A group of hardline Pakistani Muslim clerics has bestowed a religious title on Osama bin Laden in response to a British knighthood for the author Salman Rushdie.
A group of clerics, the Pakistan Ulema Council, has given bin Laden the title “Saifullah,” or sword of Allah, in response to the honor for Rushdie, the council’s chairman said on Thursday.
“If a blasphemer can be given the title ‘Sir’ by the West despite the fact he’s hurt the feelings of Muslims, then a mujahid who has been fighting for Islam against the Russians, Americans and British must be given the lofty title of Islam, Saifullah,” the chairman, Tahir Ashrafi, told Reuters.
Don’t you love religious “leaders” who rely on the same crap as professional patriots. Keep the True Believers happy and you get to stay in power.
I guess they missed the part about Rushdie NOT being the leader of a criminal murder squad.
Bush said you were either with us or against us. Waiting for the next airstrike.
Whatever… like we care?
Its like schoolyard antics. You called my dad a name so I’ll call your dad a name. Cant we use some of our nukes to do a bit of landscape gardening in that part of the world?
Who cares, if they want to nominate the Queen on a deck of cards I and I think most of the world could care. The honest truth is this nonsense is getting old. I think Rushdie has been in hiding since around 1989. Let the man be, he was just pointing out flaws in the logic of a certain religion.
Besides, it’s not like all religions read like a D.C. universe graphic novel with more retcons and plot twists that anyone would care to shake a stick at. We recently experienced a similar but different with the gnostic writings of the Christian bible.
This is all silly…
#4 – it’s not like all religions read like a D.C. universe graphic novel
Actually, it is like that… Or did you mean that?
Anyway, Rushdie came out of hiding some time ago.
How I miss the old days, when quietly, subtlely, over time, persons unknown would slip some slow, systemic poison into these people’s food, and some others would meet with tragic “accidents”. In a couple years, a more moderate crop of imams would grow.
But that can’t be done any more – and they know that, and play it to the hilt. “You can’t just kill people… it’s not nice,”
Yeah, since the Agency has stopped assassinating such scum, the world has become such a peaceful, friendly place.
Oh! Ouch! Well, they leave me no alternative but to strap up a few dozen sticks of dynamite and trundle down to my local day care center. Hurt my damn feelings at your own peril!
#5, LOL, That’s why I love sarcasm… there’s always that residue of uncertainty…
bin Laden is a deeply religious individual following the teachings of his religion to the letter. This makes perfect sense.
That the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion teaches such violence is the part I find abhorrent. Some religious writings may be more violent than others. However, among all of the flavors of this religion, the writings, if read literally, lead to violence. Think Joshua at Jericho; think crusades, think inquisition, think clinic bombings, think 9/11.
Would we be violent without religion? Yes. Certainly. Are we more violent when we believe we are Right than when we merely believe we are right? Absolutely.
My personal fantasy is to do a napalm strike on a couple of thousand of these assholes when they get in a crowd and chant that “death to America” shit. Make lots of toasted assholes.
Islam – the religion four out of five assholes choose when they want to justify beating their wife!
They’re so cute when they’re damning themselves.
They seem to have about the same level of maturity as Bush Republicans.
Thousands of years from now, everyone will look back at these silly religions and how primitive mostly everyone was believing in any of these after life fairy tailes! (Hmmm.. just the same as we think of the Mayans, Aztecs, Druids, ect, ect ,ect)
#8 – Yes… except in this case I think your sarcasm has a grammatical error in it that leads me to think you meant the opposite except that I know you didn’t and….
I’m thinking too hard :-/
F. Muhammad (pb&j)
#12 – What hurts is that although we’ll be long dead and none of this will matter to us… Future anti-social blog junkies will think you and I were in the group that believed this voodoo crap.
#15 – OFTLO,
Are you really planning to be remembered that long? I’m just trying to get back in the food chain when I go, no lasting impression. Although, I do confess that getting into the fossil record would be a close second to getting recycled. I would just have to make sure I don’t have to take possession of some block of real estate to do it. Nah, too hard. Food chain is a better bet.
#16 – I was…
Now I’m just bitter, broken, and disillusioned.
Hey Scott, you just gave me an idea. I could go into the body fossilization business! I can see it now, “After you die, stick around for ever.” Only $999.95.
18. hhopper, you beat me to it.
16. Misanthropic Scott: Wouldn’t you like to be embedded fossil art hung over a warm fireplace as a conversation piece a million years from now?
12. H Friedman: Would that be before or after #9 Misanthropic Scott’s Second Righteous Atheist War?
Christian Britain honors someone for writing bad books. Muslim Pakistan honors someone for blowing things up. I think that sums it up quite nicely!
Been waiting for a long time to hear from clerics denouncing Bin Laden and the hijacking of their religion.
waiting… waiting… still waiting
#18 – hhopper,
Just remember that I already have the patent on the idea. So, just send me $50 off the top for each of your customers.
#19 – RBG,
No thanks on the art over the fireplace. I think it has already been done. Think Han Solo …
As for any war you’re attributing to me, please let me know what I’ve said that makes you think I’m violent? I’m more in line with the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement,, though not actually a member.
#18, you also beat me too it. That was my first thought.
I guarantee 21m3 of organic-free mud, carefully monitored in an oxygen free environment until all traces of moisture have been chemically and mechanically removed, followed by encasement in concrete and finally burial in a guaranteed non-development site…..
…Aw crap, I’ll just have you stuffed for 100 bucks.
May be I can hire a bunch of illegal immigrants to carve my likeness into the side of a mountain. I should probably do this before the immigrants are shipped back into their own country.
How about atheist bring back the Roman games where muslims and christians fight to the death. The WWE would have a hard time competing with that.
#20, Glib, Milo – I would have agreed back in the time of Satanic Verses; but, his later stuff has been pretty good. Prizewinners in their own right..