No, I’m not any more a fan of YouTube than I am of any of the “social networking” sites. What do you expect from a cranky semi-hermit? I’m lucky enough my wife and the dogs put up with me.

Anyway, the download landed, today.

Obviously, the menu has an addition.

And my immediate search for Cranky Geeks came up with the video that John posted here on the 15th. I did save a couple of items to show my honey, tonight.

I’m certain my peers here at DU will continue to post their discoveries. And, now, if I want to share them in the living room, it’s easy.

  1. undissembled says:

    You bought an AppleTV???

    Tee he he

  2. Mark Derail says:

    Finally a good reason to get a unit, DU on AppleTV. What about Twit?

    What does the remote control look like? A wireless keyboard?
    Does it have HDMI or composite for my Samsung LCD HDTV?
    Available in Canada?
    Available in black?

  3. You can get TWIT on the Apple TV by subscribing to the audio/video feeds in iTunes and syncing it with the Apple TV. I do it all of the time.

  4. Eideard says:

    #2 – Mark:

    Front Row remote. They presume you have a separate sound system. I switch everything with a 1-click press on my Harmony universal.

    Onscreen non-qwerty keyboard. So far. I’d rather have that than add a keyboard to the living room.

    HDMI and composite – and Toslink audio.

    Dunno ab’t Canada, yet. No black.

  5. Lucas Cantor says:

    The YouTube videos are, for the most part, surprisingly clear, even on my 61″ widescreen.

  6. sdf says:

    #5, those videos must be re-encoded, newly encoded or alternative youtube feeds, because there’s no way http youtube videos even scale to SD

  7. moss says:

    Apple re-encodes ’em.

  8. Robin says:

    This is quite intresting really, since I presume they don’t do reencoding of the videos already encoded into FLV, that have to mean that they have tons of terabytes (peta? hehe) of video sitting somewhere…

    Everyone seems to think that Youtube is some kind of future TV (don’t exactly want to start the whole IPTV discussion) – but to me it’s quite strange that everyone seems to adapt a service that only allows people to post 10 minute clips! There will never be any full broadcasts in this format, unless YouTube increase their limit… Apple seems to think that YouTube is some kind of future – what kind of indication is that? That Apple are wrong? 😀

  9. GregA says:

    I think Dvorak was right about getting technology and getting old in his column a couple of weeks ago.

    This actually makes me want Apple TV less… Is there some way to disable the youtube menu item?

  10. god says:

    Uh, #9 – you haven’t figured out how to NOT click on a menu choice? Spammers must love you.

  11. GregA says:


    As long as stuff like this is on YouTube

    I dont want it in my house!

  12. tallwookie says:

    #11 had me goin there for a sec… but then my little ponies ruined it

  13. ArianeB says:

    Cranky Geeks is available as a video podcast in iTunes on Apple TV.

    AppleTV is like a first generation IPTV system, so adding You Tube to the large podcast and itunes store is a step in the right direction.

    Still got a ways to what we all want: every movie and tv episode ever made available at our fingertips, either free with ads, or cheap without.

  14. GregA says:


    And what makes you think ponies are not banned from my house? 😉

  15. CanadianGuy says:

    Who cares buy a PS3 and watch anything you want on the internet. $300 and all you can do with it is watch Apple sanctioned content. Overpriced overhyped and redundant. Buy a PS3.

  16. god says:

    Uh, #15 – you never learned how to use software to convert one video file format to another? I thought Canadian geeks joined the non-DRM world a long time ago.

    Of course, if you’ve already had to justify spending $600 USD for a PS3, hey, got to find a couple more uses for it.

  17. Peter iNova says:

    I was frankly surprised at the image quality. It varies, of course, depending on the source, but often looks WAY better than it does on the YouTube site.

    Of course, many of the items are as dorky as ever.

  18. moss says:

    Geeks really should learn more about marketing. Half the folks commenting act like Apple adding YouTube to Apple TV is some sort of statement on ethics or religion.

    Cripes – they recognized there is an existing demand for a feature. They’re going to supply just a taste of it to tweak that segment and probably increase sales just a tad for doing it. Something like this is an enormous success if it brings an increase of 2-5%.

    That’s why they’ve added it to the iTunes database – and it will be on the iPhone, too.

  19. Podesta says:

    The YouTube videos are reencoded (by YT, I think) to H.264, Apple’s higher standard. That is why they are so clear. The first batch is 10,000, but all of YouTube will be available by the end of the year.

  20. GregA says:

    Apple owns H.264? News to me. Why Apple is innovating all over the place! I bet even Apple didn’t know they were that innovative!

  21. James Hill says:

    #16 – Kids like #15 don’t understand that using a gaming system for a media extender isn’t practical or cost effective. Just ignore them and they’ll go back to Digg.

  22. Podesta says:

    Apple does not own H.264. However, it does use that format, producing higher quality videos for iTunes, the iPod, Apple TV and, soon, something else. Not surprised that GregA didn’t know that, since he knows next to nothing about Apple.


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