Suggested blog theme
The so-called “blogger outreach” programme was launched last week by the National Republican Senatorial Campaign committee. A 39-page internet guide contains handy tips for candidates hoping to plug into the blogosphere in 2008.
I guess you have to be someone they trust to get a copy. I couldn’t find a .pdf at their website.
Lesson number one: YouTube is a make-or-break force in national politics, not a plumbing outlet or an embarrassing, middle-aged lower abdominal complaint.
Always assume you are being recorded, and record your opponent, the guide states. Forget old-fashioned leaks to newspapers; campaign press secretaries should feed their news to bloggers, to create electronic “buzz”. “Every campaign should film their candidate and record his/her every move,” it says.
I wonder if that will include taping golf trips with lobbyists – and publishing them on YouTube?
“Every campaign should film their candidate and record his/her every move”
I agree, that way there will be more evidence at his/her trial. In fact, record them every moment of their time in office. If they have nothing to hide they have nothing to fear.
Step I: moan loudly about how the dvorak.org/blogs of the world are on a Bush smear campaign
I like the part where they whine about getting caught in racist politics – as if getting caught was more important than being bigots.
This beats the Democrat plan of letting anyone who shows up to a polling place cast a vote, with no verification.
I guess the democrats aren’t going ot use bloggers at all, and god forbid they post something on youtube.
Pretty pitiful reach for a if your looking to make the conservatives look bad
If a Nazi Eagle is atop the Republican flag, then surely, a Soviet Hammer and Sickle is atop the Democratic flag.
Not that we’re trying to divide or anything…
This will be the first real cyber-election.
My observation is that it is easier to lie on the internets.
I fear for the Republic.
I get real tired of the Bush-bashing. Not that he doesn’t deserve it, it’s just that it doesn’t solve anything. We’re caught in an endless cycle of corrupt politicians. Bush gets bashed by the Democrats. The Democrats get elected and are bashed by the Republicans. Round and round we go–where we stop, no one knows. It’s time for a real change. Stop feeding into the two-party bullshit.
I’d like to see more focus about other candidates (other than dems or repubs), as well as weird/funny stories. The margarita sippy cup was a hoot–well maybe not for the parents.
#7 – And it will be the last, once the political machines realize the Internet has zero impact on voter turnout. It’s all about getting your guys to get off their asses on election day, it’s now about converting non-believers.
#9 – Don’t hold your breath on that changing, because then a number of the posters here would become relevant. Like that’s going to happen…
#9 – Big A,
I think you’re on to something. I’ve been saying for a long time that I would love to have a zero party system. Imagine a system where we learned about candidates as individuals instead of party members. Imagine a system where each candidate that successfully gets the number of signatures gets the government allotted sum of money for the level of campaign they’re in. Imagine that no one is allowed to spend their own money on campaigning or seek campaign contributions. Imagine then voting for a person who most represented your ideas, rather than some corrupt party.
And then I woke up … and screamed.
#11, Scott, that would be way too logical for this country. What a great idea. It could work, but only if you forbid morani tabloid shows like “Extra” and “Inside Edition” from giving airtime to the best looking candidates, you know, those shows that influence the majority of today’s voters. 😐
MORE SPAM, and this time its LEGAL.
Who reads blogs anyway?
And even more important, IN THE USA WHO READS ANYWAY?
You’re here, so whats your excuse.
this is the reason that the democrat’s lost in 04– no coordination
having everyone on the same page is just smart politics
and the liberals are just too pluralistic and inclusive to create anything so concise
Anyone remember the 90% support for Bush after September 11 going into Afghanistan. The basing started not long after that and it was clearly republicans bashing liberals. So don’t give me this garbage about divisiveness being caused by democrats.
#4, Mike
This beats the Democrat plan of letting anyone who shows up to a polling place cast a vote, with no verification.
Comment by MikeN — 6/18/2007 @ 6:08 am
Which is a darn sight better then the Republican past time of eating babies and raping old women.
I get real tired of the Bush-bashing. Not that he doesn’t deserve it, …
But, that is why we bash him. Because he does deserve it.
#18, Hillary Clinton and other Democrats have proposed bills doing exactly that. Show me the Republican bills.
NAZI symbolism will always make your argument seem extremist. Never use it, unless you’re dealing with real NAZI’s.
Sure looks like a cross and a Roman eagle up top. Does it remind you of something else, RT? Or would you rather just avoid the questions provoked by the post – like are the Republicans capable of moving beyond form to substance?
I’m in Honduras. What’s your excuse?
#23 – hey, at least mister justin and I get to argue about the Copa Oro semi-final on Thursday.
#20, Mike,
C’mon, could you link to some legislation Clinton (or any Democrat in Congress) has proposed that would allow totally unrestricted voting? I know that they want to loosen some of the Republican inspired hurdles that impede people’s right to vote, but c’mon, show me where they would allow unrestricted voting.
RIGHT. Making up your bullcrap again. Typical Right Wing Nut Neo-con Evangelical Conservative Republican crap. Heard it on one of those radio talk shows so it must be true.
#22…alger….apparently you haven’t seen to many Roman eagles.
The sysmbolism is very obvious, and truely unnessary.
The Republicans of today have done enough things badly and wrong to hold their feet to the fire over without demonizing people with symbols of hate from a regime that epitiomized hate and cruelty.
I tend to agree with MisanthropicScott. I would love to see candidates as undeclared non-partisians. My only disagreement would be on the financing. I agree with the Supreme Court ruling that stated that money is free speech, therefore can’t be regulated. But, like free speech, it’s not completely free…..like the old adage about yelling fire in a crowded theatre. I think that ruling could be used to not allow money from Pac’s, corps., Unions, etc. in elections. Only money from individuals, totally transparent, that had to be reported online with-in 24 hours of being given, or the candidate could be barred from the office he/she is seeking.
Fusion……while members of Congress or Clinton may not have actually sponsered a bill in congress to do those things, Democrats in the states have…..all of the motor voter and same day registration laws were passed by Democrats in the states. They have been spotty at best, and a source of much corruption. Democrats have also pushed for on-line voting, another way of stealing elections.
Off topic, but a quick note to Fusion…..I’m not the only one who still thinks McCain will eventually get the nomination….just watched and read a good interview with Bob Strum today in the Washington Post, they talked to him about all the top tier candidates, and he thinks the same thing. You also might want to check the latest polls, ABC….NBC….Real Clear politics, and Rassmussion….they all show congress below 25% approval…..looks like people aren’t happy with Nancy.
Joshua, the Count Every Vote Act of 2005 implements same day voter registration. It’s more like immediate registration, and states are not allowed to consider not having proof of citizenship, or a social security number, as a material omission. SO people have to be processed and allowed to vote, with their ballots being treated identically with others.
It should have been called the allow Illegal Immigrants to Vote Act of 2005. It’s been a part of Democrats’ strategy since at least 1996, when Rahm Emanuel ran Bill Clinton’s Citizenship USA initiative to green light as many citizens as possible before the election. They just skipped criminal background checks and legality checks to get people in the voting booths.
All I know is that the Mexicans need to be kicked out of their high horse, they’re too full of themselves when it comes to Soccer.
Mexico hasn’t been doing too well in soccer head to head versus the US.