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Now excuse me whilst I barf.
I haven’t seen last episode yet. Waiting to see it in high def. I have googled and found a few good web reviews though and its worth the exercise.
Almost a spoiler–arguably, some religious and color symbolism and internal references to past episodes make the ending very clear as the Director was quoted as saying “Its all there!”
In that vien, the last scene is of someone (the voter?) looking at Hiliary.
That’s the stupidest episode I have seen so far.
The Mt Kisco diner….I know it well!
Does anyone think either of them know anything about the show? They probably just thought it was a cute commercial about their campaign song. Also, who thought it would be a good idea to compare them to the Sopranos?
In answer to the the Headline question I can only say, “I hope so.”
#2 stop reading now.
The key line in the restaurant scene was “I ordered for the table.” It symbolized that it was Tony’s job to provide leadership for both of his families and that he was continuing to do so.
Please note that he got them onion rings which they all wanted and liked. I think it incredibly funny that in the Hillary spoof that she too ordered for the table but in her case she ordered what SHE thought was good for the family but which they don’t want.
This is a perfect example of what a Hillary presidency would be like.
Here’s an interesting take on the Sopranos last episode:
Highly disturbing.
Is this video a chop from it’s original? Who paid for it, Hillary?
Why? That man staring down the Clinton’s, wtf?
I Haven’t seen Sopranos last episode. So is this a mix of the last episode of Sopranos with the Clinton’s chopped in?
Well, it creeped me out.
Three mobsters in a diner.
No further comment needed.
#6 – I love it!
Duhbya makes stupid decisions with out any consideration for the consequences or experts or cabinet & he’s a “strong” leader. Hillary comes on the same way and you snidely say “This is a perfect example of what a Hillary presidency would be like.” ?
At least the bitch is literate and can think! Although you may not like what she thinks (I don’t). She’d be less of an embarrassment than the current turd head & more of a man.
Gosh I miss Bill!!!!
#6 – Please note that he got them onion rings which they all wanted and liked. I think it incredibly funny that in the Hillary spoof that she too ordered for the table but in her case she ordered what SHE thought was good for the family but which they don’t want.
This is a perfect example of what a Hillary presidency would be like.
I would agree that there are things Hillary wants that I don’t want… But the only thing that comes to mind is this absurd crackdown on video games she was going on about during the blown out of proportion GTA: San Andreas fiasco… Which is when I decided that Hillary Clinton is not a friend of the First Amendment and thus not a friend of mine.
But that personal bit aside, you read on what the country wants may be quite faulty, and you might well be confusing it with what you want.
Oh big whoop tee doo, her campaign staff can rip off a plodding, poorly written and boring series on HBO.
Richardson is better, its a job interview and he is OVER qualified. At least THAT is original. How many of the pins that are running on either side would interview for the job?
Clinton’s and the mob seems logical to me. Exactly how many of their business partners ended up dead? Oh, and you do have to love her outsourcing her song to Canada. I’m actually surprised it’s not Red Chinese.
#11: That’s funny, her reaction to GTA: San Andreas is exactly the same reason that caused me to decide she isn’t a friend of me, as well.
“Clinton’s and the mob seems logical to me. Exactly how many of their business partners ended up dead?”
Hey Bob – exactly how many Americans are Bush, Rummy and the rest of the neocon Hitler Youth responsible for getting killed? – 3500 and counting? And boy howdy we got those terrorists on the run!!
#15: <off_topic>I really need to start playing GTA:SA (I bought the “naughty” version after hearing about the controversy, but my PC was not powerful enough to run it at the time, so I gave up trying). I don’t know about you, but GTA:III has a ton of replay value. It’s vigilante mode is the best, IMHO. I still waste tons of time just chasing down the bad guys, heh. My record is approximately 150 in a row…
Drunken GTA:III vigilante mode is f*cking awesome!</off_topic>