All this fuss about cops and their toys. Come on! They were laughing while they Tasered the guy meaning it was all in fun. What, cops aren’t allowed to have fun? Cripes!
Man calls for EMS, gets police Tasers
Waxahachie [TX] resident Allen Nelms says a call to 911 to get medical attention for his diabetic seizure got him Tasered by police instead.
He said he still has no answer as to why police broke down his door with their guns drawn before shooting him multiple times with a Taser as he lay in bed.
“One of the officers said I ‘lunged’ at him. I asked him, ‘How can I lunge at you from my back and on my bed?’ ” Nelms said in an interview with the Daily Light.
All he’s received, he said, is a one-paragraph statement from police that indicates the department concluded an investigation into his allegation of excessive force in less than five days, with Assistant Chief Brett Colston saying the officers operated within policy guidelines.
“After they did their shooting and laughing, they came out (of) the rooms. The paramedics had to pull out the Tasers,” she said.
“This police department has a bad history of disparate treatment on the east side,” Ramsey said. “They’re not treated fairly. They’re not treated justly.
“I bet the police wouldn’t kick in a white man’s door on Spring Creek at 4:30 a.m. and Taser him three or four times,” said [Nelms’ attorney] Ramsey, saying he will seek justice on Nelms’ behalf.

They cops either A) had reason to believe that he had a copy of “Grey’s Anatomy” on his computer B) they were tipped off that this guy was an immigrant or C) these heroes felt threatened by a guy laid out on his back
These tards will be escorted out the front door and let in the back.
Near the bottom of the article, it states the cops were called because the 911 call was hung up before completed. So, that makes sense which was kept a mystery for too long. Still–I would expect people making “medically oriented 911 calls” to hang up early==but here maybe the medical nature was not even relayed as the cops made that call?
Sounds bad, but better a taser than a 38.
Total BS the records are withheld from the public pending litigation.
Poor thing.
I honestly don’t see why people like this victim don’t become Canadians.
Right now Canada has some interesting immigration policies, as long as the person starts a business or takes ownership of one.
Self-employed for three years, then access to all the benefits offered by our great country.
Or a full-time professional job in a company for three years. Myself I’m looking for a .Net programmer here in Montreal, Quebec. Anyone interested in living where the beer actually has bite?
Can you believe it ?
Public servants ?
What if the guy was blind ?
Better not give those fellow access to guns and handguns.
Remember when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
The only defense against an out of control government (the police being one of a governments enforcement arms) is an armed citizenry & the vote. You lose one, you’ll lose the other.
#3 – Mark Derail’,
As a diabetic, your offer looks pretty good. Know of any J2EE positions? Are there any restrictions on people with health conditions? I’m in tight control with no complications. Where is Canada’s center for financial programming? Montreal? Toronto? Vancouver? Please let it be Vancouver! What an amazing island with 800+ year old hemlock trees, killer whales in the Johnstone Straight, black bears on the island brown bears on the mainland and Whistler/Blackcomb nearby. And all this with nationalized health care.
I had a cousin that slapped the hell out of me in an hypoglycemic attack. He didn’t remember a thing. This happened often because he would eat too much and try to compensate with extra insulin. He was a type 1 diabetic. Yes the cops should have been better educated.
err I live on Vancouver Island, methinks you’ve read to many tourist brochures, and we still pay for health care up here.
For #7 Misanthropic Scott go to the Cagematch forum on this site.
#9 good point. My grandfather was diabetic, we learned early not to jump in his lap when he was sleeping (during the day in front of the TV).
So if the victim was scared and reacted when the police barged in…
IMHO, two cops against one man’s (the victim’s) words. Perhaps cops should be outfitted with Cop Cams.
I am all for the police wearing cop cams on duty. The video should be downloaded at the end of each shift for storage/evidence and public viewing. I think this would significantly improve the reputation of the police and cut way down of the abuse of citizens.
Well, if this guy put one on his cat, why not on the cops?
The best kind of pig is the kind in a BLT.
#3 – Too cold
Too cold in Canada counter :
When it’s cold, it’s easy to be warm outside & inside.
When it’s super hot in the warm states in the summer, it’s too hot everywhere.
Cold weather breeds character. Hot weather breeds rabies, mosquitoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, skin cancer, acres & acres of mobile homes . . .
Why don’t the police administrators realize that admitting a mistake is by far cheaper then denial and cover-up. If there are bad cops on the force, then get rid of them. Even if the department wins this round, they will lose in the end.
Geeze, crap like this makes me ill to my stomach.
[off topic]
#13, Mark, thanks for the link. I’ve always wanted to put a cat-cam on mine, especially when she goes into a tizz. 🙂
[on topic]
When your blood sugar drops below 50 or so, no telling what you can do. I’ve seen it happen. Scary.
I wouldn’t mind cop-cam, then we could find the absolute best bars and donut shops. 🙂
#10 – Nth of the 49th,
Actually, that was just my experience on the north end of the island and on the mainland side at Knight Inlet. Perhaps the end by the city is not so nice. I wouldn’t know.
And, I can’t find the cagematch forum Mark Derail is talking about. I agree though about the temperatures, at least for a little while longer …
In preparation for the eventuality of a Repug win in ’08 and the subsequent destruction of what’s left of America – I’ve already discovered Vancouver, BC, so the rest o’ y’all just keep movin’. I hear it’s real nice in Alaska, you might wanna look into that…
It’s a GIF button on the left side.
Here’s the link for cagematch:
It’s basically a regular forum like many others out there, all customized so that “Edit” is “Modify”.
20. This is so great. We’ll live in the same city then.
#16, Mark
As a former Canuck, I have to mention one thing you haven’t.
When it is cold out, you can always put on more clothes. When it is hot, there is a limit to what you can take off.
What the hell is going on with law enforcement in this country??? This isn’t random anymore, this kind of stuff is in the news on a daily basis.
Too many cops just plain out of control. If they aren’t making life miserable for common citizens, they are beating their wives and kids. I know that most cops are good people who just want to do a good job, but this is just getting to be to much.
The solid blue wall has to crumble….I know if I was a cop, I would not want to allow this kind of stuff by a few psycho’s tar my reputation.
Depends whether you can afford perfection amongst police facing death every day or are willing to accept having to deal with the incidents highlighted in the news.
You can malign the police but I have to note when your own life is on the line and you need one, I suspect they rank up there with the Second Coming.
“You can malign the police but I have to note when your own life is on the line and you need one, I suspect they rank up there with the Second Coming.”
When it comes to health care professionals and Doctors, life is almost always on the line. Except, the public is routinely suing the Doctors, hence the rise in malpractice insurance.
Yet with Cops I wonder why the public inconsistency and legal hypocrisies where harsh standards are meted out to heath care professionals and lame excuses like yours meted to out tasering, beating, killing Cops?
Gesh, we even routinely prosecute and sentence Solders by the hundreds for following orders. Why then all these lame excuses, excusing bad Cops?
#25, RBG
Geeze man, you are trolling a lot lately.
You can malign the police but I have to note when your own life is on the line and you need one, I suspect they rank up there with the Second Coming.
If my life is on the line then I want a cop that can be trusted to do the right thing. I don’t want to be shot because I’m confused with the bad guy or am just collateral damage. I don’t want to be dragged off to jail until the matter is straightened out two or three months from now. Most importantly, I don’t want to have to hire a lawyer to sue the cops because they made a
rashstupid decision.There are very few cops this bad. They are not the ones I want giving me a ticket. They are not the ones I want to serve and protect. I want them off the force.
Sorry guys, I didn’t realize things like due process, the other side’s evidence, or support for police in general was going to be so upsetting to you sensitive types. I’ll try to agree with everything you have to say in future.
“The term troll is highly subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. The term is often used to discredit an opposing position, or its proponent, by argument fallacy ad hominem.”
Goes to show you – a little knowledge – or no knowledge in the hands of a dangerous person is …..
Still I am always amazed that 2 – 3 years later in an inquiry police are supposed to answer for every action at every second in time.
Most of the actions and reactions must be quick – very quick and reflexive.
It is very difficult to be a police man never mind all the jokes about donut shops on the highways of California.