. Below is a translation of what is said in the video:

We declare:
Saint Hans’ Eve has always celebrated the tradition of burning away the evil, in earlier times symbolized by the witch, who was supposedly directly connected to Satan. And if the witch was not burned then the harvest could not be safely brought into the house.
Now a new evil has arrived in Europe, an evil that lies and kills in the name of their so-called God. An evil that springs from the so-called Prophet Mohammed. Therefore, in our time, it is he who symbolizes evil and it is not just one harvest that will disappear, but all of Western Europe’s future that will vanish if this evil is not dispatched to Hekkenfeldt [i.e. Hell, literally the Hekla volcano in Iceland — BB].
Therefore will we burn the so-called Prophet Mohammed, on June 23, 2007, in three nameless places.
We burned Mohammed in three different places across the country. We now release the video from the first burning. The next videos will be released on July 23 and August 23.
For a Mohammed-free Denmark!!!

I guess someone is spoiling for a fight.

  1. bobbo says:

    Cause and Effect

    Who started this?

    What is the rational response to agression?

    What is the long term goal of the Muslim Religion in Europe?

    Where are people free in the Muslim world? ((they may have freedom here and there–but not the arab version that is killing its critics.))

    Grab your socks.

  2. bobbo says:

    Just saw the video–great cover. Reminds me of Dred Zepplin–they cover all of Zepplins songs with a lead singer doing a spot on Elvis impression === all to a Reggae beat. I have heard them do just a few Doors covers. This song not heavy enough on the reggae sound, but good memories.

    Small band performing in California. Don’t know how well known they are but they have CD’s.

  3. John Paradox says:

    Actually, I think The Crazy World of Arthur Brown’s FIRE would have been a better musical background.


  4. mark says:

    32. Yeah Dread Zeppelin has been around for quite a while, its pretty funny stuff, not to be taken seriously. But not too bad actually. They shouldnt be messin with the Doors though, thats sacred ground.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I’m still dead, but I’ll keep you posted

  6. joshua says:

    If you iPhone groupies weren’t so busy licking the screen everytime one is mentioned, you may have noted that Denmark has been escalating for the past year. This is actually the lates in a series of events happening there, all because of the violent and totally uncalled for reaction to the cartoons publication last year.

    There has been a fight between the goverment and others, the goverment wants to back off the anti-muslim stuff and a larger and larger piece of the general population is fed up with political correctness. Many Dane’s were very upset that the goverment ran fast to kiss ass with the Muslims last year when Danish Embassy’s and business in the Muslim world were attacked, instead of standing firm.

    The Danes are not ready to let bygones be bygones just yet…..unlike the Dutch, who are backing off their anti-Muslim rhetoric more and more.

  7. OmarThe Alien says:

    By itself the video would be nothing, but now that’s it’s been shown all over the net every blow hard of every denomination plus the athiests will have to blather on about the consequences.
    After that particular souless rendition of “Light My Fire” I imagine Jim Morrison has not only turned over in his grave but is prowling the streets of Paris scaring hell out of the pop music set.
    And what’s with all the bleating over a phone?

  8. bobbo says:

    Its actually interesting to see where the culture/religion clash will take place first ((not counting all over the middle east and east asia)).

    I was thinking it would be France, but England is poised as well, with the Danes coming up fast, and the Dutch falling behind??? THATS a horse race I want to watch. GOUSA not facing as much provocation as yet but I’m sure our red necks will make us proud.

  9. Ninja says:

    I think they’re asking for it. I’m a Muslim, and I find this very offensive.

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    So do what all civilized humans do; ignore it and attend to things that don’t offend you.

    Everything and anything offends someone, somewhere. That’s life. No one has to respect you, or your religion – or me, or my religion. Others have the freedom, same as you do, to respect or disrespect whatever they choose to. If you decide that you are offended, then sobeit. It is your problem.

    Muslim culture must change and adjust to the reality that the world is not a Muslim possession and does not have to submit to Muslim beliefs, practices or authorities – and the sooner they grasp and accept that fact, the better off everyone is.

  11. bobbo says:

    39—What are they asking for other than not to have the Muslim religion forced on them?

    Do you consider yourself a moderate “average” Muslim or something else?

    What do you think the appropriate response to someone insulting Islam should be?

  12. Cursor_ says:

    Ok next time have them burn some other religious figures as well. I mean if you want to antagonize people, might as well go for broke!



  13. salem says:

    My son’s name is Mohamed , it is purely for the sake of tradition, after my father’s name. As a muslim who does not give a heck about religion, I think under the right of freedom of speech they are entitled to do whatever they like, however, can they really do the same for all religions and get away with it?
    When the moderate majority had the upper hand in most of the Muslim countries the west supported the mad Wahabis to fight communism, now it seem it is payback time. We even used to have porn magazine, for Pam sake, and they did not bother with the 5 second kiss limit set in Hollywood , in our old films. But generating conflicts requires giving prominence to religious zealots of all kinds. I think our curse in the middle east is too much oil with reemergence of religion, Jews included. For our incredible old films’ nude scenes, check out Al Fahd Syrian film, or several other Egyptian or Lebanese ones. Religion no good, porn fun. Long live the king.

  14. Cheesehand says:

    Apart from the free speech/religious tolerance angles there is another issue – how the media handles this.
    This article for example, takes a video from a small group of hateful people, give it massive coverage
    (compared to the plugs guys like this usually have access to) and spin it just to get readers/response.

    So why cover these guys – is it because they raise the problem in a new way and ask some provocative
    questions that make you think and maybe reevaluate your view of the problem, or is it their display of intolerance?
    Is this article on Dvorak because its important what a small lunatic fringe group is doing, or is the
    anticipation of the violence that may follow.

    This is an important subject, but the base for the discussion is so radical that every participant in the discussion is already in the defensive position.

    Furthermore a small group of people make a hateful video and the headline reads ‘is the country ready to explode in violence?’.
    Well not quite, and do such a dramatic headline help giving the reader information, that will help him/her, in analyzing/decide about the problem?
    The journalist should be more aware of their power over which topics are hot, and how we talk about them, and just referring that somebody said
    ‘Burn Muhammed’ or ‘Burn baby Jesus’ is not starting a debate but just being an amplifier for stupidity.

    The only information you get from this article is that free speech, religious tolerance and intolerance still are hot topics, and that are some loonies in Denmark,
    and that journalist prefer form over matter – number of readers over information.

    I’m usually not this grumpy, but this repetition of the same info in a new even more inflammatory form gets to me on rainy Wednesdays.

  15. bobbo says:

    Well, too bad ninja has chosen not to contribute further.

    43–Free speech is not something you “get away with.” You either exercise it or not. FREEDOM, the right of other people to do that which you would not. And yes, we would all be better off turning to porn rather than violence.

    44–You have identified both major reasons why that group is getting coverage. The fact that it is covered is more important than how it is covered. We all are responsible to filter/doubt the media for the spin it provides. That means more coverage of any issue, not less. I didn’t find your post gloomy at all ===but then I thought the newstory revealed the loonies in the Muslim world as much as with the Danes.

    What they didn’t highlight enough was the difference between cause and effect. Important don’t you think?

  16. MikeN says:

    I thought enlightened liberals like the Dutch don’t engage in hate, intolerance, and violence?

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    The Dutch are learning the hard way something our homegrown, knee-jerk variety has yet to learn; tolerance of everyone, which necessarily includes those who have no intention of tolerating YOU, is at best stupid and counterproductive, at worst suicidal.

    At some point, a sense of perspective will take hold among a minority of liberals, and they will finally accede to the fact that tolerance must be conditioned on it’s reciprocation, or it’s nothing more than high-minded social hara-kiri.

    Cheerfully offering freedom to people who are more accustomed to and comfortable with paternalistic authoritarianism is seen by them as approval for them to bring those authoritarian ways with them, and impose them on all. All freedom means to religious serfs is ‘freedom to spread religious serfdom.’

    Get it through your heads, folks; just because we collectively worship individual freedom doesn’t mean everyone else shares our enthusiasm for it. It scares a lot of people, and often for good reason, since they have so little experience of it, they don’t know quite what to do with it.

  18. James Hill says:

    #21 – And yet, none of that matters. The real question is if people will see this device as a ‘change agent’ of sorts, leading to new uses for mobile devices. That’s what time will tell.

    However, in terms of purchases, like the AppleTV, the thing is already a success: It will make money.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    …for some inexplicable reason, a image just flashed through my alleged brain – of James Hill standing on the street, poking intently at his new iPhone, oblivious to all else, as a vaguely Middle-Eastern-looking individual in the bacjground rolls a grenade between his feet…

  20. James Hill says:

    #49 – I’m sure the iPhone would alert me to said danger. A “MiddleEasternerAlert” web application should be easy to write.

    Now, besides offer me an overpriced solution, I’m not sure how the phone would solve my problem, but isn’t that any worse than the overpriced solution we’re already attempting (as a nation) to apply?

  21. just a guy says:

    This video is flaming more hatred. Posting it was stupid.
    I wonder if posters religious-ethnical background is playing in here.

  22. bobbo says:

    51—So, what else do you call news?

    birthday announcements only?

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, James,

    I’m sure it will take much more then some stupid overpriced phone to help your problem. You might try some stupid overpriced medical help first.

  24. Pat says:

    My name is Pat. I really get offended when I hear people say

    “I got it down pat
    “how patronizing”
    “let’s play patty cakes”
    “give the dog a pat

    The next time I hear someone use one of those expressions then I will burn their effigy.

  25. Nesakumar says:

    It seems that youtube removed the video. Can someone post a new link?

  26. RAJAN says:

    Dr. Ali Sina of faithfreedom.org has already expects that in 30 years time Islam will be a thing of the past. Wait for the release of his book “UNDERSTANDING MUHAMMAD” in all languages and especially for India, in TAMIL TRANSLATED BY “ALIE SIRAJ”


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