
ANTIOCH, Calif. (AP) – Kim Mayorga was confused when her 2-year-old started making funny faces and pushing away the apple juice he had ordered at Applebee’s. The explanation came when she opened the lid of the sippy cup and was hit by the smell of tequila and Triple Sec.

The restaurant staff accidentally gave Julian Mayorga a margarita Monday. He grew drowsy and started vomiting a few hours later and was rushed to the hospital.

“I wasn’t going to make a big deal about it,” the mother told the Contra Costa Times on Thursday, “but then he got sick.”

The apple juice and margarita mix were stored in identical plastic bottles, and the manager mistakenly grabbed the margarita container to pour the boy’s drink, said Randy Tei, vice president for Apple Bay East Inc., which owns the franchise restaurant and nine other Applebee’s in the San Francisco Bay area.

Just another chance for lawyers to get rich.
Found by Bubba Martin.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Did his mom then try to board a plane with said sippy cup?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:


    The TSA might have though the toddler was related to Lindsay Lohan.

  3. OvenMaster says:

    “Just another chance for lawyers to get rich”? Heck, I’m not one to sue people, but even this would get me into court with a suit. Two reasons:
    1. the staff risks injuring a baby? Who knows precisely the amount of alcohol that can hurt someone so young?
    2. serving alcohol to minors. I bet anything they didn’t card the kid. Last I knew that was illegal in all 50 states.
    Face it. An Applebee’s staffer screwed up and should lose his job at the very least.
    My two cents

  4. bobbo says:

    3–The short article says the manager did it.

    It also says the bottles for alcohol look the same as the bottles for apple juice – -so again management as in Franchise.

    You say you aren’t one to sue, but its what you would do? Do you know who you are?

    I would submit my medical bills for payment with a note that they should bottle their alcohol in distinctive containers. I’m sure they would do the former and not the latter. If I were one to sue people, I might think about it 6 months later if there were no changes.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Hey mom…. more firewater please!!

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    I go with #4, Bobbo. Submit the medical bills. Include all follow up visits as well.

    This was a systemic problem. Unfortunately these things only become obvious after the fact. I don’t think there was any malicious or indifference by Applebee’s.

    If Applebee’s is smart, they will contact the family first and ask what they can do to make matters right. Ignoring the problem is usually the first mistake by corporation about to be sued.

  7. BubbaRay says:

    When in Puerto Vallarta about sixteen years ago, we went to a “four star” restaurant and when seated the staff brought out “slammers”, a concoction of tequila and 7-up and then proceeded to place one in front of my twelve year old daughter.

    Of course, Dad got two free slammers but Mom is still freaked out. I’ve heard that Mexico is enacting rules against underage drinking. Darn, that will forbid my niece from going to get me a new beer while I’m in the pool. 🙄

  8. bobbo says:

    6—Well, maybe I’d ask for a couple of free coupons too. I won’t deny my own impulses as greedy, not in our system.

  9. C0D3R says:

    This would have been quietly swept under the rug and ignored had the story not been rife with apple juice, Applebee’s, and the owner Apple Bay. Microsoft’s attempted baby drunkening never gets a drop of ink here. Oh, but one Apple slip up and BAM Dvorak goes wild. Talk about sensationalist propoganda. What a heap.

  10. RBG says:

    The original Woodward’s Gripe Water contained 3.6% alcohol

    “It works well!! I used it with my son.
    The listed ingredients on the bottle I have are:
    Medical Ingredient: “Sodium Bicarbonate 50mg/5ml
    Non Medical Ingredients: Water, sucrose, glycerine, Polysorbate 80, dill oil, anise oil, fennel oil, p-hydroxy benzoate, ethanol.

  11. Misanthropic Scott says:

    For anyone looking to start their kids young, I suggest very sweet wine. 8 days old is the approved age for boys to get their first drink in the religion into which I was born. Ah nothing like a little Manischewitz and a circumcision to get the day off to a good start. Waaaaa … gulp gulp … zzzzzzz.

  12. tallwookie says:

    this was obviously a simple mistake by an over-worked, under-paid individual… ever worked in a resteraunt? when it gets busy the manager takes the brunt of the blame… if parents want to avoid this they should take their kids to fast food places – theres no alchy being served there…

  13. Rob says:

    Sippy cups seem to be making the news a lot lately. Perhaps they are Al Qaeda constructs, infiltrated into America to foment disorder and rebellion?

  14. Joel says:

    Next time I get my son’s sippy cup filled at a restaurant, I have to remember to take a sip first. It may be better than what I’m drinking.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Cheaper too.

  16. Johnny says:

    $5 says the kid was being loud and the staffer wanted to quiet him down.

  17. Misanthropic Scott says:

    #16 – Johnny,

    Here’s a better solution to noisy kids.

  18. BubbaRay says:

    #17, Scott, thanks. Too bad it won’t work on airlines, but since I don’t fly commercial anymore, it doesn’t matter. Great find. 🙂

    “According to the terms of my parole, I’m not really supposed to be this close to children”. Mom, Dad, or whoever they pawned off their hell-spawn onto will immediately grab the little devil and exit your presence!!

    Now why didn’t I think of that?

  19. joshua says:

    #7…BubbaRay…..your not going to the right places in Mexico….all the hotels where we go have pool bars….swim up, sit down and float away later, hopefully, not face down. 🙂

  20. BubbaRay says:

    #19, Scott, at LaJolla de Mismaloya where Predator and Night of the Iguana were filmed, the resort has 5 pools, two with pool bars. But the neatest pool is the one with cave and waterfalls. No pool bar there and I just want to get a brew without having to leave the pool. I know, too darned lazy. 🙂


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